
The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!

author:Wisboo knows the ball


今天湖人这场比赛完全可以打赢的,输的太可惜了,事情是这样的:詹姆斯‬依旧‬采用‬上场‬比赛‬的方式‬,前三节‬保存‬体力‬,队友‬往上‬顶,湖人能够保持领先‬。 但意外‬终究‬还是‬出现‬了,今天比赛转折点在浓眉受伤了,湖人‬攻防‬全‬部‬崩盘‬,迅速‬被‬掘金‬打‬了‬一波‬9-0,直至‬反超‬。 如果浓眉不受伤,掘金‬就‬不会‬迅速‬起势,老詹也‬不会提前发力,这场‬比赛‬谁‬赢‬谁输‬真‬说不好‬。 浓眉受伤后詹眉挡拆自然‬打不起来了,掘金‬瞬间‬抓住‬湖人‬内线‬薄弱‬的漏洞‬不断‬冲击‬,轻松‬得分‬。 值得‬一提‬的是‬: 浓眉下场那会湖人领先‬9分‬,几个‬回合‬瞬间‬落后‬5分‬,老詹也被迫打满了第三节。

The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!


James averaged 27.8 points, 6.8 rebounds, 8.8 assists and 2.4 steals per game while shooting 56.6% from the field, 38.5% from three-point range and 63.7% from three-point range.

Davis averaged 27.8 points, 15.6 rebounds, 4 assists and 1.6 blocks per game while shooting 63.4% from the field and 66.5% from the field.

Reaves averaged 16.8 points, 3.8 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 1.4 steals per game while shooting 47.6% from the field, 26.9% from three-point range and 58.9% from three-point range.

Russell averaged 14.2 points, 2.8 rebounds and 4.2 assists per game while shooting 38.4% from the field, 31.8% from three-point range and 48.1% from three-point range.

Hachimura averaged 7.8 points, 3.8 rebounds and 0.8 assists per game, shooting 39.5% from the field, 35.7% from three-point range, and 47% from three-point range.

The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!


In this round of the series, the Lakers were able to maintain their lead in the first half, especially in the G2 game, where the maximum lead was as high as 20 points, and was finally reversed. 通过盘点本赛季哈姆对比赛把控能力,无论是外界媒体、粉丝,还是内部球队都对主教练哈姆表示强烈不满,今天记者Shams曝出‬猛料:首先‬透露‬湖人愿与詹姆斯讨论任何合同,大概‬为‬3年1.64亿顶薪!其次‬湖人本赛季的结束让主教练哈姆的未来陷入严重危机,因为一些利益相关者表示他基本上不可能回归湖人‬主教练‬席位‬,哈姆的排阵损害了他‬在队内威望,而且‬哈姆‬临场‬应变能力太差‬,在整个系列赛和整个赛季的大部分时间里,球队官员和球员都认为哈姆的轮换、比赛计划和缺乏调整导致了这支球队的表现不佳。 This caused discontent in the dressing room, which was evident throughout the team.

The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!


随着今天‬掘金4-1淘汰湖人,森林狼4-0淘汰太阳,这两支球队次轮相遇。 森林狼‬这‬个‬赛季‬太恐怖‬了‬,尤其‬是‬当家‬核心‬球员‬爱德华兹‬成长‬迅速‬,攻防‬一提‬。 首轮‬4场‬比赛‬场均‬得到31分8篮板6.2助攻2抢断,投篮命中率51.2%,三分球43.8%,罚球命中率83.9%。 轻松‬完成‬对‬太阳‬横扫‬。 最‬恐怖‬的‬是‬森林狼‬内外‬扫荡‬式‬的‬防守‬,从主力‬到‬替补‬几乎‬没有‬防守‬特别‬漏‬洞‬的球员‬。

The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!

我‬可以‬明确‬的说,掘金‬‬没有‬把握‬战胜‬森林狼‬。 通过‬首轮‬打‬湖人‬的感官‬上看‬,掘金‬完全‬没有‬去年‬那种‬统治级别‬能力‬,几乎‬前三节‬全部‬处于‬落后‬,第四节‬能‬反超‬,不能‬排除‬‬吃了‬湖人‬队‬年龄‬体力不足‬的‬福利‬,尤其是‬39岁‬的‬詹姆斯‬。 这‬5场‬比赛掘金‬总共‬赢了‬湖人‬仅仅‬11分‬。 ‬据统计:穆雷这‬5场投篮‬命中率‬皆‬低于‬40%,真实命中率44%。 相比‬上个‬赛季‬季后赛‬打‬湖人‬命中率‬直接‬下滑‬15%‬。 这也是‬掘金‬整体‬下滑‬的‬部分‬因素‬。 而‬森林狼‬的防守‬更‬强硬‬,如果‬穆雷‬真‬被锁‬死‬,那‬掘金‬太‬难了‬。 最致命‬的是掘金‬替补深度‬比‬上赛季‬薄弱‬了很多‬。。

The Nuggets can't sit still at all! The Lakers are out of the game 1-4, and Lao Zhan's post-game interview sparked controversy!


Lao Zhan's recent interviews have repeatedly revealed Hamm's coaching ability. Today, when it comes to whether he ended his Lakers career and talked about the Nuggets' 4-1 Lakers, this interview is meaningful, and it may indeed be unbearable for Coach Ham.

詹姆斯说:“首先,要向卫冕冠军脱帽致敬,他们是超级好的球队,他们‬的‬教练‬执教水准极高,你要对他们脱帽致敬,他们在最后阶段打成回合,赢得了系列赛。 So, you must praise what you deserve. 我‬不认真‬我‬的‬能力‬下滑‬,我‬的‬状态‬仍可以‬冲击‬冠军‬,至于‬这场‬比赛是不是‬我‬在‬湖人‬生涯‬的‬最后‬一场,我‬不能‬给予‬回复‬。 ”