
refused to sweep, Zhan Mei used the Lakers to beat the Nuggets

author:Coconut City Pass
{"info":{"title":{"content":"拒绝横扫,詹眉发力湖人暴揍掘金","en":"refused to sweep, Zhan Mei used the Lakers to beat the Nuggets"},"description":{"content":"季后赛继续进行,湖人主场迎战掘金,掘金已经取得3:0的领先,今天取胜的话将是第一支进入次轮的球队。而湖人已经无路可退,本...","en":"The playoffs continue with the Lakers hosting the Nuggets, who have taken a 3-0 lead and will be the first team to reach the second round if they win today. And the Lakers have no way back, this..."}},"items":[]}