
"I intend to revitalize China, but you know I can't call the shots": Zaiyan's helplessness and wish!

author:阐史官 "四爷"
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“我有意振兴中国,但你知道我不能做主”:载湉的无奈和心愿!","en":"\"I intend to revitalize China, but you know I can't call the shots\": Zaiyan's helplessness and wish!"},"description":{"content":"清德宗爱新觉罗·载湉(1871年8月14日-1908年11月14日),乃清王朝第十一任君主,也是定都北京后第九位君主。生...","en":"Qing Dezong Aixin Jueluo Zaiyan (August 14, 1871 – November 14, 1908) was the eleventh monarch of the Qing Dynasty and the ninth monarch after the capital of Beijing. Bear..."}},"items":[]}