
12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

author:Voice of the Mind SKR

On weekend afternoons, sunlight shines through the cracks in the curtains on the sofa where Li Ming and Wang Li are sitting, adding a touch of warmth to the discussion. Li Ming was holding a real estate advertisement in his hand, his brows furrowed, while Wang Li was looking through the passbook on the side, his face full of hesitation.

"Li, look at this real estate, the location is good, and the house type is also very good." Li Ming pointed to the picture on the advertisement and said.

Wang Li glanced up and sighed: "Ming, I know." But with loans, we have to go into debt for many years, which is too stressful. ”

Li Ming put down the advertisement, held Wang Li's hand, and tried to persuade her: "But if we buy it in full, we will be too nervous." Now that the interest rate on the loan is low, we can use the money to make some other investments. ”

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li shook her head: "Investment is risky, what if you lose it?" Besides, we still have a little heaven to raise, and the cost of education is not small. ”

Li Ming understands Wang Li's concerns, but he still wants to try: "We can take our time, start with a small investment, and work steadily." ”

Wang Li was silent for a while, as if weighing the pros and cons: "Then what if the investment fails?" We don't even have a way out. ”

"No, I trust my own judgment." Li Ming said with confidence.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li sighed, she knew that Li Ming was a visionary, but this time she was really a little scared: "Ming, can we think about it again?" I don't want to worry about money every day. ”

Li Ming looked at the uneasiness in Wang Li's eyes, and felt a little unbearable in his heart, he stood up and hugged her gently: "Li, I know you're worried, but we always have to plan for the future." We're not going to take too many risks, trust me. ”

Wang Li snuggled in Li Ming's arms, and the fear in her heart slowly subsided. She knew that no matter what the decision was, Li Ming would face it with her.

"Okay, let's think again." Wang Li said softly.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Li Ming nodded, and the two continued to sit on the sofa, the sunlight outside the window gradually slanted westward, and the discussion in the room continued.

At the gathering of friends, Li Ming and Wang Li were attracted by the lively discussion of their friends. Everyone sat around the dining table, and the topic gradually shifted from work and life to real estate investment.

"Have you heard? Recently, house prices have risen again! Friend Zhang Tao said while nibbling on chicken wings.

"Yes, the house I bought last year has risen by 20% this year!" Friend Li Hua proudly added.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li listened to their conversation, and her heart began to waver. She turned her head to look at Li Ming, only to see that he was listening intently, his eyes flashing with thought.

"Ming, what do you think?" Wang Li asked in a low voice.

Li Ming pondered for a moment and replied, "It sounds like there are indeed many benefits to buying a house with a loan, but the risks are not small. ”

After the party, the two walked home and discussed the words of their friends.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"Xiaotian is about to go to elementary school, and we need a stable environment." Wang Li said as she walked.

Li Ming nodded and agreed: "Yes, the child's education cannot be delayed." ”

A few days later, while shopping, Wang Li happened to meet a real estate agent. The agent enthusiastically introduced her to the preferential policy of buying a house in full.

"Miss Wang, you see, you can enjoy a lot of discounts when you buy a house in full, and there is no pressure of loans, and life will be easier." The agent said with a smile on his face.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li's heart was moved, she began to imagine a life without the pressure of loans, and after returning home, she excitedly proposed her idea to Li Ming.

"Ming, I met a real estate agent today who said that there are many benefits to buying a house in full. Shall we think again? Wang Li looked at Li Ming expectantly.

Li Ming frowned, he knew that Wang Li had always been worried about taking out a loan to buy a house, but he also knew that buying a house in full meant using all their savings.

"Li, it's good to buy a house in full, but we don't have extra money to do anything else." Li Ming patiently explained.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li was silent, she knew that Li Ming was telling the truth. But she was still a little unwilling: "However, the pressure of borrowing is really too great." ”

Li Ming held Wang Li's hand and said gently: "Li, let's think about it again, there will definitely be the best solution." ”

Wang Li nodded, and their eyes met in the dim light, full of anticipation and uncertainty for the future.

Li Ming invested in an emerging technology company by chance, but he did not expect that a few months later, the company went public, and the value of his shares increased several times. This unexpected success boosted his confidence, and he began to seriously consider taking out a loan to buy a house and continue investing with the remaining funds.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"Li, you see, my investment was successful, which means that my vision is fine." Li Ming excitedly showed Wang Li his account.

Although Wang Li was still a little worried, she saw that the number on her account had indeed increased a lot, and her worries gradually decreased: "Ming, are you really sure you want to do this?" ”

"Of course, I trust my own judgment." Li Ming replied confidently.

As time went on, Li Ming began to try more investments, but good fortune did not always accompany him. Some of his investments began to go wrong, with some companies underperforming and some stocks continuing to fall.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"Ming, shouldn't we stop? You've been looking worried lately. Wang Li noticed Li Ming's change and asked with concern.

Li Ming sighed, he didn't want Wang Li to worry, but the reality was really not optimistic: "Li, the market is risky, and there are always profits and losses in investment." ”

Wang Li's worries became a reality, and the family's financial situation began to become problematic. The monthly payment of a loan to buy a house has become a heavy burden, and Li Ming's investment failure has made matters worse.

"What are we going to do? The pressure on loans is already great, and now the investment has failed again. There was a tremor in Wang Li's voice.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Li Ming held Wang Li's hand tightly and tried to comfort her: "Don't worry, we will get through it." I will be more cautious and not take unnecessary risks again. ”

Wang Li leaned on Li Ming's shoulder, although the future was unknown, she believed that as long as the two worked together, there would be no difficulties that could not be overcome.

Twelve years later, Li Ming and Wang Li sat in the banquet hall of their relatives' wedding, surrounded by laughter. However, when the conversation turned to property and investment, the smiles of the two became reluctant.

"Your house is worth a lot of money now, right?" A relative asked curiously.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Li Ming smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay." ”

Wang Li bowed her head and was silent, but she had mixed feelings in her heart. She recalls the decision she made many years ago, when her fears were now a reality.

Shortly after the wedding, at a family gathering, Wang Li finally couldn't help it. In front of her family, she expressed her dissatisfaction with Li Ming's decision-making: "At the beginning, I said that I would buy a house in full, but you wanted a loan, but now it's good, the investment fails, and we have to bear heavy debts." ”

Li Ming's face became ugly, he didn't expect Wang Li to mention this matter in front of so many people: "Li, let the past pass." ”

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"In the past? It's easy to say, we still have to worry about loans every month! Wang Li's voice was full of anger.

The quarrel between the two makes the atmosphere of the family gathering tense. Li Ming felt unprecedented pressure, and he knew that his decision had put a burden on his family.

Soon after, their son Li Xiaotian received an acceptance letter from the university, which was a happy event, but the ensuing education expenses put the family to the test again.

"Mom and Dad, I can apply for a scholarship or work part-time." Li Xiaotian saw that his parents were embarrassed and took the initiative to propose a solution.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Li Ming patted his son's shoulder, his heart was full of guilt: "Xiaotian, it's Dad who didn't do a good job, so you are also worried." ”

Wang Li also looked at her son distressedly, she knew that her quarrel with Li Ming had a bad impact on her son: "Xiaotian, your parents will find a way, just concentrate on studying." ”

Li Xiaotian nodded, he believed that his parents would solve the problem. But Li Ming and Wang Li are full of worries, and they know that the family needs to solve not only economic problems, but also repair their relationship.

Late at night, Li Ming and Wang Li sat on the sofa in the living room, the light was soft, and both of them had a contemplative look on their faces. After a day of hustle and bustle, the tranquility of the moment gives them a chance to re-examine their lives.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"Leigh, are we going in the wrong direction?" Li Ming's voice was low, with a hint of remorse.

Wang Li held Li Ming's hand tightly, and a trace of firmness flashed in her eyes: "Ming, we can't go on like this anymore." We need a change. ”

The two began to discuss in depth, from the happiness of the family to the future of the children, from the financial burden to the true meaning of life. Their conversations are full of insights into life and plans for the future.

"Let's sell the house and take some of the burden off our shoulders." Li Ming proposed.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

Wang Li nodded, tears flashing in her eyes: "Okay, we can't let Xiaotian bear the consequences for our mistakes." ”

The next day, they told Li Xiaotian about this decision. Although Li Xiaotian was a little surprised, he quickly understood his parents' distress.

"Mom and Dad, I support you. I believe that no matter where we are, as long as we are together as a family, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Li Xiaotian's words were full of maturity and understanding.

The house was quickly sold, and Li Ming and Wang Li used the money to pay off the loan and save a sum of money for Li Xiaotian's education. Although their lives are no longer as rich as they used to be, their hearts are more closely connected.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

"Ming, do you remember our dream when we first got married?" Wang Li asked Li Ming after a dinner.

Li Ming smiled, his eyes full of tenderness: "Of course remember, what we want is a happy home." ”

Wang Li said with emotion: "Yes, no matter what way you choose, the love and support of the family is the most important. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts filled with hope for the future and gratitude for each other. They know that nothing is impossible as long as the family is united.

12 years ago, my husband said that he would take out a loan to buy a house, and I said that if I wanted to buy it, I would pay in full, but who expected that after 12 years, I would have to take out a loan

This article is a microfiction, please do not sit in the opposite seat