
The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

author:Motivated little saffron 2


The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

近日,一起关于狗‬主人‬没有‬牵‬狗‬绳的事件引发了广泛讨论和争议。 当时,狗主人带着他的爱犬漫步在公园里,却遭‬到‬了‬一个‬路人‬的‬责骂‬。 随后,狗‬主人‬为了‬保护‬自己‬的‬宠物‬,与‬路人‬发生‬激烈‬的‬争吵,引‬发‬了‬一场‬轩然大波‬。

The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

This incident seems to be just an ordinary dog walk, but the problems involved behind it cannot be ignored. First, scolding by passers-by has raised public concerns about whether dog owners should be on a leash. 有人认为,狗‬主人‬应该‬严格‬遵守规定‬,牵‬好‬狗‬绳,确保‬公共‬场所的‬秩序‬和‬安全‬。 On the other hand, there are also those who believe that as long as the dog owner can control the dog, there is no need to enforce the leash.

The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

Behind this controversy is also a discussion of public morality and love. Some passers-by believe that not having a leash is not only a violation of respect for others, but can also be a danger to others. Dog owners, on the other hand, emphasize their protection and care for their dogs, believing that they have the right to let their pets roam freely.

The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

This incident has caused the public to think about laws and regulations. 大陆《动物‬保护‬法》第‬二十‬六条明确规定,饲养犬‬只‬应‬当‬使用‬牵‬引绳‬、拴‬绳等‬第约束‬措施,并‬配备‬口罩‬和‬钳子‬等‬安全‬防护‬工具‬。 However, as a special place in the park, whether the leash requirement should be treated with special treatment requires further discussion and research.

The dog owner walked the dog without a leash, and the passers-by scolded the dog a few words, and the dog owner protected the dog and caused controversy!

Whether we are for or against leashing, we should all be rational about this issue. As dog owners, we should be attentive and respectful of the feelings of others, while also ensuring that our dog does not cause distress or threat to others. As passers-by, we should also stay calm, express our opinions in a rational way, and avoid excessive words and actions.

Finally, we call on the relevant authorities to strengthen the management and regulation of public places, and formulate clearer regulations and policies to ensure the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.

This incident shows us the attention of society to the behavior of dog walking and the existence of different voices. It is hoped that through this controversy, we will be able to pay more attention to the importance of public order, mutual respect and reasonable norms.