
3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd

author:3DM Game Network

Publisher Gearbox and developer Wabisabi Games have announced that the 3D platformer RKGK/Rakugaki will launch on May 22 for $19.99 and unveil a gameplay trailer together.

RKGK/Rakugaki Gameplay Trailer:

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The city is your canvas. Join the freedom-hungry Vera and the RKGK team as they do their best to save the stunning city of the neo-brutalist aesthetic from the evil B-Group. Collect treasures, explore secret passages, and use your graffiti to bloom in different colors in the gray jungle of reinforced concrete.

Where are your limits? Jump, dodge, glide and move flexibly. With fluid movements in Smudge Mode, Vera transforms her world into a real-life fantasyland. Master the path and speed of progress, cross various levels, and defeat Mr. Bang Kui's men with his heroic posture.

Break through enemy encirclement, push your senses to the extreme and reclaim the city. Vera's unique drawing abilities will allow her to trek and wreak havoc in unexpected ways, leaving your mark on every corner of the city.

Use art to exert your power and resist Mr. Bang Kui's mind control technology. Help the citizens of Stunning City regain their freedom against the minions of Group B and challenge the limits of their abilities. Vera's creativity and imagination will be the guiding light, guiding you through a gloomy world that has lost its free will.

Color is power. Graffiti for resistance. Art is the ultimate cry of the oppressed, lighting up the world with art. The sheer choice of paints and skins will allow Vera to express herself as she saves her city.

RKGK/Rakugaki and Wabisabi are proud to be part of the Riot Games Underrepresented Founders project, where we will be working with you to bring a difference to the world of game development.

Screenshots of The Game:

3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd
3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd
3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd
3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd
3D platforming "RKGK" gameplay trailer will be launched on May 22nd