
New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

author:Word craftsman
New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

Among the innovations in modern architectural decoration, there is an ancient and new construction technique that is quietly revived, and that is the new type of rammed earth wall.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

The new rammed earth wall is an innovation in building materials, a tribute to traditional craftsmanship and a deep understanding of sustainability. With its unique texture, color and ecological attributes, it allows people to find a long-lost warmth and natural closeness outside the reinforced concrete forest, which is the temperature of craftsmanship, the poetry of the land, and the whisper of time.

Rammed earth, once an ancient construction technique, was one of the construction methods adopted in the early days of human civilization. From ancient villages to the Great Wall, rammed earth carries the memories of countless civilizations.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

Nowadays, the emergence of a new type of rammed earth wall is based on retaining the essence of tradition and integrating modern scientific and technological achievements, so that it has made a qualitative leap in strength, waterproof durability and aesthetics.

This is the inheritance of the wisdom of the ancestors, but also a response to modern aesthetics, so that each piece of rammed earth wall becomes a bridge connecting the past and the future, warming the people who chase nature.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

The charm of the new rammed earth wall lies in its unique texture and texture. Different from the monotony and unity of industrial production, each rammed earth wall is a direct expression of the earth, and the color and texture of the material vary from place to place, and with the change of seasons and rain, showing a different style.

This natural diversity makes each rammed earth wall a unique work of art, and they are rich enough in their own right without much decoration to be a masterpiece of natural and artificial. When you get closer, you seem to be able to smell the fragrance of the earth and feel the temperature of the earth, which is not a simple replication.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

In today's ecological environment, the new rammed earth wall can be the best choice for green buildings by virtue of its performance. When raw materials are used in raw soil, no harmful substances are emitted during the construction process, and it has good thermal insulation performance, warm in winter and cool in summer, which greatly reduces the energy consumption of the building.

What's more, the new rammed earth wall can be recycled, so even if the building is demolished, the material can be returned to nature without causing environmental pollution. This design concept of harmonious coexistence with nature embodies the delicate balance between people and the environment, and is a demonstration of ecological wisdom and a responsible attitude towards the future.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

The production of new rammed earth walls is indispensable to craftsmen. From material selection, batching, mixing to ramming, each step requires a precise grasp of experience and skills. The craftsmen perceive the humidity of the soil with their hands, measure the uniformity of the rammed layer with their eyes, and their painstaking efforts and sweat are turned into delicate textures that are solidified in the wall.

This personalized, handcrafted and tailor-made wall gives life to the rammed earth wall, making it not only a physical space, but also an emotion and story. Behind every wall is the craftsman's pursuit of perfection, respect for craftsmanship, and reverence for nature.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

The new rammed earth wall is the fusion of tradition and modernity, the innovation of architectural form, and the embodiment of a philosophy of life. In every inch of the texture of the rammed earth, we hear the whispers of nature, see the precipitation of time, and feel the inheritance of culture.

No matter how the world changes, the warmth of craftsmanship from the land has always been people's poetic dwelling, the destination of the soul, and the eternal link between man and nature, the past and the future.

It is made of UHPC and new composite materials by special treatment, with variable size and thickness, and reproduces rich natural texture: rammed earth wall, fair-faced concrete, stone, wood, brick, metal, etc., which is widely used in architecture and space decoration, especially for the curved surface of the building space with complex structural modeling, which can be customized with the shape of the wall, and can be customized to show a more humanized design concept with a unique texture effect, and effectively improve the overall quality of the building.

New rammed earth walls, the temperature of craftsmanship

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