
Don't lose the person you're always chatting with

author:Xia Qing
{"info":{"title":{"content":"千万别弄丢那个随时陪你聊天的人","en":"Don't lose the person you're always chatting with"},"description":{"content":"以前,我总觉得聊天是一件很容易的事情,只要你想找我聊天,我就会很乐意的跟你聊下去。但后来,我才发现,很多时候并不是自己想...","en":"In the past, I always thought that chatting was an easy thing to do, and as long as you wanted to talk to me, I would be happy to talk to you. But later, I realized that a lot of times it's not what I want..."}},"items":[]}