
It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

author:Aim at Meow Films

In recent years, in the domestic film industry, works with the theme of war have achieved remarkable success at the box office.

While comedy, action, and suspense movies each have their own fan bases, statistics show that war movies are particularly significant at the box office.

Imagine that the film industry staged a good show in 2017, "Changjin Lake" with its 5.7 billion box office gift package.

Quietly stand on tiptoe.

stole the crown of "box office boss" from "Wolf Warrior 2", and then wore it to the top of the charts.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Then, like Hollywood blockbusters, our battle films began to line up, starting with Operation Red Sea.

It's not going to dive, it's making a big news with a box office of 3.6 billion.

"Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake" did not go skiing, but slipped into the hearts of the audience, and by the way, it slipped to the box office line of 4 billion.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

"Eight Hundred" is not only the story of 800 heroes, it also tells us what "real money" is, with a box office of 3.1 billion.

Obviously, this type of subject will not only fight wars, but also war tickets.

However, when the scenes of war on the screen became commonplace, those once heart-shaking war scenes, like repeated melodies, gradually lost their original charm in the hearts of the audience.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In 2023, the film industry will usher in "Volunteers: Heroes Attack".

This film not only gathers a group of talented directors, but also invites many stars to join, and its production is well-made and the scenes are grand.

could have become a dark horse at the annual box office.

But regrettably, its box office finally stayed at 868 million, far from meeting the industry's expectations.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

It is reported that the sequel to the film is in full swing, and the behind-the-scenes team is gearing up, looking forward to setting off a wave of audiences again.

However, the fate of movies is always full of uncertainties, and if the plot design can't touch people's hearts, then no amount of flashy special effects and marketing strategies may make it difficult for this sequel to stand out in a competitive market.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Once a screen darling, now it has turned into a thorny problem, and war movies seem to have become a "hard bone" that no one cares about.

Against this backdrop, a new war epic "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" has emerged and rekindled people's enthusiasm for the subject with its unique charm.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Led by Yu Hewei, the tragedy and glory of the defense of Hengyang

Don't look at "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow", although it is not based on the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, it vividly shows the tragedy of the defense of Hengyang.

The film is like a time machine, taking you straight to the scene of the Battle of Hengyang.

At that time, the tax revenue of this place was frightening, and it proudly occupied the second place among the occupied areas of the country, and everyone joked that it was "Little Shanghai", but don't get me wrong, the "small" here is not about its size, but about its prosperity, which can be compared to the big Shanghai!

But all this, a war has consumed it all, and it is wailing everywhere.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid
It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Imagine a small detachment, less than 18,000 men, bravely fighting a fierce battle with 110,000 Japanese troops.

This is not a fictional plot.

It is a true portrayal of the defense of Hengyang.

Our 10th Army fought bravely and fearlessly, fought bloodily for 47 days and nights, and although it lost 16,000 of its own men, it also cost the enemy 48,000.

And this was not only a victory, but also a great counterattack that brought down the cabinet of Hideki Tojo.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In addition, the main creator of the film is also responsible for a very powerful team, such as Liu Heping, who is a national first-class screenwriter.

His works "Ming Dynasty 1566" and "No War in Beiping" are like the most dazzling gems in the long river of history.

Countless audiences have witnessed his unparalleled literary talent.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

However, the casting of the film also played a big role. This is not only a faithful presentation of the script, but also a capture of the soul of the character.

The casting directors have a sharp eye.

Not only did we find the most suitable face among the many auditioners, but we also dug deep into the potential spark of each actor to make it fit perfectly with the character.

For example, Yu Hewei incarnated as the imposing military commander Fang Xianjue.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

When his deep voice said the order "Please be sure to hold on for ten days", it was as if the notes were jumping in the air, sonorous and powerful.

This is not only an order, but also a heavy responsibility and trust.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

And in the upcoming movie trailer, Wang Jinsong appeared in an unprecedented image, breaking the audience's stereotype of his previous roles.

His expression revealed unwillingness, as if he was hiding a secret that no one knew.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

and Wan Qian, who took off her gorgeous coat and showed the tenacity and bravery of a female warrior with no makeup and a simple military uniform.

Such an image change is not only refreshing, but also a profound display of his acting skills.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In addition, Cao Lei, Tan Kai, Yin Fang and other powerful actors have joined Li Guangjie, making the performance lineup of this film even more outstanding.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

But even though everything is ready and the east wind has arrived, the choice of male number two still arouses a trace of subtle regret in my heart.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

The popular fried chicken encounters the main theme: the challenges and taboos of traffic actors

For the casting of war dramas, you have to take it seriously, and you can't just look at whose face is more searched.

Let's look for an actor, not a talent show, we have to find someone who can fit into the role, not the kind that lets the character wear his designer coat.

Speaking of this genre, it reminds me of Lu Han's "Shanghai Fortress".

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In the movie "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow", the role of the second male played by Yang Yang also caused some controversy among netizens.

Although his physical appearance may be popular on certain occasions, his performance in this film has caused the audience to question it.

I still remember that in "Fireworks in My World", he played a firefighter.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Imagine the kind of shopping mall who is handsome, carrying a recoil drain pipe and rushing into the fire only to forget about the real problem.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

and the image of a soldier he created, which failed to win the full recognition of the audience.

It can be seen from the trailer of the work "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" that Yang Yang appeared in a military uniform, and his unique shape stood out among his peers, with a style that did not belong to this era, which was both eye-catching and seemed to be incompatible with Shi Yi.

For example, he wears sunglasses in battle, a detail reminiscent of heroes from some films, always with iconic gear.

His riding posture is ridiculously stiff, as if he were not galloping on the battlefield, but attending some medieval-themed party.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

The image reminds me of his lying in bed as a firefighter resting in the dormitory.

And this kind of behavior seems to be more about pursuing a cool appearance than digging deep into the real core of the character.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In recent years, in this era full of traffic stars, the stage of domestic dramas has gradually been occupied by actors with huge fan corps.

To put it simply, whoever has more fans will win the role.

As for the character fit, it seems to have become a dispensable supporting role, and you can only eat melon seeds silently in the corner, watching the power of fans dominate everything.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

For example, in the movie "Peacekeeping Anti-riot Team", the role played by Wang Yibo made his fans look forward to it, and his fame rose as a result.

However, despite his heroic appearance on the screen, some discerning film critics found that Wang Yibo seemed a little stiff and unnatural when expressing the deep emotions of the character.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In contrast, although Zhu Yawen's appearance in the play was short-lived, he was able to use an irresistible police charm.

Make a lasting impression on the audience.

His performance, like the breath of nature, is both relaxed and full of vitality, which makes people can't help but admire it.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

In addition, in the blockbuster film "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", our classmate Chen Feiyu seems to have forgotten to go to the gym to practice the muscles of "I am a soldier", and as a result, he looks a little "soft" in front of the camera, lacking the iron-blooded demeanor of a tough guy, which makes people can't help but want to give him a crash course on "how to become a real man".

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

At the end of the day, the aura of a star undoubtedly has the power to attract fans, however, if the acting skills are lacking and the temperament does not match the character.

This can ultimately adversely affect the overall quality of the work.

Therefore, when choosing actors, directors should not only pay attention to the number of fans, but also pay more attention to the issue of character matching to ensure the success of the work.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Speaking of which, the movie "Reinforcements Arrive Tomorrow" was originally highly anticipated, thanks to its strong team and excellent cast.

and a compelling storyline.

But the problem is that the director's choice of Yang Yang to play the second male protagonist in the play has caused some controversy.

Back then, Yang Yang relied on the two blockbusters "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" and "Urgent Pioneer", which were so red and purple.

It's so popular that it can directly open a special line to outer space.

But what about lately?

His popularity seems to have been paused, and his influence is like diving, falling from the clouds to the pool, taking a bath, and getting wet.

Therefore, it is still unknown whether his performance this time can be recognized by the audience.

But I am most afraid that he will suddenly come to a 45° tilt to find an angle.

It's not just Yu Hewei leading! is comparable to the new war film "Changjin Lake", but the casting of the second male makes me afraid

Although Yang Yang himself has some controversy, the production team of the series wisely invited senior actors such as Yu Hewei and Wang Jinsong to join.

These experienced performers, with their profound acting skills, give life to the characters, making their performances the focus of discussion in the audience.

However, the final evaluation of the film is still undecided, and it is not yet possible to determine whether the director's choice is justified.

If not handled properly, it can affect the success or failure of the entire work.

The only thing we can do is hope that Yang Yang can perform very well in response to the hard work of the other cast and crew.

It is worth mentioning that the film will be released on June 28, which coincides with the anniversary of the Battle of Hengyang.

Yes, a new film will be screened on this commemorative day, which is the highest tribute to the souls of those who have sacrificed their lives for the country.

As for the final performance of the movie, let's look forward to it and watch how it will change, and witness the brilliant brilliance of this movie.

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