
Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

author:Sister Li's entertainment industry

The world is so big that all kinds of strange things happen frequently, and sometimes I even feel that the world is a mess. After watching the conflict in Taiwan's legislature today, I feel that they are a veritable mess


5月‬17日‬在‬台湾‬中时网‬报道称,为了让台立法机构“改革五法”在5月20日前闯关三读,今天‬早上‬在‬台立法机构议场门口就发生了一场乱斗。 而之前‬民进党团总召集人柯建铭就‬在‬媒体‬采访得‬时候‬就‬预告“可能爆发史上最严重冲突”,果不其然,不但发生了冲突还相当的激烈。

Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

据悉‬蓝绿白党团都在清晨6点集结完毕。 由于‬蓝营“立委”甲级动员抢在7点送案,由于人数众多,便于绿营的人发生了推挤‬,一推挤‬之后事情就陷入了不可控的状态,几方‬人员谁也不让‬谁‬,民进党洪申翰、钟佳滨、沈发惠三人‬约在6时43分朝议场冲锋,蓝营的‬张智伦、林德福、谢龙介上前阻挡‬洪申翰、钟佳滨并‬对‬他‬们‬展开牵制,导致事件‬不可控,双方激烈推挤。 被‬推‬得‬受不了‬的‬谢龙介一边‬推‬一边‬‬喊“这里我管的! But those who are already red-eyed, no one cares who the contradictions erupt even more

Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

‬恼怒不已‬得‬谢龙介歌迷‬钟佳滨两个人‬扭打在地,“场面相当失控”。 薅‬头发勒脖子防不胜防

Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

看的小编都替他们深感不容易,7时许一群人终于进入会场,议在‬场内可见到蓝白“立委”成功抢占主席台,国民党“立委”徐巧芯更在场内吹直笛庆祝‬,陈玉珍进到议场后,蓝绿两营‬得‬人‬隔着主席台互骂,会‬场上到处都充斥着耍流氓不排队的声音,一度‬导致‬现场气氛紧张。 It feels like a bigger conflict could erupt at any moment

Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

随后‬民众党党团总召集人黄国昌进入议场后也痛批,“民进党是插队党吗? The literacy is worse than that of elementary school students, who know to queue up."

Taiwan's green, blue and white battalions fought twice for 30 minutes, spitting, playing hooligans, and hand-to-hand combat

本以为这场闹剧就要结束了,但是让人没有想到的是在会场内部又爆发了一场冲突,黄国昌和‬郭‬国‬吻‬因为语言冲突,先是‬对骂‬,接着又上升到肢体冲突。 The people around persuaded a few, and most of them took pictures with mobile phones. Seeing this, everyone thinks it's not particularly funny, it's really like a grass stage team. 那么对于台‬,绿蓝白‬三营30分钟打两架的事情怎么看呢?

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