
Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

author:South wind and rain carefree deer

A jaw-dropping scene appeared at the United Nations General Assembly! In the vote on whether Palestine would join the membership of the United Nations, a staggering 143 countries voted in favour. This is undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face to the various practices of the United States and Israel on the Middle East issue. After the results were announced, the atmosphere at the scene was tense, and the Israeli representative tore up the Charter of the United Nations in public and became arrogant.

Most Countries in the World Strongly Support Palestine This is undoubtedly a fierce "global slap in the face." Out of a total of 193 States Members of the United Nations, a whopping 143 voted in favour of Palestine's admission as a new Member of the United Nations. This constitutes an overwhelming majority and represents the strong support of the international community for the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

Among the countries that voted in favor were many allies of the United States. For example, France, Japan and other countries, although they have long been pro-American countries, have disagreed with the United States on this matter and have chosen to support Palestine. It can be seen that the cause of the Palestinian people has been recognized by the vast majority of countries in the world.

In addition, although major European countries such as Britain, Germany, and Italy abstained from voting, in fact, their positions have been significantly tilted, and they belong to the "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade" type of support. It is conceivable that if this matter were voted on again, they would probably directly choose to vote in favor of Palestine joining the United Nations.

What is even more jaw-dropping is that even Ukraine, a "hardcore ally" of the United States, has chosen to abstain. Previously, Ukraine had been a proxy voter of the United States at the United Nations, but in this matter it was unexpectedly "backwater". It can be seen that Ukrainians may also be aware of Israel's unjustified behavior in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

Erdan tore up the Charter of the United Nations in public In the face of such an overwhelming majority, it is clear that the Israeli representative Erdan cannot accept it. After the results of the vote were announced, he was furious on the spot, went so far as to take out a small paper shredder and tore up the UN Charter in public! This kind of unreasonable and arrogant behavior made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly tense.

The tearing up of the Charter is a blasphemy and a provocation to the entire United Nations system, and it has once again exposed Israel's arrogance. The last person to be so vexatious in the UN General Assembly was the late former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. One can't help but wonder, is this a barbarian or a representative of a civilized country?

China Slaps the United States in the Ring In the face of such an unreasonable act by the Israeli representative, Fu Cong, the Chinese representative, slapped the United States in the face on the spot. He pointed out that the United States uses the veto as a tool to pursue its own interests, and that it has no responsibility as a major power at all, and warned the United States that it should readjust its role and strategy and not adhere to the wrong approach, otherwise it will go against the tide of history and will inevitably fail.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

This denunciation and condemnation shows that the United States has completely overdrawn its credibility on the Middle East issue and has aroused unprecedented public indignation in the international community. It can be said that what the United States has done in the Middle East has long been unworkable, and now it has finally reached the point of being spurned. China's rebuke is already raging.

Erdan's "Threat" Exposes the Shady Scene of the United States at the United Nations It was revealed that the reason why Erdan was so agitated and arrogant at the scene was because before the vote he had "threatened" that if this resolution was passed, Israel would make the United States "completely stop" funding the United Nations and its agencies.

This remark has once again exposed that the United States is Israel's "agent" in the United Nations, and it has been saying something for it all along, and wants to play the role of "one word" in the United Nations. Even U.S. allies voted for Palestine but failed to prevent the curtain from being lifted.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

One veto or be deprived However, arrogance to this point is also drilling a dog fire pit. In fact, if a permanent member "seriously violates the Charter of the United Nations in its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security", it may be deprived of a veto in the Security Council by a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly.

If the United States does not stop and continues to support Israel's arrogance and arrogance, it is very likely that it will fall into this dilemma of being deprived of its rights. Once this happens, the dominant role of the United States in the United Nations will cease to exist and will be at the mercy of others. Perhaps this is why the Biden administration has softened its stance on this matter.

More Countries May Join the Camp of Isolated U.S. If the United States persists in barking at Israel at the United Nations, I am afraid that it will face the isolation of more countries. Previously, even Poland and other Eastern European countries, which have always been pro-American, did not vote in favor of the UN vote.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

It is conceivable that if the United States continues to take a tough stance, it is very likely that these countries will change course and vote against it in the next vote. At that time, the United States will be completely caught in a situation where "ten thousand arrows pierce the heart" at the United Nations.

This turning point may be an opportunity for the United States to readjust its policy on the Middle East issue. If the Biden administration recognizes the current affairs as a good man, it may consider taking a more pragmatic and rational stance rather than blindly supporting Israel. Otherwise, the cost will only get heavier.

Slap in the face to beauty! 143 countries strongly supported Palestine's entry into the United Nations, and the international opposition gave Israel and the United States a blow to the head

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