
2 0-4, 1 1-4, the top three in the NBA Northwest Division are too miserable, only the Lakers can stand and leave

author:Full Fire V
{"info":{"title":{"content":"2个0-4、1个1-4,NBA西北区前三强太惨了,仅湖人可以站着离去","en":"2 0-4, 1 1-4, the top three in the NBA Northwest Division are too miserable, only the Lakers can stand and leave"},"description":{"content":"湖人虽败犹荣,太阳与鹈鹕一败涂地,这就是本赛季NBA西北区前三强的结局。想象一下,你整个赛季拼了老命,结果季后赛首轮就被...","en":"Although the Lakers were defeated, the Suns and Pelicans were defeated, and this is the end of the top three in the NBA Northwest this season. Imagine you've worked hard all season, only to be beaten in the first round of the playoffs..."}},"items":[]}