
If you understand life, you will live a life with a willing attitude

author:Zi-Ink Literature
{"info":{"title":{"content":"活明白了,就会用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活","en":"If you understand life, you will live a life with a willing attitude"},"description":{"content":"作者:子墨春暮,浅夏,人间四月芳菲尽,五月总是美好的,一派绿意盎然,恣意了我的心情,让我们心境平和,淡然从容走过春天,遇...","en":"Author: Zimo spring twilight, shallow summer, the world is full of fragrant flowers in April, May is always beautiful, a group of greenery, arbitrarily my mood, let us be at peace, calmly walk through the spring, meet..."}},"items":[]}

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