
Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

author:Hu Zai said gossip

1. Today's wonderful times

At this moment, Cai Shaofen was sitting in the corner of the audience, her eyes instantly became gentle and moist, and her tears were like a flooding river, sliding down her face uncontrollably. She clearly understands that every word spoken by this speaker is a true portrayal of the two of them being together through thick and thin.

From the scene when Cai Shaofen decisively rejected Zhang Jin to pour out his love to him, to the resolute man who finally melted her with his deep feelings, and now they have walked hand in hand for a long time, this journey is full of hardships and challenges.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

At this moment, their family of five shares a warm and harmonious family atmosphere, the two lovely daughters have grown into a beautiful girl, and the youngest son is learning to walk, his childish appearance makes people feel pity.

Cai Shaofen devotes herself to taking care of her three children, busily shuttling between the kitchen, living room and bedroom, taking care of the family's affairs.

Looking at her so hard-working figure, although Huang Sumei didn't say it, her heart was full of emotion and relief.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Under the influence of Cai Shaofen, the mother, who was once addicted to gambling, gradually accepted and believed in Christianity, and successfully got rid of the decades-long gambling habit. The mother and daughter finally re-established a deep family bond.

Huang Sumei no longer feels lonely, and she sometimes takes the initiative to help Cai Shaofen take care of her children and reduce her heavy burden of housework. Looking at her three lively and lovely grandchildren, Huang Sumei also experienced the sweet taste of family happiness.

Second, the difficult past

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Let's turn back the hands of time and go back to Cai Shaofen's childhood, when those days of poverty were like a blunt knife that pierced deep into her heart, always reminding her of the hardships she had experienced.

At that time, she was only 5 years old, and her father couldn't stand her mother Huang Sumei's gambling addiction, so she resolutely ran away from home. The young Cai Shaofen could only watch his father turn away without hesitation, and his heart was full of pain and helplessness.

Since then, only her mother Huang Sumei and her brother have been left in the family.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Without her husband, the breadwinner of the family, Huang Sumei can only rely on odd jobs to make ends meet. However, gambling has become a habit that is difficult for her to break, and the income she earns is either squandered or crushed by debt, and she has no idea of saving at all.

The life of the family is always in a predicament of nervousness, chaos, and financial constraints, and is under constant mental pressure.

Cai Shaofen has suffered from poverty with her brother since she was a child. The most common phenomenon is to endure the invasion of hunger and live a helpless life of running around.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

They often go hungry simply because their families are too financially struggling to buy enough food.

To make matters worse, whenever my mother fell into the abyss of gambling again, they had to leave quietly in the middle of the night, wandering around just to avoid the debt collectors who followed them.

Cai Shaofen has adapted to this upheaval lifestyle since she was a child, and she has an amazing "stunt" - she can organize everything in the house in the shortest possible time, so that she can always be ready to escape from danger.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Recalling those difficult years, she said with emotion: "Due to financial constraints, we had to keep moving, and because we couldn't pay the rent, we had to run away from those who collected debts, about 20 times.

Looking back on Cai Shaofen's growth process, the shadow of her childhood is like layers of dark clouds hanging over her heart. However, to get rid of all this, it takes a kind of perseverance and tenacious fighting spirit.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Thankfully, fate did not abandon her completely, but instead gave her an outstanding appearance, which became an important bargaining chip to change her fate in the future.

3. The starting point of life

For Choi, participating in the Super Beauty Pageant hosted by Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) is undoubtedly a precious gift from fate. At only 15 years old, she looked a little immature and clumsy when she first appeared on stage, but with her excellent conditions, beautiful face and elegant and straight figure, she successfully attracted the attention of the judges.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Although her performance that time was not outstanding, TVB's senior management was obviously deeply impressed by her. Cai Shaofen clearly remembers that on the way home, her mother Huang Sumei was furious with her, extremely angry, and tears rippled.

However, that didn't shake her dream of modeling.

"As long as you're in a supermodel competition, you don't have to worry about housework." Huang Sumei's words undoubtedly aroused a glimmer of hope in Cai Shaofen's heart. At a young age, her thirst for money has long been deeply rooted in her bones, and it is natural that she cannot get rid of heavy housework.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

So, at the instigation of her mother and aunt, Cai Shaofen signed up for the TVB supermodel contest again. Although she was a little rusty when she first stepped onto the runway in high heels, it also gave her valuable experience.

Two years later, with endless expectations and firm belief for the future, Cai Shaofen once again stepped on that dazzling stage and actively participated in the 1991 Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant. In this competition, she is well prepared, and her mastery of the stage environment is more proficient than before.

Finally, with her outstanding performance skills, 19-year-old Cai Shaofen successfully won the third place in the Miss Hong Kong competition, becoming one of the youngest Miss Hong Kong winners in history, and at the same time, she officially stepped into the entertainment circle full of challenges and opportunities.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

However, what is unexpected is that Cai Shaofen unexpectedly met Liu Luanxiong, the richest man in Hong Kong at that time, at a dinner. The business tycoon, known as the "female star harvester", fell in love with Cai Shaofen at first sight, and since then he has begun his passionate pursuit, expressing his love with precious diamond jewelry and luxury real estate.

Under the repeated persuasion of her mother, 18-year-old Cai Shaofen finally chose to become one of Liu Luanxiong's many lovers.

As a lover, Cai Shaofen dedicated her entire youth. In order to repay her mother's endless gambling debts, she had to reluctantly sell the precious gifts given to her by Liu Luanxiong, and even tasted the bitterness and bitterness of life in this relationship process.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Until the age of 27, she experienced the lowest point in her life and wanted to give up everything at one point.

At this life-and-death moment, the Christian faith brought her hope of rebirth, and she finally made up her mind to end her relationship with Liu Luanxiong and devote herself wholeheartedly to the development of her career.

Fourth, go all out to chase your dreams

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

After the lover relationship with Liu Luanxiong came to an end, Cai Shaofen devoted all his energy to the development of his career. She is full of love and dedication to her career and has never relaxed her dedication to her work, even during her pregnancy.

This dedication and devotion to the cause has finally paid off handsomely after several years of hard work for Cai Shaofen. At the age of 25, she won the highest honor of a first-line actor - behind the scenes. starred in the TV series "Wonderful Hands and Benevolence" and "No. 1 Royal Court IV.", both of which achieved good ratings and good reputation, making her the "Four Great Flowers" on TVB with Chen Huishan, Xuan Xuan, and Guo Keying.

And the most talked-about thing is undoubtedly the role of "Queen Mother" she created in the 2011 hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem". She vividly played this insidious, cunning, and greedy villain, and won warm applause from the audience.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Director Zhu Xiaolong was initially full of worries, especially about Cai Shaofen's distinctive, but slightly jerky Hong Kong Putonghua accent, whether he could perfectly interpret the role, and his heart was full of question marks.

After the start of filming, the facts really confirmed his worries, and Cai Shaofen blurted out unfamiliar lines from time to time, which caused frequent laughter from others.

However, Cai Shaofen's dedication and professionalism to the acting career finally shocked Zhu Xiaolong. Zhu Xiaolong recalled that although Cai Shaofen, who was pregnant with Liujia at the time, needed to wear bulky costumes on her feet, she always maintained a serious and rigorous work attitude, and never let any trivial matter affect the progress of the entire crew.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Even though he kindly reminded Cai Shaofen many times that he only needed to change into comfortable flat shoes, Cai Shaofen still resolutely declined, and this professionalism deeply touched Zhu Xiaolong.

In the end, Cai Shaofen successfully portrayed the role of the queen mother, showing the complexity of the character's inner world vividly and unforgettable. Her deep, cunning, greedy eyes, and her murderous lines in every sentence vividly show a jealous and scheming female figure in front of the camera.

Behind this achievement, there are countless hardships. Cai Shaofen, who has been unknown in the entertainment industry for many years, has won high praise from the industry and a warm welcome from the audience with her outstanding performance in "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem".

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

This series is all the rage, and even the original author Liuyu Zi frankly said that the inspiration for the naming of the role of "Zhen Huan" in the play comes from the role of "Zhen Mi" played by Cai Shaofen in "Luoshen".

However, just when Cai Shaofen's career was in full swing, the seeds of love also quietly sprouted in her heart. In 2003, she met Zhang Jin, a new generation of mainland actor who was one year younger than herself.

When they met for the first time, Zhang Jin's enthusiastic pursuit caught Cai Shaofen off guard.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

On their first date, Zhang Jin plucked up the courage to express his love to Cai Shaofen, looking forward to composing a love song with her. However, deep down, Cai Shaofen was tormented by her past experiences.

She once became the mistress of a rich man under pressure from her mother, and sacrificed the best of her youth in order to pay off her gambling debts.

She often laughs at herself as "garbage", thinking that she is no longer able to give Zhang Jin sincere feelings. At that moment, she politely rejected Zhang Jin's confession, but the guilt and inferiority complex in her heart could not be concealed.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

However, in the face of the predicament, Zhang Jin did not flinch, but chose to wait with great patience and melt the ice in Cai Shaofen's heart with firm warmth. He expressed his love to Cai Shaofen twice before and after, and finally touched the heart of the woman who had been weathered.

Cai Shaofen said frankly, "He can fully accept everything in my past, never looks at me with any prejudice, but cares for me wholeheartedly." The words are full of deep admiration and love for her husband.

Four months after marriage, Cai Shaofen unfortunately suffered from ankylosing spondylitis, and her quality of life was seriously affected. At that time, she cried helplessly and apologized to Zhang Jin, "I'm sorry, you married a disabled wife."

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

However, Zhang Jin was not shaken by her illness, but responded affectionately, "It's okay, I will protect you for the rest of your life."

This vow still haunts Cai Shaofen to this day. Since then, she seems to have let down all her guards and entrusted all her trust and dependence to Zhang Jin. They have overcome countless hardships and dangers together, conceived three lovely children, and finally found that happy and happy life.

Today's Cai Shaofen lives an ordinary but fulfilling life, with the care of her family and a sense of accomplishment in her career. This woman, who has gone through ups and downs in the entertainment industry, has finally found the true meaning of life - conquering love with a broad mind and winning happiness with her kind quality.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

She used to be just a miserable "tool man", who was used by her mother as a machine to repay debts, working day and night. Now, with her own efforts, she has won a world for herself.

6. Summary of life philosophy

Cai Shaofen can be called an inspirational idol of a generation, and her legendary experience has given us endless hope and courage. Coming out of a poor family background, she relied on her strong will and perseverance to overcome difficulties again and again, and finally climbed to the top of her career with her kind and tolerant personality charm and harvested a happy married life.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

Looking back on Cai Shaofen's strong growth in the face of adversity, we can deeply feel the surging tenacious life force in her body! She once fell into the predicament that her mother ruthlessly used her as a "repayment machine", almost walked to the edge of the cliff of life, and even had desperate thoughts of suicide.

However, it was the deep faith of Christianity that healed her inner wounds, rekindled the flame of hope in her life, and determined to completely cut off the unbearable relationship and devote herself to the vigorous development of her career.

On the long road of pursuing true love, Cai Shaofen was also full of endless inferiority complex about her past experience, and rejected Zhang Jin's fiery pursuit three times. It wasn't until Zhang Jin successfully broke through her inner defense with his extraordinary tolerance and patience that she finally opened her heart and learned to face the world with a tolerant attitude.

Cai Shaofen, who played a bad hand and became a king, suffered so that she achieved a life that changed her life against the sky

From being forced to become her mother's lover, being forced by creditors to sell her property to pay off her debts, and now becoming a first-line screen superstar with her unremitting efforts and having a happy family life, Cai Shaofen's life trajectory can be described as a huge change.

And the reason why she was able to finally find a way out of life is inseparable from the vastness, kindness and innocence in her heart, as well as her firm and persistent pursuit of life.

Cai Shaofen revealed to us a cruel but heart-warming truth with her own personal experience: fate is fair and just for everyone, as long as you always work hard, you will be able to firmly grasp your own happy life.


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