
How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

author:Tang Liang

Once a person is reduced, then his mind will be empty, and many thoughts will arise in his mind, and many people are imagining how long it would take to open the floodgates of the Three Gorges and then release all the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir.

This may sound ridiculous, but it's actually a practical consideration. Before the dam was built, there were many experts in China who were very opposed.

Huang Wanli, a very famous expert, once said before, that is, whether China had that technology at that time or not, even if it was built, it would be blown up one day.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

Judging from the current development of the Three Gorges, it may not be very possible for this idea to be realized at present, but now the Three Gorges has become a relatively important power generation hub on the mainland, and at the same time, it also has various functions.

It is very difficult to drain all the water from the Three Gorges, but in fact, it is possible to make basic calculations, so how long it will take to finish, let's look down together.

1. Scientific computing

First of all, we need to know the importance of the Three Gorges Water Conservancy Project, which is the largest water conservancy project in the mainland, and at the same time, it also consumes a lot of resources in the process of construction.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

RMB is about 203.9 billion, which may be very amazing, but it is also the most cost-effective and cost-effective figure after accurate calculation.

The Three Gorges is a very large water source with a length of about 2.3 kilometers and a height of 185 meters, with a total capacity of 39.3 billion square kilometers.

At one time, its highest water level could reach 175 meters, a figure that may not be a big idea, but if you take some of the buildings in our lives as an example.

It's the height of a 65-story building, and it's so important that it holds so much water that it takes a lot of time to open all the gates.

The maximum discharge rate of the dam is about 100,000 cubic meters per second, and if calculated according to the maximum capacity of the dam, even if it does not stop for a second, it will take 400,000 seconds.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

This is equivalent to 111 hours of round-the-clock work, which is 4 to 6 days in terms of days, which may not be considered particularly large.

For many friends, it may seem like a relatively pediatric matter, which is not an exaggeration at all, but if he really discharges the water with all his might, it will be a very catastrophic event for the downstream.

Because the biggest significance of the Three Gorges Dam after its completion is that it can carry out better flood discharge and help people live a better life. Its length would have helped him withstand a once-in-a-year flood.

2. The significance of building a dam

Floods are a terrible natural disaster, capable of inundating many plains, especially those in the middle and lower reaches, causing casualties and irreparable property.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

Flooding is a very common natural disaster in the mainland, mainly because most of the rivers in the mainland are recharged by precipitation, such as rain, torrential rain, etc.

In addition, the snow melt water in the mountains is replenished, and in the summer, when the temperature changes, latitude and other factors will affect a certain extent, and the water on the mountains will continue to melt and merge into the rivers.

The monsoon climate is very significant in the continental summer, and the precipitation is very abundant, which can cause the flow of rivers to skyrocket, which is a very terrible existence for the middle and lower reaches, and can be called the Grim Reaper.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

The Three Gorges Dam is one of the nemesis of this type of flood, and it has a very strong water storage capacity that can collect it all when the current is particularly high.

It is very convenient and efficient to discharge all things if the river enters a certain dry period, and it can better regulate these floods through artificial means.

Not only is it very important in this regard, but it is also able to generate certain economic benefits. In a year or four, shortly after the dam was first built, it generated an astonishing 98.8 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year, which was second to none in the world at the time.

It has become the world's largest hydropower station in terms of annual power generation. In Beijing in 2022 at that time, its annual electricity consumption was basically 12.8 billion, and the dam reached 98.8 billion, which can meet Beijing's use for up to a year, and at the same time, it can also meet the electricity consumption of other regions for several years, which is a very amazing existence.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

So far, the Three Gorges Dam can make a lot of income by relying on power generation, so far it has a yield of 15,600 yuan, and the 20 million yuan invested at that time has now increased several times, and it can also bring more economic benefits to the mainland.

And this is only a direct benefit he created, there are many indirect benefits, which can better promote the development of the mainland economy, and its energy support capacity is also very important.

The Three Gorges Dam alone is enough to meet the energy needs of some small countries. In China, there are many water conservancy projects on the mainland, which can reach thousands of thousands, and they are a very important force for the economic development of the mainland, and at the same time, they can better benefit the people and better cope with some natural challenges.

For example, some wind power generation or solar power generation in China, etc., some of China's clean energy accounts for a very high proportion in the mainland.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

In order to better cope with international challenges and be more environmentally friendly, it can reduce China's carbon emissions, make China's ecological environment more beautiful, and increase people's sense of happiness and gain.

3. The effect of emitting water

Therefore, the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is not only a simple flood control and flood discharge, but also bears a lot of importance and has its own role at the economic level.

First of all, the Yangtze River is a very famous waterway in the mainland, and many people have a very deep impression of the Yangtze River, which is a very active economic belt in the mainland.

Every year, a large number of ships shuttle across the Yangtze River. The overall climate of the Yangtze River is also very suitable, and it is in a subtropical monsoon climate.

There is a lot of precipitation in summer and very little precipitation in winter, which will affect the work of an industry in the Yangtze River, and if the water level drops in winter, many large ships will face the danger of running aground, which is not conducive to people's development.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

After the completion of the Three Gorges Reservoir, it will be able to release water regularly in winter, so that the water level of the Yangtze River channel can be increased, so as to ensure winter shipping and better protect the daily life of some people.

Second, the Three Gorges has the lesser-known effect of being a gathering place for rare fish on the mainland, and since 2020, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River has imposed a 10-year fishing ban on arrests in all forms of commerce.

Because of overfishing, many fish species have become endangered, which has seriously affected the ecological development of the mainland.

After the ban on fishing, the Three Gorges Reservoir became a habitat for these endangered fish, because the Three Gorges Reservoir is very inaccessible, there are not many people, and at the same time, its drop is also very small, and it can better accommodate all rivers.

With a very large capacity, it can naturally become a place for these fish to continue to develop, which can promote their better development, and a small amount of man-made destruction can allow fish and birds to have more room for development.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

At the same time, there are many islands in the lake, and there are many materials that can help them grow better, and also enhance the ecological balance of the area.

It can also increase the biodiversity of the local area, so the Three Gorges has become a biological demonstration area in the Yangtze River region by virtue of this characteristic.

If all the water from the Three Gorges Reservoir is released, the ecological environment will suffer a certain amount of damage, and the ecological diversity will also be changed, which is not a consequence that we can bear.

If there is no Three Gorges Dam, the climate in this area will also change to a certain extent, which will seriously affect our lives. Therefore, if all the water from the Three Gorges Reservoir is discharged, there will only be harmful risks for us, and there will be no advantage.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?


At the beginning of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, many people were not optimistic, thinking that it was a project that cost the people and money, but now, with the transformation of time, we can know that the Three Gorges Reservoir is very important to the mainland, and it is a very important water conservancy project on the mainland.

If all the water from the Three Gorges Dam were to be released, it would have a very big impact on the mainland, and it would take a lot of time to release it.

This data is an experimental data, based on the flow of his flood discharge and the overall water recharge to make a hypothesis, and the specific practical situation should also be judged according to different situations.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

It is impossible to completely shave the huge amount of water at once, and if it is completely unloaded at one time, it will have a lot of pressure and impact on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

It will also have a negative impact on some coastal areas, and some important urban travel hubs will even cease to exist, and even be detrimental to the operation of the whole country.

Therefore, we demonstrate the question of how long it will take for the Three Gorges Reservoir to be fully discharged, in order to better understand the volume of the Three Gorges Dam.

You can also better know its importance on the continent, it is not only very important on the continent, but also has a very important significance for the whole world, you must know that all countries live on the same earth.

How long will it take to open all the floodgates and release the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

If a country changes dramatically, there will be a butterfly effect, so it can better reflect the importance of the Three Gorges Dam.

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