
The mystery of Lin Daiyu's funeral flowers in "Dream of Red Mansions": why is she so sad?

author:Free writer Xiao Chao
{"info":{"title":{"content":"《红楼梦》中林黛玉葬花之谜:她究竟为何如此伤心?","en":"The mystery of Lin Daiyu's funeral flowers in \"Dream of Red Mansions\": why is she so sad?"},"description":{"content":"在浩如烟海的文学作品中,曹雪芹的《红楼梦》无疑是一部不朽的巨著。它以其深刻的人物刻画、细腻的情感描绘和独特的艺术风格,吸...","en":"Among the vast literary works, Cao Xueqin's \"Dream of Red Mansions\" is undoubtedly an immortal masterpiece. With its profound character portrayal, delicate emotional depiction and unique artistic style, it attracts..."}},"items":[]}