
Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

author:Thirteen Qin

I still vividly recall the shock of being shocked when I first saw Schiller's painting.

The grotesque composition brings a slight discomfort due to the impact force, but the line of sight is reluctant to leave.

Exaggerated and distorted limbs filled the picture, and the tense lines plunged into my left atrium like a sharp sword.

There were only three words in my blank brain: "That's cool!" ”

Then, I ran to see the painter's introduction.

When I saw the painter's photographs, I felt that the following briefs were not important.

The picture above gives you a good product.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Egon Schiller Image source network

Such a value can directly omit the introduction of 10,000 words.

Moreover, people are from small handsome to large.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Childhood Schiller Homology Network

This is the oldest photo schiller can find, and yes, the handsome guy lived to be 28 years old.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Schiller Source Network

Schiller was one of the representative painters of Expressionism, painting quite diligently, painting almost every moment except in childhood.

Give you a little science about what expressionism is.

Expressionism is one of the important modern art genres, originally produced to distinguish it from Impressionism. Expressionist artists often express their inner emotions through their works, ignoring the imitation of the form of the object they describe, so their works are often distorted and abstracted by reality.

The most representative painting of Expressionism is this one, which everyone should have seen.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Shout out the source network

Through this work, we can probably feel the characteristics of expressionism: strong colors, grotesque pictures, abstract lines, full of the painter's personal emotions and subjective feelings.

Because of this, expressionist painters varied greatly.

Many times, some painters' styles do not know how to classify, but also into expressionism, so there are many people who are expressionist, looking at the style of the work, basically independent, there is nothing in common.

Schiller was a pioneer of Expressionism, and his work was always expressing explicit lust. The grotesque painting style and the ugly and exaggerated human body were incompatible with the mainstream aesthetics of the time.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Graph source network

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life
Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

This made it difficult for the classical masses, who were accustomed to appreciating elegance and subtlety, to accept it, and they directly labeled Schiller as an "erotic artist", and his reputation was not very good.

Schiller didn't care at all, a man galloping in an abstract and grotesque style, riding in the dust.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Don't think that he is not good at basic skills to go to another path, on the contrary, Schiller's modeling foundation is very solid, and people are the masters who are sent to the official art academy in Vienna with their talents.

How good is the official academy of arts in Vienna?

Adolf Hitler, who had a dream of being a painter at the time, also applied to this school, but did not pass.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Show you Hitler's work, to be honest, the basic skills are really solid.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Hitler's drawing source network

Paintings like this were not admitted, and the threshold of the art school at that time was too high.

Hitler's self-esteem was greatly damaged, and he abandoned his pen in a huff, did not work as a painter and directly changed into a war maniac, and the smoke of war in the world was stirred up.

Later, the whole world blamed the official academy of arts in Vienna for not collecting the evil obstacle in the first place.

Schiller, who was escorted to the art academy here, was not a master of peace, because he chose to quit school in anger because he was disgusted with the rigid art teaching methods there.

Hitler really should have cried, and what he couldn't ask for was scorned by others.

The reality version is talented and willful.

Schiller, who dropped out of school, led a group of "smelly" classmates to form a "new art group" and began to practice his artistic expression, and his abstract and grotesque painting style began to emerge at this time.

As we all know, a person's painting style is closely related to the painter's own personality consciousness and growth experience, and they cast the artist's artistic view.

The initial formation of all artistic views is closely related to this person's childhood.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Self-portrait Source Network

From birth to adolescence, Schiller was enveloped by a dark cloud called "death." This seemed to become a kind of fate for him, which accompanied him throughout his life.

In 1890, Schiller was born into a middle-class Austrian family, the son of a station master of the State Railways.

Not long after Schiller was born, his three older brothers died one after another. His beloved sister died of encephalitis at the age of 10. There were only two children left in the family, Schiller and his sister.

When Schiller was 15 years old, his father died of syphilis, and his mother could not bear the blow and committed suicide. The uncle became the guardian of the Schiller siblings.

The successive deaths of his parents brought Schiller great stimulation.

The influence of his father's life and the shadow of death gave Schiller an attitude of both disgust and longing for sex. In his eyes, sex is the source of pleasure that allows him to escape from reality and get pleasure, and sex is also the beginning of misfortune, representing betrayal, infidelity and death.

His work is both expressing it and scandalizing it. This distorted mentality makes Schiller's work always reveal a kind of trepidation and contradiction.

Schiller's self-portraits make this emotion most apparent.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Schiller was a super narcissistic man who painted more than a hundred self-portraits of himself.

The schiller in the self-portrait is basically slender, his eyes are sunken, his expression is sad and cold, with a little neuroticism, which is the opposite of the happy Schiller in life.

Güterslow, Schiller's close friend, once described it this way, "It is precisely because of Schiller's natural tendency to be sad that he needs to carry laughter with him as an antidote." “

Schiller in self-portrait.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life
Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

When he was a student, Schiller could not afford to hire a model, so he always had his sister as his model.

It wasn't until after dropping out of school that Schiller met one of the most important women of his life: Wally.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Schiller's Wally image source network

Speaking of Wally, we have to mention Schiller's teacher Klimt.

This Klimt can be said to be Schiller's nobleman, without whom schiller would not have become famous as a teenager.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Klimt Image Source Network

At that time, Klimt had already achieved fame, was a local tycoon, and even used gold leaf for painting. His masterpiece should have been seen by everyone, and the gold on it is pure 24K gold leaf.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Klimt admired Schiller's talent and continued to help Schiller financially after he dropped out of school, and also introduced him to resources to organize exhibitions.

Knowing that Schiller had no model, Klimt lent his model and lover Wally to Schiller.

Two young men of similar age soon called, and schiller unkindly abducted the teacher's lover.

It is estimated that he admired Schiller too much, or perhaps the family had money and did not care, in short, Klimt pushed the boat and gave Wally to Schiller.

The two came together as they wished, and came to the small town of Neulenbach to begin their cohabitation life.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

At this time, Wally was not only Schiller's model and partner, but also helped Schiller to do some artistic work and solve all the trivialities of Schiller's life.

Schiller painted with peace of mind and didn't have to think about anything.

Those years were the peak of Schiller's creation, and many classics were completed during that period.

But the good times did not last long, and a lawsuit found Schiller.

The cause was that a young girl was longing for Schiller, and after schiller refused, falsely accused Schiller of abducting minors.

Another theory is that Schiller's high-profile and uninhibited attitude annoyed the neighbors around him, who found that there were young girls who were Schiller's models and went to report Schiller's abduction of minors.

I don't know who is true and who is false, and the only thing that can be determined is that Schiller was arrested.

Police seized a large amount of pornography in Schiller's home — Schiller's human sketches and colors.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Later, the charge of abduction was not established because of insufficient evidence, but Schiller was sentenced to 24 days in prison for the "pornography" seized.

Captured human sketches and colors were burned in court.

Looking at the artwork that gradually turned to ashes in the light of the fire, it felt like bundles of banknotes were burning in front of your eyes.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

If the judge at that time knew the current price of Schiller's painting, he would probably slap himself with a few big ear scrapers.

Crouched in a small black room, the weak, helpless and poor Schiller painted all the grievances of these 24 days, and completed 12 works of prison life in 24 days.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Works in prisons image source network

Although the abduction charge was not convicted, the media did not spare Schiller, they described Schiller as a "pornographer", and Schiller's artistic development suffered a cliff-like blow.

After being released from prison, Schiller moved with Wally.

This move, Schiller empathized and did not fall in love.

The object is Edith, the daughter of a wealthy family.

Schiller, whose reputation had been damaged at the time, was already very poor financially.

If he wants to continue to maintain the state of creation, Schiller must have a favorable creative environment, and Wally without a job obviously cannot give Schiller such an environment.

Nothing could stop me from yearning for painting.

Schiller immediately threw himself into the arms of Edith, who could provide him with financial support.

It is also a scumbag.

What's worse is that after breaking up with Wally, Schiller still hopes that Wally can continue to be his model.

The heartbroken Wally, even though he loved Schiller deeply, did not want to be humiliated like this. She angrily left Schiller.

Schiller, who had lost Wally, was not happy, his wife was a Catholic, and in order to please his conservative wife, he restrained himself and his painting style became rigid.

The women in the painting are all dressed

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life
Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

No one could understand him, care for him, and support his art as well as Wally did. His soul mate was pushed out of life by him.

Shortly after his marriage in 1915, Schiller was drafted into the army as a soldier.

Fortunately, the officers appreciated Schiller's talent, did not send him to the front, and gave him a prisoner-of-war camp guard to spare, allowing him to continue painting in his spare time.

But Wally wasn't that lucky.

This infatuated woman has always been obsessed with Schiller, and when she learned the news of Schiller's joining the army, Wally did not say a word and applied to become an army nurse.

While filling out the application form, in the Relatives section, Wally wrote Down Schiller's name.

Unbeknownst to this poor woman, Schiller had not been on the front lines at all, and she would never have the chance to see the man she had in mind.

Not long after becoming an army nurse, Wally died of scarlet fever in the barracks.

In 1917, Schiller retired from the army and returned to his hometown of Vienna to hold a solo exhibition.

On this day, he exhibited the last painting he painted for Wally when she broke up, "Man and Girl", which was the first day of the painting.

At this moment, a thin telegram fell into Schiller's hand, which said the news of Wally's death.

On that day, Schiller sat for a long, long time in front of the painting "Man and Girl.".

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

The next day, the name of the painting became Death and the Maiden.

Egon Schiller: He called himself the God of Death and was shrouded in death all his life

Grim Reaper and the Maiden Image Source Network

Schiller had always understood that it was not Scarlet Fever that had taken Wally's life, but himself.

To Wally, he was the God of Death!

The exhibition was an unprecedented success.

"Death and the Maiden" later became a classic work in the history of famous art, and Schiller also established his position in art history because of it.

A year later, Schiller died of the flu at the age of 28.

He is said to have been calling Wally's name until his death.

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