
Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from organizing group tours on May Day, and netizens are frying in the comment area

{"info":{"title":{"content":"闹大了!多地高校禁止学生“五一”自行组团旅游,网友评论区炸锅","en":"Colleges and universities in many places prohibit students from organizing group tours on May Day, and netizens are frying in the comment area"},"description":{"content":"近日,多地高校发布通知禁止学生在“五一”假期期间自行组团旅游,此消息一出就引发全网关注。视频加载中...“五一”假期越来...","en":"Recently, colleges and universities in many places issued notices prohibiting students from organizing group tours during the \"May Day\" holiday, which attracted the attention of the whole network as soon as the news came out. The video is loading...\"May Day\" holiday is coming..."}},"items":[]}

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