
When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

author:Aobo talks about sports

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When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

In this story, I am Li Ming, an ordinary office worker living in a typical Chinese city. My girlfriend Xiaoyu and I have been in love for a long time and decided that it was time to take her home to meet her parents. My parents are traditional Chinese, and they believe in family harmony and the virtues of respecting the old and loving the young. I was both excited and nervous, because this meeting was not only about the happiness of two people, but also about the future of both families.

It was a sunny afternoon, and Xiaoyu and I walked into my house hand in hand. Parents have prepared a hearty meal waiting for our arrival. My mother was an attentive housewife and my father was a retired teacher, and their lives were simple and content.

"Mom, Dad, this is Xiaoyu. I nervously introduced.

"Oh, come in, don't stand at the door. The mother greeted Xiaoyu warmly, and the father nodded with a kind smile.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was quite harmonious at first. We talked about the trivial things of life, and my parents occasionally asked Xiaoyu about her family and work. Xiaoyu replied politely and decently, and I was secretly relieved in my heart.

However, when Xiaoyu's family background is mentioned, the atmosphere suddenly becomes a little awkward. Xiaoyu said: "My mother is a lawyer, and my father works in other places. At this moment, I noticed that my parents' faces changed suddenly, especially after mentioning Xiaoyu's mother's profession, they seemed to have some scruples.

My father coughed and tried to change the subject: "Oh, lawyer, that must be very busy, right? Ming, you should also understand Xiaoyu more." ”

The mother seemed a little uncomfortable, but lowered her head and continued to eat, without asking any more questions. I could feel Xiaoyu's confusion, she frowned slightly, but still tried her best to keep a smile.

After the meal, Xiaoyu and I helped clean up the table, and I noticed something whispered by my parents in the kitchen, but I couldn't hear it clearly. This sudden embarrassment made me feel anxious, and I began to wonder what it was that made my parents so abnormal.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

In the evening, I took advantage of Xiaoyu's time to wash up and cautiously asked my father: "Dad, is there anything wrong with Xiaoyu's family background?"

The father was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath: "That's right, Ming, you may not know that many years ago, your mother had a conflict with a lawyer over a lawsuit. That lawyer happened to be Xiaoyu's mother. ”

I was stunned for a moment, such a coincidence made me unbelievable. I began to wonder if this unpleasant past would become a barrier between us.

The next day, I decided to talk openly and honestly with Xiaoyu about it. We sat in the living room, the sunlight streaming in through the window, bringing a touch of warmth to this heavy topic.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

"Xiaoyu, I want to talk to you about yesterday. I spoke cautiously.

Xiaoyu looked at me, her eyes full of anticipation and a hint of worry: "Ming, no matter what it is, we can face it together." ”

I told Xiaoyu everything my father told me. After saying that, I nervously waited for her reaction.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

Xiaoyu was silent for a while, then took a deep breath: "I understand, this is indeed a very embarrassing situation. But I believe that as long as we are honest with each other, nothing is impossible. ”

Hearing Xiaoyu say this, my heart warmed, and I knew that this test was just a small episode in our common journey. We all believe that as long as there is love in our hearts, no obstacle is a problem.

As time went on, we started trying to find a solution to this problem. We decided to invite my parents and Xiaoyu's mother to meet again, hoping to resolve the misunderstanding we had so many years ago. We planned this meeting more carefully, hoping to make everyone feel comfortable and willing to open up and communicate.

In the process of preparing for this meeting, Xiaoyu and I are also constantly learning and growing. We begin to realize that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we can support and understand each other, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

On the day we decided to let both parents meet, Xiaoyu and I were both extremely nervous. We know that this is not just an ordinary gathering, it is about whether two families can let go of the past and move forward into the future together. In order to create a relaxed atmosphere, we chose a quaint and tranquil tea house as the meeting place, hoping to ease the tension.

Xiaoyu's mother, lawyer Zhao, is an experienced and prestigious legal expert. Her appearance gives the impression of being serious and unapproachable, but in fact, she also has a gentle heart. My parents arrived at the teahouse early, while Xiaoyu and I arrived with Mr. Zhao. When the two parties met for the first time, despite some subtle nervousness, everyone tried their best to be polite.

At the dinner table, everyone was talking about inconsequential topics at the beginning, and although the atmosphere was a little awkward, it was quite harmonious. As time goes on, I suggest that we try to discuss topics of mutual interest as a way to ease the tension. Ms. Zhao mentioned her love for classical literature, which happened to be of interest to my father, who, as a retired teacher, also had a keen interest in it. Under this common topic, everyone finally began to communicate more, and the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

After the meal, we moved to a more intimate space of the teahouse, ready to start a deeper conversation. My father was the first to break the silence: "Lawyer Zhao, our family was affected a lot by the lawsuit many years ago, and I think you may remember it. ”

Lawyer Zhao nodded, and the expression on his face became serious: "Mr. Li, I remember that incident. It was a legal dispute, and I was just doing my duty as a lawyer. ”

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

My mother went on to say, "Yes, we understand. It's just that that incident has had a certain impact on our family, and after so many years, we have also tried to let go of this matter. Today, we were able to sit together, and I think that's a good start. ”

Lawyer Zhao smiled slightly: "I'm glad to hear this. As a lawyer, I'm often on the side of disputes, but I never want those disputes to continue into relationships. Today, we were able to sit down and talk in peace, and I believe this is an opportunity for both sides to release reconciliation. ”

As the conversation deepened, people began to be more open to sharing their feelings and thoughts. Although the shadow of the past cannot be completely dissipated, through face-to-face communication, we all feel a sense of relief and understanding. With her mature attitude, Ms. Zhao brought the whole conversation to life, so that the meeting finally achieved the goal of reconciliation.

On the way home, Xiaoyu held my hand tightly, and tears flashed in her eyes: "Today, I feel very warm, I feel very happy to see everyone trying to cross the past, so that we can be together." ”

I shook Xiaoyu's hand back: "Yes, this proves that nothing cannot be overcome as long as we are willing. I love you, Xiaoyu. ”

Since then, our family relationship has begun to ease. Although it will take time to completely bridge all barriers, this meeting was undoubtedly an important turning point. It not only allows us to see the sincerity and efforts of the other party, but also makes us realize that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as there is love, there is hope.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

This experience was a valuable lesson for me and Xiaoyu. It teaches us how to communicate and understand in the face of difficulties. We have learned that even the deepest wounds can heal slowly with time and effort. We cherish each other more and cherish every moment with our families even more.

Over time, our family relationships have become more harmonious. My parents and Mr. Zhao even started occasionally participating in cultural events together to share our love of literature and art. These small shared moments become part of the fond memories of our family.

In the process, my relationship with Xiaoyu also became stronger. We learned to face challenges together and solve problems together. This experience not only allowed us to grow into better partners, but it also made us appreciate each other more

With the gradual reconciliation of the family relationship between the two parties, the marriage between me and Xiaoyu was officially put on the agenda. We hope that this wedding will not only be a testimony of our love, but also a symbol of reconciliation and unity between the two families. So, we decided to plan a simple but meaningful wedding together.

In the process of preparing for the wedding, we faced a lot of challenges and pressures. From choosing a wedding venue to deciding on a guest list, every detail needs to be carefully considered. Especially when choosing the style and theme of the wedding, Xiaoyu and I wanted to reflect our respect for family and reverence for tradition, while also losing our innovation and individuality as a younger generation.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

For countless late nights, Xiaoyu and I studied various wedding arrangements together, discussing every little detail. We hope that through this wedding, every family and friend present can feel our sincerity and expectations for the future.

In the end, we decided to adopt "Reconciliation and Rebirth" as the theme of the wedding. Through this theme, we hope to send a positive message that no matter what happened in the past, the future can be expected and rewritten.

On the day of the wedding, we chose a classical garden located on the outskirts as the ceremony venue. The ancient trees in the garden are towering, and the fragrance of flowers strikes people, as if nature itself is the best scenery and witness. Before the ceremony began, friends and relatives from both families arrived, their faces filled with smiles of joy and blessings.

The ceremony begins on a sunny afternoon. Xiaoyu and I slowly walked to the ceremony stage surrounded by relatives and friends. Our hands were clasped tightly together, and our hearts were filled with hope for the future.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

At the ceremony, Xiaoyu and I made our vows. I looked at Xiaoyu and said sincerely: "Xiaoyu, thank you for your companionship and understanding all the time, thank you for going through so many ups and downs with me." I promise that in the days to come, no matter what difficulties and challenges I encounter, I will hold your hand, face them together, and overcome them together. I love you forever. ”

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

Xiaoyu's eyes were filled with tears, she held my hand tightly, and said gently: "Ming, it is the greatest luck in my life to meet you." Thank you for giving me so much love and support. I promise that no matter how bumpy the road ahead may be, I will follow you closely, support you, and walk with you. I love you until the end of the world. ”

Subsequently, we exchanged rings, symbolizing our unwavering commitment and bond to each other. Everyone present was touched by our vows, and the air was filled with love and blessings.

At the end of the wedding, we specially arranged a small session and invited the parents of both parties to come on stage and plant a small tree together. This tree symbolizes the reconciliation and unity of the two families, and also represents the beginning and hope of Xiaoyu's future life.

As the tree was planted in the soil, the parents looked at each other and smiled, as if all the past had vanished. At that moment, I deeply felt that true reconciliation is not only about verbal apology and forgiveness, but also about understanding, respecting and supporting each other through practical actions.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

After the wedding, the guests took a walk in the gardens and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Xiaoyu and I took a moment to stand by the small tree not far away, quietly watching it. Xiaoyu snuggled up to me and whispered, "Ming, this tree will witness our love, witness the harmony and beauty of our two families." ”

I hugged her tightly, my heart full of gratitude and happiness: "Yes, Xiaoyu, this is our common starting point, no matter what happens in the future, we will protect it together and let it thrive." ”

On that day, we celebrated not only a wedding, but also the power of reconciliation and love between families. All this will become the most precious memory of our lives, inspiring us to work together and move forward in the days to come, no matter what difficulties we encounter.

After the wedding, Xiaoyu and I started our life together. Different from the hustle and bustle before the wedding, now we enjoy the peace and sweetness that life brings. Our home has become a haven of love, and whenever work brings stress and exhaustion, we can feel endless warmth and strength when we return to this home.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

On our wedding days, we also do not forget the little tree that served as a symbol of our love and family reconciliation. Every weekend, we would go together to water and fertilize it, and watch it grow little by little, as if witnessing the growth and prosperity of our marriage. That tree has slowly become not only a part of our family, but also an indispensable part of our lives.

As time went on, we began to think about expanding our family and welcoming a new life. When I heard the news that Xiaoyu was pregnant, I was so excited that I could barely speak. We hugged each other tightly and felt the happiness and joy that was coming. Xiaoyu's belly is getting bigger day by day, and every time we feel the baby's kick, we are full of anticipation and laughter.

During Xiaoyu's pregnancy, we also began to prepare for the arrival of a new life. We have carefully decorated the baby room and purchased a range of baby products. Every little preparation made us feel the responsibility and joy of being parents.

Finally, the day we have been waiting for for so long has arrived. On a starry night, our baby, a healthy and lively little boy, came into the world. When I picked him up for the first time and looked at his sleeping little face, my heart was filled with love and emotion that I had never felt before. Xiaoyu was so tired that she could barely speak, but the smile on her face was so bright, and at that moment, I knew that our lives had become more complete and beautiful because of this little life.

In the days after the birth of our baby, our home is filled with laughter and crying, and every day is a new challenge and surprise. Although the process of parenting is full of hard work and sleepless nights, watching the baby grow little by little, our hearts are filled with great happiness and pride.

We named the baby "Li Wang", which means that he has good expectations for the future. With the arrival of Li Wang, we also began to learn how to be better parents. We read parenting books, attend parenting classes, and even when we are busy, we don't forget to give each other some alone time to maintain our relationship as a couple.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

As Li Wang grew up, we took him to many places, from the meadows of the park to the mountains and forests for hiking, and we hope that he can get close to nature and feel the beauty of life. Every trip is a common memory of our family, and every photo records our common smile and happiness.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

Nor have we forgotten the little tree that symbolizes our love and family reconciliation. Over time, the tree has grown so much that it has become an indispensable part of our home. Whenever we took Li Wang to take care of that tree, we would tell him the story of the tree and let him know the power of love and reconciliation.

In this loving family, Li Wang grew up happily under our care and guidance. Watching him change and progress every day, we deeply feel what a great and challenging responsibility it is to be a parent. We also began to cherish and appreciate every love in our lives even more, whether it was from our parents, between us, and our love for Li Wang.

As Li Wang grows up, new chapters are constantly being written in our family story. Every day is a new beginning, full of challenges and surprises. We know that as long as we hold hands and connect hearts, there is nothing we cannot overcome. This home, this love, will be the most precious treasure in our lives.

As Li Wang grew up, we began to teach him to recognize the complexity and beauty of this world. Every time he asked a question curiously, we answered patiently, hoping to train him to be a kind, intelligent and responsible person. We also take him to various community activities, hoping that he will be able to socialize and cooperate with people from an early age.

When Li Wang was five years old, we threw a special birthday party for him. We invited our family and friends, as well as Li Wang's children in the kindergarten. The theme of the party was "Little Explorers" and we set up a fantastical adventure scene with small jungles, deserts and oceans. Children wear adventure suits, hold magnifying glasses and compasses, and hunt for treasures and solve puzzles together. Looking at the excited appearance of Li Wang and the children, our hearts were full of joy and satisfaction.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

As Li Wang grew up, we also began to notice that he showed a strong interest in painting. We decided to support his interest and enrolled him in a painting class. Li Wang has shown an amazing talent in painting, his paintings are full of color and imagination, and each work is like a microcosm of the world as he sees it. We encourage him to continue to explore and develop his interests, and hope that he can find his own direction on the path of art.

As time went on, we also began to face new challenges and decisions. Xiaoyu and I both hoped to give Li Wang a better educational environment, so we began to consider moving for Li Wang's education. After much discussion and consideration, we decided to move to a city with better schools and educational resources. Although this decision means that we need to leave our familiar environment and friends, we all think it is worth it for the sake of Li Wang's future.

During the move, we felt a lot of support and help from family and friends. They helped us with packing, moving, and even helping us find a suitable place to live and a school in our new city. In this process, we once again felt the warmth of family and friendship.

In the new city, we quickly adapted to the new life. Li Wang also quickly made friends at the new school. Although he was a little uncomfortable at first, he soon showed his adaptability and optimism. We watched him bravely explore and grow in his new environment, and our hearts were filled with pride.

In the city, we also found many art-related activities and classes, which provided more opportunities for Li Wang to learn and develop. We took him to the museum's children's workshops, outdoor sketching activities, and even a children's art exhibition. Looking at the further development and affirmation of Li Wang's artistic talent, we knew that our decision was the right one.

As Li Wang grew up, we also began to teach him to understand the importance of family and the power of love. We often take him back to his hometown, so that he can get along with his grandparents and relatives, and feel the warmth and support of the family. We told him the story of the little tree that symbolized the reconciliation and love of our family, and let him know that no matter what difficulties he encounters in the future, his family will always be the strongest backing.

When I brought my girlfriend to meet my parents and mentioned my girlfriend's mother, my parents' faces changed

Living in a new city, we experienced many firsts together as a family. We explored new parks and museums together, experienced different cultural events together, and celebrated every little achievement and progress together. These days are a time when our home is filled with laughter and love, and every day is a new beginning, full of hope and anticipation.

In this challenging and changing world, our family of three is closely attached to each other and faces the ups and downs of life together. We know that as long as we support and understand each other, there is nothing we cannot overcome. The warmth and love of this family will be our most precious treasure and accompany us through every tomorrow.

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