
Take advantage of the holiday, come to Hangjin Houqi for a comfortable leisure trip!

author:Palm Bayannur
{"info":{"title":{"content":"趁着假期,快到杭锦后旗来一场舒心惬意的休闲之旅吧!","en":"Take advantage of the holiday, come to Hangjin Houqi for a comfortable leisure trip!"},"description":{"content":"好不容易放回假大家都有啥安排?不要犹豫!“五一”假期快来杭锦后旗一起听音乐、喝啤酒再来点小龙虾、烧烤......想想真是...","en":"Don't hesitate! Come to Hangjin Houqi during the May Day holiday, listen to music, drink beer, and have some crayfish and barbecue...... Come to think of it, it's..."}},"items":[]}