
When the following manifestations appear in the body, it indicates that there may be anemia, and it must be paid attention to!

author:Dr. Huang talks about health

Wang Yi, a 28-year-old nurse, has been feeling tired and weak lately, and she often feels dizzy and dizzy at work, and her face is getting paler.

At first, she didn't pay attention, thinking that it was because she had been working too many night shifts and not getting enough rest recently. It wasn't until she nearly fainted during the last night shift that she finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

At the suggestion of a colleague, Xiao Wang decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. After listening to her symptoms, Zhao Qiang, the attending physician of the Department of Internal Medicine, carefully examined her complexion and eyelids.

"Nurse Xiao Wang, look here, the eyelid conjunctiva is pale in color, the eye circles are dark, and there is a little eyelid edema. Dr. Zhao pointed to her eyes and said, "Coupled with your paleness, fatigue and dizziness, these are typical manifestations of anemia." "

When the following manifestations appear in the body, it indicates that there may be anemia, and it must be paid attention to!

"Anemia, hasn't my hemoglobin always been normal?" Xiao Wang was a little puzzled.

"Anemia is not the same as a decrease in hemoglobin. "Clinically, anemia is often divided into three types: iron deficiency, megaloblastic and hemolytic anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common and is mainly caused by iron deficiency. As a result, early haemoglobin in the body may be normal, but ferritin and serum iron are low. "

"I see. So what should I do now?" asked Xiao Wang.

"I now highly recommend that you go for a blood test, serum ferritin and other laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. "If iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed, we will supplement it with iron supplementation. At the same time, you must pay attention to your usual diet and eat more iron-rich foods, such as lean meat, animal liver, beans, and so on. "

When the following manifestations appear in the body, it indicates that there may be anemia, and it must be paid attention to!

Xiao Wang nodded: "Thank you, Doctor Zhao, I will review it on time." "

The results of the subsequent laboratory tests confirmed Dr. Zhao's judgment: Xiao Wang's serum iron and ferritin were significantly low, and he was finally diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.

After taking iron supplements for a period of time, her symptoms gradually improved, and her face became much more rosy.

Xiao Wang's story is not an isolated case. In modern medical circles, anemia is also often referred to as a "silent epidemic".

According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from anaemia, especially women and children. The prevalence of anaemia in China is also not optimistic, especially among pregnant women and the elderly.

When the following manifestations appear in the body, it indicates that there may be anemia, and it must be paid attention to!

Anemia is when the amount of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood is lower than normal, or the volume of red blood cells is lower than normal. It is not a stand-alone disease, but rather a clinical presentation or laboratory sign.

There are many causes of anemia, such as iron deficiency, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, blood loss, bone marrow suppression, hereditary diseases, etc.

However, due to the atypical early symptoms of anemia, many people tend to ignore the body's warning signs.

It is not until anemia worsens and obvious manifestations such as fatigue, dizziness, and palpitations appear that attention is not aroused. At this time, anemia may have affected the normal function of the body, and even led to damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs.

Medical experts warn that prevention and early detection of anemia are crucial.

In addition to the above-mentioned manifestations such as fatigue, pallor, and dizziness, some "hidden" signs are also worth paying attention to. For example, the nails are pale in color, flat and concave or have longitudinal grooves, the tongue is red, painful or oozing, the heart rate is increased, and the breath is short. Once these abnormalities occur, medical attention should be sought in time to find out the cause and treat the symptoms.

When the following manifestations appear in the body, it indicates that there may be anemia, and it must be paid attention to!

Anemia may seem to be "silent", but it affects the quality of our health all the time. Like Xiao Wang, most anemias are often "hidden" in the early stage, requiring us to use our keen eyes to capture those clues.

The red of life comes from the bright red of blood. Let's treat anemia with a positive attitude and use scientific methods to prevent anemia. Those seemingly insignificant symptoms may be the "red light" of health.

Concern for the body and vigilance against disease require us to maintain a humble heart at all times. Use good lifestyle habits to shape the health of the blood, and supply the body's needs with balanced nutrition. In the balance between prevention and treatment, in the relay race of love and hope, we will be able to regain the red color of life and embrace the dawn of health.