
What's new: Fog, thunder, no sailing!

author:Boat Racing News
{"info":{"title":{"content":"最新消息:浓雾、雷电、停航!","en":"What's new: Fog, thunder, no sailing!"},"description":{"content":"市民朋友注意了!舟山市气象台今日9时发布浓雾警报浓雾警报:受暖湿气流影响,预计今天上午我市部分区域仍有浓雾;另今天傍晚到...","en":"Zhoushan Meteorological Observatory issued a dense fog warning at 9 o'clock today: Affected by the warm and humid airflow, it is expected that there will still be dense fog in some areas of the city this morning;"}},"items":[]}