
The younger brother was taken away by a tiger, and the elder brother went to the underworld to check the book of life and death, Hades: He is not dead

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM
{"info":{"title":{"content":"弟弟被老虎叼走,哥哥赴阴间查看生死簿,阎王:他没死","en":"The younger brother was taken away by a tiger, and the elder brother went to the underworld to check the book of life and death, Hades: He is not dead"},"description":{"content":"弟弟被老虎叼走,哥哥赴阴间查看生死簿在遥远的古代,有一个名叫青阳的小山村,村里住着一对兄弟,哥哥叫大壮,弟弟叫二虎。两人...","en":"The younger brother was taken away by a tiger, and the elder brother went to the underworld to check the book of life and death In ancient times, there was a small mountain village called Qingyang, and there lived a pair of brothers in the village, the elder brother was called Da Zhuang, and the younger brother was called Erhu. The two..."}},"items":[]}