
In 38.28 seconds, the Chinese relay team won the men's 4X100m championship in the Florida East Coast Relay Race!

author:Xinxin Sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"38秒28,中国接力队拿下佛罗里达东海岸接力赛男子4X100米冠军!","en":"In 38.28 seconds, the Chinese relay team won the men's 4X100m championship in the Florida East Coast Relay Race!"},"description":{"content":"在佛罗里达东海岸的阳光下,中国接力男队用一场精彩绝伦的比赛再次证明了自己的世界级竞争力。他们在男子4X100米接力赛中以...","en":"Under the sunshine on the east coast of Florida, the Chinese relay men's team once again proved its world-class competitiveness with a wonderful game. They won the men's 4X100m relay with ..."}},"items":[]}