
Emperor Tongzhi, why did he die early at the age of 19? It has nothing to do with the Empress Dowager Cixi!

author:阐史官 "四爷"
{"info":{"title":{"content":"同治皇帝,为何19岁便早早驾崩?与慈禧太后脱不了干系!","en":"Emperor Tongzhi, why did he die early at the age of 19? It has nothing to do with the Empress Dowager Cixi!"},"description":{"content":"清穆宗爱新觉罗·载淳,系咸丰帝嫡长子、孝钦显皇后叶赫那拉氏之子。担任第十代清朝皇帝(1861年8月22日至1875年1月...","en":"Qing Mu Zong Aixin Jueluo Zaichun, the eldest son of Emperor Xianfeng and the son of Empress Xiaoqin Xian Yehenara. He served as the 10th Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (22 August 1861 – January 1875...)."}},"items":[]}