
The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media



The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing


The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing
The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing




同时组织开展“党团同心 护河同行”、“河小青”等系列志愿服务,举办“知水护水兴水,共享幸福河湖”及“绘就运河新画卷 共护幸福母亲河”等活动,进一步向广大群众普及河湖保护知识,营造了全民爱水、护水的和谐氛围。

The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing
The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing
The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing
The water is clear and the scenery is beautiful! It is the background color of the beautiful rivers and lakes in Xiqing
