
The Football Association stated: National football coach Ivan provides naturalization advice, and Oscar may join the national football team

author:No name in the world of sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"不等了!足协表态:国足主帅伊万提供归化建议,奥斯卡或加盟国足","en":"The Football Association stated: National football coach Ivan provides naturalization advice, and Oscar may join the national football team"},"description":{"content":"在今年U23亚洲杯赛场,不断出现大冷门,最让人感到不可思议的是,印尼居然通过点球大战以总比分13-12淘汰了夺冠热门韩国...","en":"In this year's U23 Asian Cup, there have been big upsets, and the most incredible thing is that Indonesia actually eliminated the favorite South Korea with an aggregate score of 13-12 through a penalty shootout..."}},"items":[]}