
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body

author:Chengdu Qingbaijiang market supervision

【#踮脚是全身脏器都爱的动作#】Tiptoe is an ancient form of health preservation, which was called the "heel method" in ancient times. It is also used in the 800-year-old guided health technique "Hachidanshiki". #一次踮脚能调动腿部8处肌肉#, it can help improve blood return to the lower limbs, increase the blood supply to the myocardium, and protect the cardiovascular system. How to do it to benefit the most, stamp the picture↓↓ (Source: Life Times)

Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body
Tiptoeing is a movement that is loved by all organs of the body