
What is China's confidence in not being afraid of the threat from the United States? Hong Kong media data revealed: China's miraculous achievements are close to completion

author:A knight of national relations
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中方无惧美国威胁底气何在?港媒数据揭露:中国制造神功接近大成","en":"What is China's confidence in not being afraid of the threat from the United States? Hong Kong media data revealed: China's miraculous achievements are close to completion"},"description":{"content":"布林肯访华后威胁“全面贸易战”,中方没有任何外交回应,果断拒绝了美方旨在挑拨中俄关系,要求中国限制中俄贸易、限制对俄高科...","en":"After Blinken's visit to China, he threatened a \"full-scale trade war\", and China did not have any diplomatic response, and decisively rejected the US side's attempt to sow discord between China and Russia, demanding that China restrict Sino-Russian trade and restrict high-tech relations with Russia."}},"items":[]}