
Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible


Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible

On a cold winter morning, Aunt Li, as usual, made a cup of hot red date and wolfberry tea. She believes this is her health secret – blood and beauty, especially on her 60th birthday. However, after a few weeks, Aunt Li began to complain of stomach aches and aches frequently. Initially, she did not associate these symptoms with her daily health tea. Until a routine physical examination, the doctor suggested a possible cause: red dates.

Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible

Jujube is regarded by many people as a nourishing holy product, rich in vitamins and minerals, and is a daily favorite tonic for many middle-aged and elderly people. However, few people know that for some people with sensitive stomachs, the high sugar content of jujubes may be a stimulus, which can aggravate gastric acid secretion and even cause stomach pain. Yes, you heard it right, those seemingly harmless sweet dates can be just the "catalyst" for people with stomach problems.

Here, we'll reveal some common misconceptions about dates and stomach health, giving you a fresh appreciation for the potential health effects of these everyday foods. If you are also a member of the jujube lover, especially if you have an upset stomach, then read on to learn how to adjust your diet to maintain your stomach health.

Diet and Stomach Health: A Scientific Analysis

How diet affects stomach problems

Gastric diseases usually include gastritis and gastric ulcers, and the main causes are damage to the gastric mucosa and excessive stomach acid. Food has a great effect on the gastric mucosa, especially acidic or irritating foods. When the gastric mucosa is damaged, gastric acid comes into direct contact with the stomach wall, exacerbating the condition. In addition, foods high in sugar may promote increased gastric acid secretion, further irritating the damaged gastric mucosa.

Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible

The potential effects of jujube on the stomach

Although jujube is rich in vitamin C and iron, which has the benefit of nourishing blood, its high sugar content is not good for some people with stomach problems. Sugar in the stomach can cause an increase in gastric acid secretion, which may worsen symptoms in people with pre-existing stomach problems. Specifically, the sugar in jujube can be quickly converted into glucose during digestion, which increases the pressure in the stomach in a short period of time, forcing the secretion of gastric acid to increase, and forming an additional burden on the gastric mucosa.

From a scientific point of view, the consumption of jujube needs to be carried out in appropriate amounts according to the individual's stomach health. For healthy people, moderate consumption of jujube can bring health benefits, but for people with excessive stomach acid or damage to the gastric mucosa, the intake of jujube should be limited to avoid causing discomfort or aggravating the condition.

This section emphasizes the importance of consuming jujube correctly and reminds people with symptoms of stomach problems to choose food carefully to prevent further aggravation of symptoms. By making reasonable adjustments to your diet, you can effectively manage and prevent the development of gastric diseases.

Five foods to avoid to protect your stomach health

Red dates: Hidden danger in sweetness

Jujube is easy to cause hypergastric acid due to its high sugar content, which causes irritation to the gastric mucosa. People with sensitive stomachs are advised to limit the intake of jujubes, especially on an empty stomach, to reduce the risk of gastric acid secretion and stomach pain.

Spicy foods: a source of irritation

Common spicy foods such as chili pepper and mustard can irritate the stomach lining and increase gastric acid secretion. For patients with gastritis or gastric ulcers, spicy foods may exacerbate the condition, and it is recommended to minimize the proportion in the diet.

Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible

High-fat foods: a heavy burden

High-fat foods such as fried chicken and creamy products are digested slowly, so the stomach has to produce more stomach acid to break down, thus increasing the burden on the stomach. Reducing the intake of these foods in moderation can help maintain stomach health.

Coffee and alcohol: potential irritants

Both coffee and alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and trigger or worsen stomach pain. They make the stomach lining more susceptible to stomach acid, leading to inflammation or other stomach problems. People suffering from stomach problems are advised to reduce or avoid these drinks.

How to protect and maintain stomach health through diet

The importance of a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet is the key to nourishing your stomach. Fiber-rich foods such as oats, whole-grain bread, and fresh fruits and vegetables are recommended, which contribute to healthy digestion in the stomach and reduce excess stomach acidity.

Stomach friendly food options

Jujube is the "catalyst" of stomach disease? If you want to nourish the stomach, it is best to stay away from 5 things, and get to know it as soon as possible

Bananas: Natural stomach relievers that help reduce stomach acid.

Ginger: Has anti-inflammatory effects and can help reduce stomach inflammation and nausea.

Chicken breast or lean meat: Easy to digest, provides the necessary protein without burdening the stomach.

Dietary changes

Eat at regular intervals: Eating regularly can help the stomach better adapt to the digestion of food.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals: Avoid eating too much at once to reduce pressure on your stomach.

With these specific dietary adjustments and choices, stomach health can be effectively protected and the risk of stomach problems can be reduced. Adjusting your diet and choosing stomach-friendly foods is an important step in maintaining and improving your stomach health. It is also advisable to consult a doctor or dietitian before making dietary changes to ensure that these changes are in line with the individual's health needs.

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