
Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

author:Hu Zai said gossip

1. With an enthusiastic opening statement, it is revealed that Yu Hewei won the honor of a national first-class actor, and reviews his great contributions to the mainland film and television industry!

The news of the stunning audience came on January 28, and the highly acclaimed and famous actor Yu Hewei made an encouraging announcement on his personal social media account, officially hailing him as a national first-class actor, and he became an unparalleled honor winner in the mainland art world! Seeing this shocking news, Yu Hewei excitedly delivered a message full of emotion, and enthusiastically expressed his gratitude: "Congratulations to my mentor Mr. Yu for such a noble achievement!" Thank you to the great organization for giving me this opportunity and encouragement! He then posted three cute animated emojis to show joy, which perfectly illustrated his irrepressible pride and joy at this honor.

In order to let the majority of fans feel this glory more intuitively, Yu Hewei carefully selected two photos as accompanying pictures. The first photograph is a detailed table that clearly shows his new status as a national first-class actor; The second photograph is a close-up of his smiling and elated face, which permanently freezes the precious moment of this moment.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

For a veteran actor with a wealth of experience, it is undoubtedly well deserved to receive such an honor. According to relevant regulations, actor titles are divided into four levels, and level four is the lowest level, which is equivalent to an ordinary lecturer in a university; Level 3 is equivalent to a lecturer; Level 2 is the associate professor level; The first-class actor is the highest level equivalent to the professor, and is only awarded to those actors who have made outstanding contributions to the mainland's literary and artistic undertakings.

Looking back on Yu Hewei's artistic career, it is not difficult to find that he is destined to become a leader among the first-class actors with many talents. Born in 1971, this young man from Liaoning Province has been working silently and concentrating on the study of performing arts since graduating from the Shanghai Theater Academy.

The role of Liu Bei in the hit TV series "New Three Kingdoms" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the image of Cao Cao in "The Alliance of Military Divisions" is even more amazing.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

Some people even joked that if Yu Hewei can play Sun Quan again, then he will be able to "play the entire Three Kingdoms alone". However, Yu Hewei frankly said that he actually didn't like the role of Sun Quan very much, but was more eager to challenge the more important role of Zhuge Liang.

In addition to successfully portraying historical figures, Yu Hewei has also performed well in modern dramas, such as Qin Shihuang in "The Legend of Chu and Han", Chen Duxiu in "The Awakening Age", Yu Meilan in "The Woman in the Mansion", etc., each role can be called exquisite and impeccable.

In particular, the role of Chen Duxiu played by him in "The Awakening Age" won the blockbuster award of Best Actor in Magnolia in 2021.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

2. Review the glorious history of other actors who have won the titles of actors at different levels

Interestingly, in this national actor title review, Yu Hewei is not the only lucky one! At the same time, Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, Tang Yan and Yang Rong and other actors with both popularity and strength are fortunate to be on this "nomination list" with high gold content.

First, let's focus on Ding Liuyuan. Born in Beijing in 1977 to a family of intellectuals, she showed extraordinary talent from an early age – beautiful looks, versatile talent, and excellent academic performance.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

When she was in junior high school, she won good results in the Beijing Youth Singing Competition.

Although he later studied business management and was sent to the United States by airlines, he lived a leisurely and well-paid life. However, a chance encounter made Ding Liuyuan resolutely abandon this enviable profession and devote herself to the acting career she loves.

After hard work, Ding Liuyuan finally got his wish and was admitted to the Performance Department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts. During her time at the school, she had become an outstanding honor student and was even more honored to become a member of the Communist Party of China.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

After graduation, she successfully entered Bayi Film Studio as an actor, determined to use her works to convey positive energy to the audience.

Facts have proved that Ding Liuyuan has indeed made remarkable achievements on the road of acting in the future. She has successfully performed many well-known historical figures such as Yang Kaihui, He Zizhen, Sister Jiang, especially her wonderful portrayal of the role of Jiao Yulu's wife Xu Junya, which has won high recognition and praise from Jiao Yulu's daughter.

And Ma Su, who is also a national second-class actor, has a career full of ups and downs. This post-90s rising star from Heilongjiang was born on February 17, 1981, and quickly became popular by starring in the TV series "Tang Gefei" and other works.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

Subsequently, her superb performance in "The North Wind That Blows" successfully interpreted the villain Liu Qing, which can be called excellent acting skills.

She has won many best actress honors such as the Golden Eagle Award, Huading Award, and Feitian Award, becoming one of the very few "three-material queens" who have won this honor. However, it is a pity that Ma Su fell into a low point in his career in 2017 due to the "Li Xiaolu incident".

At the beginning, in order to fully support her friend Li Xiaolu, she bravely spoke out and made a public statement, however, the world is unpredictable, and she was questioned and even slandered by the whole network, and was named a "liar", and her past black history has surfaced, which has caused her public image to suffer a heavy blow, and has become the focus of almost all public opinion attacks in the entertainment industry.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

However, it is gratifying that in a popular variety show, Ma Su accidentally met the discerning director, so as to get the opportunity to reshape his self-image and regroup, and his acting career finally ushered in a new situation During this year's Spring Festival, she presented wonderful performances at the Spring Festival Gala of two well-known satellite TVs, and once again successfully attracted the attention of the public.

3. Deeply explore the lofty status of national first-class actors and the cases in which they have been removed

In the highly competitive field of the entertainment industry, it is undoubtedly a supreme honor to be awarded the title of national first-class actor. This not only symbolizes the perfection of the actors' professional skills, but also demonstrates their outstanding contributions and selfless dedication to the motherland and the nation.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

It is worth noting that in the process of judging this honor, professional quality is a crucial consideration, but the cultivation of personal moral character is also an indicator that cannot be ignored.

For example, Mr. Jet Li and Ms. Gong Li, who enjoy reputations such as "Kung Fu Emperor" and "International Actress", although they have a high reputation in the film industry, because they chose to join foreigners, they were eventually deprived of the title of national first-class actor by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and their personal honorary status was also canceled.

The same situation also happened to Siqin Gaowa and Chen Chong, two senior actors, although they have a certain influence at home and abroad, but in the end, because of the problem of "giving up Chinese nationality", they lost the aura of the former "national first-class actor" Now, their personal resumes have been replaced with the words "XX actors", compared with the past, their weight is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Yu Hewei was announced as a national first-class actor, how can Ding Liuyuan, Ma Su, and Tang Yan also be on the list?

These painful lessons that have taken place have profoundly revealed this truth: Even if we have made brilliant achievements in our careers, if we cannot stick to our love for the motherland, then the road of development in China will become extremely difficult.

Therefore, those who have won this honor, in addition to having a solid professional foundation, should also have a firm patriotic feeling, always remember their cultural identity and political responsibility, only in this way can they truly be called a veritable "pillar of the country".

It can be seen that Mr. Yu Hewei and many other newly rising national-level actors, when they win such a high honor, must be deeply shaken, and even feel supreme glory! With their own acting careers and life processes, they vividly show their endless enthusiasm for the motherland, and resolutely link their personal career development with the cultural undertakings of the Chinese public, working hard and working hard.

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