
Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

author:Two or three miles of information


Bruce Lee is a well-known name.

What kind of person do we think Bruce Lee is?

I remember seeing actor Wang Yaoqing read aloud Bruce Lee's letter to his wife Linda in "Seeing Words Like Faces".

At the time of writing this letter, Bruce Lee was making the first film of his life. At that time, he was poor and in debt.

But in the letter, he still comforted his wife, saying that everything was going well. As long as this movie is released, he can become a superstar that no one knows.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Wang Yaoqing's interpretation makes people feel that Bruce Lee is a confident to naïve optimist.

Well-developed limbs always seem to be connected to the mind simple.


It's not Bruce Lee who has a simple mind, it's us.

We're always willing to add bruce Lee the title of kung fu superstar.

We are always willing to argue whether Bruce Lee is invincible all over the world.

It was as if he had only lost to an opponent and was no longer the king of kung fu.

Kung Fu is of course demanding.

But the real strength is to explore what is really strong?

That's what Bruce Lee really cared about.

Bruce Lee said that the strongest is water.

This stemmed from Bruce Lee's epiphany.

Bruce Lee's master was Ip Man, the first master of Wing Chun. Ip Man often advised Bruce Lee, "Little Dragon, relax a little, settle down, and learn detachment."

How can I relax?

When retraining, Bruce Lee constantly admonished himself, relax himself, relax himself... But when Bruce Lee did this, all his willpower turned into the idea of relaxing himself.

The body is tense and deliberately trying to relax itself. How can it be?

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Ip Man said to him, "Little Dragon, let yourself go with nature and not interfere with it in order to save yourself." Remember, never let yourself be against nature; don't fight the problem directly, but learn to control it according to the situation and follow the trend."

We are used to facing difficulties, as if this is the right view of life.

There is nothing wrong with facing difficulties and overcoming them. What is wrong is our recklessness in disregard of methods, hard rushing, and not hitting the south wall and not turning back.

Shouldn't we stop and think about what it means to go with the flow and what it is to be true to ourselves?

Bruce Lee went home, stopped practicing, and meditated for a few hours every day. But what's the difference between that and deliberate relaxation?

No progress.

Bruce Lee decided to go to sea by boat.

At sea, all the distress, confusion, boredom, and unwillingness came to Bruce Lee.

He slammed his fist into the sea. Ripples rippled across the water and slowly dispersed.

Bruce Lee suddenly realized that this did not illustrate the essence of kung fu?

"I hit the water with my fist, but the water didn't hurt. If I continue to fight with all my strength, the water will not hurt. I wanted to grab it, but I couldn't."

The world is soft, and the world is strong.

Bruce Lee finally understood that in order to practice kung fu well, he must imitate the nature of water.

Suddenly, a small bird flew over the water, leaving a momentary reflection on the surface of the water.

In that instant, Bruce Lee realized another hidden meaning of water.

"When I stand in front of my opponent, aren't my thoughts and feelings like the reflection of a bird on the water"?

Isn't this the "detachment" of Master Ip Man Nian Zi Zai?

"In front of an opponent, it's not about having no feelings or feelings at all, it's about keeping your feelings unchecked or hindered. So if I want to control myself, I have to accept myself in a natural way."

Therefore, Bruce Lee said that people who practice martial arts must first forget themselves and melt themselves into the offensive and momentum actions of their opponents. When the opponent's strength is exerted to the limit, it will be exhausted with its strength and counterattack the opponent.

Kung Fu requires a late strike.

Late strikes require a force to strike.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

What you will become depends on your thoughts.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

If you want to be a different person, you must first truly understand your current self.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Concentration is fundamental to all human abilities.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

If I told you I was awesome, maybe you would say I was bragging. But if I tell you I'm not good, you know I'm lying.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

It is not enough to know; it is not enough to hope; it is not enough to do it.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

You didn't fail, you just lost your way for the time being.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

I'm not afraid of people who have practiced ten thousand moves, but I'm afraid of people who have practiced one move ten thousand times.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

A true teacher should never be a giver of truth, he should be a guide to the truth, and the truth must be discovered by the students themselves.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

If someone criticizes you, you're doing it right, because people often attack anyone with a brain.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

It doesn't matter if you walk slowly, it's important not to stop.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

The purpose of practicing martial arts is not to dedicate ourselves to breaking stones or planks, we are more concerned with using it to influence our entire thoughts and lifestyles.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

It is hard for a well-fed person to believe that there is such a phenomenon as hunger in the world.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Pretense and ostentation are often seen as acts of the weak.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Don't obsess over muscles, brute force can't beat speed and endurance.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

A goal doesn't have to be achieved, and sometimes it's just a way forward.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Don't ask for an easy life, but for the strength to cope with difficulties.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

If you love life, don't waste time, because life takes time to create.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Life is your teacher and your whole life is learning.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Happiness is not about having the best, but about using everything you have to get the best.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

When a person no longer cares about the impression he makes or what kind of impression he can make with others, freedom opens up to him.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Respect others.

Bruce Lee taught everyone martial arts and didn't mind race and ancestry. He believes that all people in the world are one big family. Even he himself was discriminated against (he was told in Hollywood that no Asian could play the male lead on American television). He did not give up, but instead worked more relentlessly to write and direct his own plays, his charisma and talent appealed to people, and his philosophy is still inspiring to this day.


Kung Fu is like water, simple, direct, practical.

However, we are often bound by our proud routines and forget the original meaning of kung fu.

What do you do when you get grabbed by your opponent at the neckline?

People who have been trained in strict martial arts may think, I want to do this first, then this, and finally that... Step by step, put your opponent into it.

But Bruce Lee would never do that, and he would never think so.

Bruce Lee said: Don't admire the big stone in your chest

Bruce Lee would only "immerse the opponent in the pleasure of grabbing the neckline in the most direct way, and then punch him in the nose with a straight punch."

It's not cool at all. It's not handsome at all. There is no sense of artistry at all.

But Bruce Lee said, "It is precisely because it is so ordinary that it is suitable for us to use in actual combat."

It is precisely because it is simple and direct that it is closer to the essence of kung fu.

In Bruce Lee's view, kung fu is of course to be used.

But the use of kung fu is not in being brave and fierce, but in self-defense.

How do you choose a martial arts instructor to learn kung fu for self-defense?

Bruce Lee had a principle, "Believe only half of what you see, and never believe what you hear."

Even if this martial arts instructor is famous all over the world, when you ask him for advice, you still need to ask him to demonstrate his skills in person. Then judge according to your own common sense.

A martial arts instructor standing in front of you may show you many moves with "magical power", such as breaking bricks with bare hands, crushing stones on your chest, kung fu with iron arms, walking like flying, and so on.

Bruce Lee said, don't admire these techniques.

"Breaking bricks with flesh and hitting people are two different things. No matter where it is hit, the bricks will not dodge, but the people will dodge, thus dispersing the power of the attack."

Kung Fu cannot be mechanical, complex, or fancy, but can only be simple.

Because Kung Fu is meant to be used in actual combat.

The martial arts instructor may be the martial arts instructor in front of you, humble and courteous, hidden, unwilling to show his skills.

Bruce Lee said don't believe him, because no one would "spend ten, twenty or thirty years studying martial arts without mentioning their martial arts experience."

Maybe you have a lot of alternatives in front of you, and you are struggling with which martial arts instructor to choose.

Bruce Lee said that you can't stick to any one discipline.

Because, "people, living people, are far more important than moves."

The creation of a move, a sect, begins with exposure to some truth.

But with the death of the founder, his ideas were solidified by his disciples and disciples into an inerable law.

When the founder's moves are enshrined on the altar, that is, the day the founder's wisdom is sent to the grave.

Sectarianism equals prejudice.

Bruce Lee said, "If a person is prejudiced or obsessed with a fixed move, he cannot fully express himself."

Thus, Bruce Lee founded The Boxing School.

Boxing is not a new move invented by Bruce Lee, but to observe the actual battle from as many angles as possible.

"Kickboxing uses a variety of methods and means, but it emphasizes practical results after all."

Bruce Lee is indeed simple, and simplicity is the highest state he pursues.

But this simplicity is based on years of training, careful thinking, and constant realization.

No need to ask Bruce Lee if he is invincible.

Because what he seeks is never to defeat a powerful opponent.

What he pursues is always only strength itself.

Attached bruce Lee classic quotes:

People are the worst when they don't know themselves.

All forms of knowledge ultimately imply self-knowledge.

Self-consciousness and self-awareness are the root of truncated boxing, and its functional utility is not only in the achievement of personal martial arts attainments, but also in making it survive as a real survivor.

At the same time, the learning of skills also increased oneself in wisdom, and it was even more important to learn and understand the philosophy of Zen and kōdo.

Everything needs to be true, everything is empty.

Life is a process of constant connection. We must break the shell of isolation from the outside world, and to come out of it to find the truth is to be in direct contact with the outside world, and I will neither blindly follow you nor influence you. So don't assume, 'This is this,' 'That's that.' If you start researching every single thing from reality, I'll be more satisfied.

I can't teach you, I can only help you study yourself. Nothing special.

The important thing is to teach a man to do what he can do, just be himself... I'm against imposing a certain style on someone. It's an art, an art of self-expression.

With the passage of time, heroes will die like ordinary people and will slowly disappear into people's memories. And we're alive. We have to understand ourselves, discover ourselves, express ourselves.

Keep the ethereal mind, invisible, impossible, like water. When water is poured into the cup, it becomes the shape of the cup, poured into the bottle becomes the shape of the bottle, and poured into the teapot becomes the shape of the teapot. And water can carry boats and can also overturn boats. Like water, my friend.

Empty your cup before it can be filled again, empty and complete.

A true teacher, a true warrior, should never be a giver of truth, he should be a guide, a guide on the path to truth, and truth must be discovered by the students themselves.

When I was a child, I could feel myself growing physically. Today, years later, I understand the difference between true self-actualization and fantasy self-actualization. After my observation, I am convinced that self-actualization can only be truly achieved by studying myself carefully and sincerely.

I want everyone to truly achieve self-actualization, not fantasy self-actualization. I hope that each of you can sincerely find your true self.

This is an era of great change, an era of passionate and unrestrained! We can never adapt to something entirely new, but we must prove our worth and affirm my existence, all the time and day.

I chose to read philosophy because philosophy will tell you why you live.

How can a person react to the whole in a partial, fragmentary form?

No, I'm Chinese.

When carving a statue, the sculptor cannot add bricks and tiles to the statue. In fact, when sculpting, the non-essential things are chiseled out at the beginning.

That is, they are all bound by some form of restraint that they only know! True observation can only be attained after renouncing form, and true free opinion can only occur outside the system.

Boxing is not (just a) method of disability, but a great avenue, a frank road towards the true meaning of life.

On Zen

To be inspired by martial arts means to be able to break down the barriers of "true knowledge" and "true destiny". At the same time, it can develop an infinite self and expand the self infinitely. This is by no means an emphasis on the development of one aspect of the whole, but on your overall development and on each aspect of the whole.

The way beyond cause and effect is all about the proper use of the power of the mind and the will.

The void stands precisely between this and that. And the void includes everything, there is no opposition —nothing that does not belong to it or is the opposite. The void of existence is the source of all forms. Emptiness fills life, power, and even love.

Looking at a wooden doll, she has no sense of self and no ability to think. There is no greed and no stubbornness.

If there is no rigidity in the heart, then external things will open up. Move like water. When it is still, it is like a mirror, but when it reacts, it is like an echo.

Emptiness cannot be defined, just as the softest thing cannot be cut.

I'm moving, or I'm completely moving. I was like the moon on the waves, shaking and shaking. True meaning is not in "what I am doing" but in "inner self-realization", "which is deep in me". Excessive self-awareness is the greatest obstacle to all bodily action.

The narrowness of the mind means the freezing of the heart. Once its necessary free fluidity is stopped, the mind will no longer be truly in a state of mind.

"Immovability" is the concentration of energy in one focal point, like the axis of the shaft in the wheel, and is not chaotic and scattered.

The important thing is the process of doing something, not the result of its completion. There are no actors, only actions. Those who have no experience have only experience.

Being able to observe things colorlessly based on one's own preferences and desires can be said to be able to observe things with their simple and simple nature.

When there is no self-awareness, art reaches its highest level. Once a person can transcend the concerns of the success or failure of what he does, he will be able to discover what "freedom" is.

The path to perfection is difficult only for those who choose and choose. There is nothing good and nothing to hate, so that the mind can prove that the difference between heaven and earth is like the difference between heaven and earth; if the truth is proved before you, there is never right or wrong, and the struggle and battle with right and wrong is a serious disease of the heart.

Wisdom is not how to try to steal the good from the bad. But it is learning how to control them. Just like cork floating on the peaks and troughs of the waves.

Drive yourself to walk with the disease, to be with you, to be a companion – this is the way to eliminate it.

Judgments are only judgments of behavior, and things that do not involve any of their judgments can be described as Zen.

In The Buddha, there is no effort. There is nothing special but the ordinary. Use your own goodness, do your own rituals, pick up your own water, and once tired, lie down and sleep. The ignorant laugh at me, but the wise know me, and there is a deep meaning.

It does not create anything for itself, but it flashes by like nothingness, like a pure silence, and the winner loses it.

Don't escape, let yourself go. If you don't seek it, you will come when you least want it.

Don't think like a thought. To look at all the techniques is to turn a blind eye.

There is no fixed teaching, and all I can give is the right medicine stone to cure a particular disorder.

Bruce Lee: Martial arts

The law is the law of the impossible, and the infinite is limited.

Someone always comes up to me and asks, "Li Zhenfan--are you really that good?" I said, "Oh, if I told you I was awesome, maybe you would say I was bragging." But if I tell you I'm not great, you know I'm lying. ”

I will never say that I am the number one in the world, but I will never admit that I am the second.

People, living people, people who create martial arts are much more important and valuable than any of the various martial arts systems that have been established.

The purpose of practicing Kung Fu is not to dedicate oneself to breaking stones or wooden planks... We are more concerned with using it to influence our entire thinking and lifestyle.

When a person has matured in martial arts, then his form should be an invisible form. This process of growth, maturation, is like melting ice into water that shapes various shapes. Only when a person has no form in martial arts can he have all forms; only when a person has no style can he adapt to all styles.

A fighter must always keep his mind simple, and he has only one goal in mind, that is, how to fight.

Imaginary confrontations that treat enemies as dead bodies or robots are fantasies.

A martial artist who has not been trained in real combat is like a land swimmer who has never been in the water.

Martial artists of one school after another often not only refuse to look directly at the key point of the problem, but blindly follow the form and fixed moves of the attached meeting, so that they fall deeper and deeper, so that they cannot extricate themselves.

Make progress in comparison. I think Chinese martial arts are too conservative and superstitious. If you want to develop it, you have to get rid of the useless things.

I think that since practicality is essential, many traditional but not very practical forms are not important. Why do we spend so much time practicing these unimportant forms?

Americans and other Westerners, in particular, espouse science and efficiency. They don't believe in anything unscientific.

For example, the internal or light gong described in Chinese kung fu novels is actually some myth, but in reality, there are many people who believe or superstitiously believe in them, and these things should not be trumpeted.

Personally, I think we should train our fists to strike strongly at any position, at any time. The kung fu routines we practice are very different from the actual combat, so I oppose any constraints and restrictions.

I mean, there's a big difference between martial arts training and actual combat. Martial arts must be practical. If the martial art we practice is not used in actual combat, why should we practice it? Can that still be called a martial art? If practicing martial arts doesn't make you defend yourself, then why learn it? You emphasize that martial arts are for fitness and recreation, and I disagree with that view. If it can't be used in actual combat, it can't be counted as a martial art.

I don't think it's a good idea to simply practice martial arts routines, which, furthermore, are time-consuming and have little to do with actual combat.

People are tall, some are short, some are fat, some are thin, there are all kinds of people, right? If they practice the same martial arts routine, which one is suitable for them?

I think that the best state of boxing in the application should be that there is no absolute form, and it may not be absolutely correct to use mode A against mode B. I feel that martial arts should not be limited to a certain range, because that will give students the wrong idea that a certain way will work in real combat as it does when practicing.

When you learn to fight, you will learn how to punch and how to use the strength of your waist and legs to cooperate. But in the fight, you need to adjust your movements according to your opponent, so that you can achieve infinity.

When we throw a punch, we have to be able to exert our full strength at any time, from any direction. This is very important. We didn't need to hide our fists in our waists before punching, as Karadi did (karate at the time), which would be too rigid and wouldn't be able to concentrate all our strength. Chinese Kung Fu named this fist "Inch Fist", also known as "Inch Fist", or "Short Fist".

Kickboxing allows us to stop looking back once we've set our way.

There's not much to say here about how to defend or attack, but to learn how to express yourself...

A fighter must be able to keep his heart pure at all times, and he has only one firm goal in his mind - how to fight. In this regard, he must remove the obstacles that stand in his way, whether emotional, physical or intellectual.

If a certain sect teaches you how to fight, you may fight with all your strength according to that prescribed method, but that is not actual combat. Because once you follow the traditional pattern, then all you know is the old way, the shadow of 'tradition' and 'tradition' – you don't know yourself.

To understand fighting, you must do it in a very simple and direct way. The supreme state of martial arts must be to tend to be simple and simple, to respond to changes without change.

An action, even if it is perfect in skill, may fail due to an attack from an opponent. Therefore, beginners in boxing must practice the skill of accurately grasping the timing.

The knowledge of martial arts is simply everyone's knowledge!

Bruce Lee: Big quotes

To truly understand the art of boxing, one must be able to renounce all forms and factions; one even needs to abandon the idea of what is and what is not the so-called boxing. There is no form of boxing, and it can be of any kind, because it is non-sectarian and can be adapted to any faction. It can use all kinds of methods, not limited by any limitations, it makes good use of all techniques, and all means are used. Abandon the old and old techniques to achieve the whole bet and free and flexible use. Abandon the partial limits of ideological dogma, so that thought is not swayed by thought and seduced by external objects.

The Hai na Bai Chuan of the Tao is based on obedience, humility, humility, and stillness. Many times these can be expressed in one word: "emptiness". The void consists of everything, there is no opposition, nothing that does not belong to it or is the opposite. A man must remove all obstacles to his own spirit, otherwise he cannot progress, he must leave his mind empty, and even forget the techniques he has learned. Let there be no stubbornness in the heart, then everything on the outside will open up and appear, moving like running water, and when it is still, it is like a mirror, and the reflection is just like an echo. The intolerance of the mind means the freezing of the mind, and once its necessary free fluidity is stopped, the mind will no longer be truly in a state of mind.

A person who is bent on seeking truth will not be bound in any form, he only exists in the "truth". Any technique that is practical or suitable for you can be called kickboxing. Cut boxing avoids all superficiality and untruths, but goes straight to the heart of complex issues.

"Immovability" is the concentration of energy in a single focal point, like the axis of the axis of the wheel, and is not chaotic and scattered.

There is no immutable teaching, and all I can give is the right medicine stone to cure a particular disorder.

The true meaning of truncated boxing exists when yin and yang are united. Mastering boxing doesn't mean adding more stuff, it's about cutting out non-essential things. Truth is often implicit in simple actions, and many people often crave more and more special things, but instead turn a blind eye to the truth. It can be said that everything was lost in the pursuit. The study of truncated boxing is a process of continuous streamlining. It is not difficult to eliminate external unreality and ingenuity, but it is difficult to eliminate the inner ingenuity and untruth, and tend to be simple and unpretentious, simple and direct.

The Tao is the most basic element of the constitution of all things, it is the highest state of simplicity, formlessness, desirelessness, and conflictlessness. Man should be in accord with the laws of nature, and not in defiance, which means that we should do everything naturally and not force it, and not force it in any situation. For example, When Ku Ding xie niu, he used a knife for twenty years without changing it, because he mastered the law and obeyed the law. Manpower is limited, let things develop according to their own laws, flow like water, calm like a mirror, as fast as echo without leaving a trace, quiet without impurities. Truncated boxing is not just one aspect, only the whole can cope with any situation.

Some knowledge is limited to time, today is, tomorrow is not possible, but the quest for knowledge is eternal. Knowledge comes from accumulating conclusions, and curiosity is an action that never stops. Learning is not the accumulation of knowledge, but the act of seeking knowledge, which is endless. It is difficult for an unskilled person to express himself flexibly and freely.

Only by eliminating the "unclear" thinking and function from the depths of your heart and abandoning all ambiguous ideas can you become a master. Great coincidence, clumsy skill, return to simplicity, the opportunity of the change of heaven and earth, and the unpredictable change of ghosts and gods.

A man with a mind wins the victory and ceases immediately; he has no long hope, no vanity, no ecstasy, no pride, no soaring, and his victory is inevitable and consolidated. Aggression leads to physical and mental exhaustion, pride leads to defeat, and atrocities end in defeat. Tranquility is to be free from desire, a kind of reconciliation with nature. Quiet and not ostentatious, excluding all distractions.

In a Buddha, there is nothing to strive for, only the ordinary and nothing special. With my own food, I pick up my own water, I do my own rituals, and when I am tired, I fall asleep on my back, and the ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will know me: there is a deep meaning in it.

Art is by no means a whitewash ornament, it is a work that ignites the fire of wisdom, a technique that has been freely exercised. The art department can deepen the depth and breadth of the soul. The use of a variety of different techniques and tools is a step towards this smooth path. The purpose of art is not to be selfish and to sublimate the soul and consciousness of only one's own side, but to open up the minds, thoughts and wills of ordinary people in order to fit in with a harmonious and happy world. Even if the artist has advanced skills, it does not mean that he has reached perfection. It can only be regarded as the intermediate stage of the development of continuous progress and spiritual reaction. Perfection cannot be sought in appearance or form, but is radiated from the depths of the human heart. The activity of art is not all about art itself. It penetrates deep into the wider world, where all forms of art converge, and the harmony of the mind and the connection in the ethereal are realized. From the above, we can see that the process of art comes from real life, and real life is true.

Water has five characteristics: water can be put into a bowl to become the shape of a bowl, and put into a cup to become a cup shape. It is so compliant, adaptable, collaborative, and not so brute force. Although water is very tolerant, it can sometimes appear incomparably powerful: sometimes it is powerful enough to push a boulder easily. Thus a person who is as calm as water can use his powerful inner strength to deal with an arrogant and conceited challenger. Water, when it is still, is so clear, and once it is raging and roaring, it becomes so muddy and destructive. When our minds are at peace, our minds are the clearest and we are able to exercise excellent self-control. Water, able to move forward despite the pressure. It flows through the fence, through the substrate without fading. It is never separated, has no factionality of divisions and gangs, is equal and mutually helpful under all circumstances, and can flow on any object on the surface of the earth. If you work with water, then water is your friend, and if you fight it back, then it becomes your enemy. A person full of fear and panic is very likely to sink if he falls into the water; a calm person may rise in the water because of the support of the water, just as in reality, if people fight and oppose each other, then they will spiral into the abyss of endless conflict, suspicion and hatred. Only those who are noble and trustworthy can adapt more to each other and live together more peacefully. Friends, like water!

The best metaphor for boxing is like a finger pointing to the moon, don't mistake your finger for the moon, and don't focus on your finger and ignore other beauty in the sky. The function of the finger is only to guide the "light", and as for how much you can get, or how far you can see, it all depends on self-realization and hard work.

Who am I? Who am I? This is an old question that many people repeatedly cross-examine themselves. Although everyone can see his face through the image in the mirror, although he knows his name, age and past, many people may not be able to truly understand the real "self", so they still have to ask "who am I"? Am I a giant in the temple, or a mediocre person who is closed to self-deception? Am I a great husband who stands proudly in heaven and earth, or am I full of panic like a child lost in the wilderness? Of course, we don't want to see ourselves so embarrassed, but we are afraid that this is the reality. However, we can still find the goal we want, those who pursue excellence with confidence, spirituality will be washed in perseverance, and those who dare to survive in adversity will be able to see their true appearance when they look forward to the image of the mirror.

What is Kickboxing? I was the first to admit that it is not an easy task to concretize boxing. Instead of struggling to explain what "is" in boxing, it is much clearer to prove what "is" in boxing from the opposite side.

Kung Fu is a special skill, an exquisite art, not physical activity. It is a delicate art that must match intelligence with skill. The principles of kung fu are not something that can be learned, just as science needs to seek empirical evidence, and conclusions are drawn from empirical evidence. It must go with the flow, like a flower, blossoming from thoughts free from feelings and desires. At the heart of the kung fu principle is the Tao, the naturalness of the universe.

Is it a giant among men, a king in the contest, or an incompetent coward? Always clumsily standing in your way? Am I a confident gentleman, dignified, strong, so that people see the same way, born to be an example for others? Or is it timid, helpless in an unfamiliar crowd? Under the hard smile is a lost childlike shiver? Most of us aspire to be one of them, and fear another.

Bruce Lee often said allusions

The following is a story often told by the grandmaster, a famous Zen case:

"Let me tell you a story I heard from my master (referring to Wing Chun Ip asking the old master)," Guru Lee Chun Fan often began: "This is the story of a Japanese Zen master who accepts an invitation from a university professor to ask Zen." Obviously, from the time they started talking about Lushun, the Zen master felt that the university professor was not much interested in learning Zen, because the latter was always expressing his opinions and knowledge. The Zen master listened patiently and finally suggested drinking tea. The Zen master filled the professor's cup and continued to pour the tea." "The professor saw the tea spilling out of the tea and couldn't help but say: 'The cup is full, don't pour it again'." "Like this cup," said the Zen master; "you are full of your own opinions and theories. Unless you vacate your cup first, how can I teach you Zen?" "The value of the teacup lies in its emptiness." Grandmaster Li Zhenfan learned Wing Chun at the age of 14, went to the United States alone at the age of 18, practiced martial arts all over the world, learned and borrowed from the techniques and theories that he thought were useful, and finally from hundreds of martial arts systems in the world, he extracted and selected 26 classic martial arts types as the basic elements of Zhen Fan Truncated Boxing, thus creating the all-true and all-powerful Zhen Fan Truncated Boxing that affected the entire world martial arts in one fell swoop, which was regarded as the "King of Kung Fu" by people at that time, but in the face of such a huge achievement, Grandmaster Li Zhenfan has still been learning and practicing. I have been improving and perfecting, because in the view of the Grandmaster, only by constantly 'emptying your cup' can you continue to absorb everything useful, add your own strengths, and apply what you have learned. Remember: Just as the Zen master said, "The value of the teacup lies in its emptiness", whether in martial arts practice or in work life, Zhen Fan Cut Boxers must always empty their own cups to taste the tea in other people's cups. In this way, the Zhen Fan Boxer can eliminate his outdated ideas and concepts, and constantly accommodate new methods and ideas, constantly learn new things, understand new things, and thus maintain endless creativity, adaptability and development.

"Empty your cup to fill it again" "Emptiness is perfect"

Bruce Lee's principle of truncation

I've never seen a stone hit anyone.

Only wild beasts will duel.

If you want to kill people, the best way is to use a pistol, the purpose of the attack is to push your own physical and mental strength to the limit, you want to reach this step, you must understand the universe.

It is the cultivation of martial arts, not the trick of killing.

Not thinking, but an intuition.

Thank you for the reward, Bruce Lee will give the dragon fans a big smile ~

Source: Like a sweet summer

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