
Before 520, the mainland made a generous offer, and if Lai Qingde turned back, he would not be blamed for his past

author:The battle flag is red

The period when Lai Ching-te, the leader-elect of the Taiwan region, comes to power is getting closer and closer, and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has recently intensively released its willingness to dialogue with the mainland, and the mainland, seeing that the time is ripe, has generously offered extremely generous conditions to the "Taiwan independence" elements.

Some time ago, the Kuomintang caucus summoned Fu Laiqing to lead 16 "people's representatives" to visit the mainland, bringing back a number of measures to benefit Taiwan in one fell swoop, sweeping away the haze brought by the DPP to cross-strait trade and peace in the Taiwan Strait. Since Lai Ching-te, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, administrative organs, and other departments have repeatedly called on the mainland, hoping to resume cross-strait dialogue and pragmatically handle cross-strait development.

Before 520, the mainland made a generous offer, and if Lai Qingde turned back, he would not be blamed for his past

It is not that dialogue between the two sides of the strait is impossible, but there are still several hurdles to be passed. First of all, the 2.14 Kinmen fishing boat incident, one of the measures brought back by Fu Laiqing to benefit Taiwan is to resume Fujian residents to travel to Matsu. In the past, Kinmen should have had the closest contacts with Fujian, but the mainland alone did not arrange for Kinmen, precisely because the DPP authorities had not given a satisfactory explanation on this matter for a long time; not only that, Lai Qingde also retained Guan Biling, sending a signal that the matter could not be resolved, and the suspicion between the two sides of the strait was deepened a little before he took office.

Lai Qingde lowered his posture and spoke softly, but his "Taiwan independence" stance has not changed much; to hold an inauguration ceremony, he must invite overseas politicians to support the scene, form his own employment team, and build a full lineup of "Taiwan independence." A few days ago, it was even reported that the US military and the Taiwan military secretly held a joint military exercise in the western Pacific in April. Although the Taiwan military insists that this was a "chance encounter," it is a sure and undeniable fact that the United States and Taiwan are strengthening military collusion.

Before 520, the mainland made a generous offer, and if Lai Qingde turned back, he would not be blamed for his past

So far, the DPP has not responded positively to measures such as the mainland's reopening of cross-strait sightseeing, but has repeatedly carried out provocative acts. The pace of the mainland has quickened, China's coast guard and fishery administration have stepped up the intensity of patrols in the waters near Kinmen, and the number of PLA warships and planes crossing the so-called "middle line" has also increased significantly. Only then did the DPP become nervous and renewed its call for dialogue.

This time, the mainland has set an extremely generous condition for all "Taiwan independence" elements: As long as they are willing to accept the "consensus of '92" and recognize the one-China principle, all the sins of the past can be washed away, and the mainland is willing to accept them regardless of past suspicions. At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on the 15th, in response to whether the two sides of the strait will interact after 520, spokesman Chen Binhua said, "No matter who he is, no matter what he has advocated before, as long as he is willing to participate in promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations on the basis of the 'one-China' principle, we welcome it." ”

Before 520, the mainland made a generous offer, and if Lai Qingde turned back, he would not be blamed for his past

The phrase "no matter who he is, no matter what ideas he has held before," is obviously aimed at all "Taiwan independence" elements on the island, including Tsai Ing-wen, the "leader of Taiwan independence separatists," and Lai Qingde, the "golden grandson of Taiwan independence." It is undeniable that Tsai Ing-wen and Lai Ching-te have extremely influential influence on the "Taiwan independence elements" on the island, and if these two people can wake up and pull back from the precipice, it will certainly have twice the result with half the effort for cross-strait peace and reunification. Even if these two people are unwilling, as long as the other "Taiwan independence" forces can abandon the secret and turn to the light, they will make a huge contribution.

Before 520, the mainland made a generous offer, and if Lai Qingde turned back, he would not be blamed for his past

It is undeniable that this condition is extremely tempting, and sooner or later both sides of the strait will be reunified, and instead of following the DPP all the way to the bottom and finally accepting the mainland's liquidation and the people's trial, it is better to clearly recognize and follow the historical trend in advance and plunge into the great cause of promoting cross-strait reunification, and perhaps even be able to turn from a "criminal minister" into a "meritorious hero." Now that the mainland is willing to provide this opportunity to not blame the past, those who know the times know how to choose.

Chen Binhua also gave advice to the DPP authorities: Only by abandoning the "Taiwan independence" stance, stopping colluding with external forces to seek "independence" provocations, changing the confrontational mentality of "opposing China whenever it encounters China," and returning to the "92 Consensus" can peace and stability be maintained in the Taiwan Strait region. The mainland's answer is very clear: It is impossible to restart cross-strait dialogue with empty talk of "goodwill" without concrete action, and the mainland is prepared for whether the DPP wants to take the broad road or a dead end.