
Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

author:Wonderful materia medica

When Li Ming (pseudonym) was in his 20s, he began to work as a construction worker in other places with the villagers, earning a considerable amount of money but also working hard. After work, he always wants to treat himself, and he eats and drinks a lot of meat and wine almost every day, which he thinks can relieve his fatigue, and he has been eating like this for more than 10 years on the construction site.

Since about half a year ago, he found that his weight had inexplicably dropped a lot, and he always felt tired and weak, and he couldn't lift his energy. At first, Li Ming thought that he was just not resting well, until more than 3 months ago, he was even working very hard, and he had no choice but to go home to recuperate.

But after staying at home for more than a month, his body still did not improve, and finally went to the hospital for examination, and was found to have severe hypertension and diabetes, which also caused uremia due to lack of timely treatment. This result is difficult for Li Ming and his family to accept, he is not yet 40 years old, how can he get uremia?

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

1. Why do more and more people suffer from uremia, 5 habits or "culprits"?

Uremia is not a separate disease, but a clinical syndrome in which various chronic kidney diseases progress to the end stage. It refers to a series of syndromes in which kidney failure causes metabolic wastes, toxins, urea and excess water in the body to be excreted in time, making the body "poisoned".

In patients with chronic kidney disease, failure to actively control the disease can lead to persistent damage to the nephrons and irreversible decline, with uremia ending in the end.

According to the results of the sixth chronic disease and risk factor surveillance in mainland China, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease among adults in mainland China in 2018~2019 was 8.2%, which translates to about 82 million patients. According to the dialysis population registration database, the number of people receiving dialysis in mainland China exceeded 1 million at the end of 2022.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

Why are there more and more uremia patients?5 bad habits in life may invisibly harm your kidneys, so correct them as soon as possible.

1. Heavy taste in the diet

Long-term intake of foods high in protein, salt and sugar will bring a greater burden to the kidneys. For example, after protein is metabolized in the body, waste products such as urea will be produced, which need to be excreted through the kidneys. People with abnormal kidney function will not be able to metabolize in time, and a large amount of urea will accumulate in the kidneys, which is extremely detrimental to kidney function.

2. Don't like to drink water/often hold urine

The kidneys are an important place for the body to produce urine, and drinking too little water for a long time will concentrate the urine, and the toxins in it are easy to bring adverse irritation to the kidneys. Holding urine will also increase the burden on the kidneys, and some bacteria in the urine may retrograde and upward leading to kidney infection, which can easily induce kidney disease and even uremia.

3. Stay up late for a long time

Epidemiological findings have shown that more than half of patients with nephritis are associated with long-term exertion. Staying up late for a long time and not getting enough sleep will make the body's resistance decrease, increase the risk of viral infection, and easily cause kidney damage.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

4. Drug abuse

In order to maintain their health, many people will take some health care products for a long time, and even eat a variety of health care products every day. As everyone knows, blindly taking health care products will bring a heavy burden to the liver and kidneys, and over time, it may cause liver and kidney function damage, and even evolve into liver and kidney failure.

5. Not controlling chronic diseases

The occurrence of uremia is not achieved overnight, but is evolved from many chronic diseases without timely intervention and control, such as hypertension, high uric acid, high blood sugar, etc., which may evolve into uremia without early intervention.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

2. Research has found that eating too much red meat is easy to spoil the kidneys, is it true?

Red meat such as pork is deeply loved by Chinese people, and everyone knows that eating too much can easily cause chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high uric acid, but in recent years, studies have pointed out that eating too much red meat will increase the burden on the kidneys and increase the risk of uremia.

Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Singapore have followed up more than 60,198 Chinese aged 45~74 for 15.5 years, during which 951 patients underwent uremia.

After adjusting for various influencing factors, the researchers found a significant association between the top 75 percent of participants with protein intake and the development of end-stage renal disease, with a 40 percent increase in the relative risk of end-stage renal disease in those with a high red meat intake.

In that case, is red meat inedible?

Of course not, red meat is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and iron, etc., and the body's digestion and absorption rate is very high, which can increase hemoglobin in the body and improve anemia.

However, although red meat is good, the intake should also be controlled, and the mainland dietary guidelines recommend that the daily intake of red meat is 40~75g. You can't just eat red meat every day, you can use poultry, fish, eggs, soybeans and other foods instead of red meat.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

In addition, these 3 foods in life can also easily affect kidney health, so it is recommended to eat less:

High-salt foods: Excessive salt intake requires the kidneys to secrete more urine to excrete salt, which will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, excessive intake of high-salt foods can easily cause blood pressure to rise, and the rise in blood pressure will damage the renal tubules and glomeruli, which can easily cause kidney disease.

Carbohydrate drinks: A large intake of carbonated drinks will change the composition of urine, which can easily promote the production of urinary stones. Additives such as colours, flavors, and preservatives in beverages can also increase the burden on the kidneys and increase the risk of functional impairment.

Old Flame Soup: Meat broth that has been boiled for a long time has a large amount of purines, and excessive purine intake can cause uric acid levels to rise. Too high uric acid is not only easy to induce gout, but also easy to make urine deposited in the body and unable to be discharged, which will cause uric acid stones to damage the kidneys.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

3. Stinky in 2 parts of the body may be a cry for help from the kidneys

Qin Yan, deputy director of the Department of Nephrology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of chronic kidney disease, even when there is mild to moderate damage to kidney function, there can still be no symptoms, and even many patients have no obvious discomfort in the uremia stage, so kidney disease is often known as a "silent killer".

Although early chronic kidney disease is not painful or itchy, there will still be some clues in the body, especially the smell in two places on the body, so it is best not to ignore it.

Smelly urine: Normal urine will have some ammonia smell, but it doesn't taste strong. If there is a significant odor in the urine, it is usually associated with inflammation of the urinary system. Due to impaired kidney function, the toxins in the urine cannot be excreted in time, and the concentrated urine will have a noticeable odor.

Bad mouth: A smell of urine in the mouth is likely to be associated with uremia. This is due to the decline of kidney function and the inability of ammonia substances in the body to metabolize normally, resulting in a large amount of ammonia gas retained in the body, which makes the breath and mouth have obvious odors.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you

In addition, in addition to the "two odors", uremia may also have the following abnormal symptoms:

Edema: Abnormal kidney function can cause water in the body to not be excreted in time, and the patient's body will become abnormally edema.

Foamy urine: The presence of fine and dense foam on the surface of the urine that does not dissipate for a long time indicates the presence of protein in the urine.

Urine color: The red color of urine is similar to washing meat, indicating that there is blood in the urine and is associated with abnormal kidney function.

Uremia will give the body many "warnings" between occurrences, but many people do not pay attention to these symptoms, so that the course of the disease has progressed to the end stage, and it is necessary to be vigilant and seek medical attention in time if abnormalities are found.

Why are there more and more uremia patients?Advice: 3 kinds of food to touch less, the kidneys will "thank" you


[1] "Why are more and more people suffering from uremia? Not because of tobacco and alcohol, you may also have ...... these 3 habits". Popular Science China 2022-08-22

[2] "Just like red meat, kidneys will spoil faster!". Medical Community Nephrology Channel 2022-11-25

[3] "Two stinks on the body, or this organ is "asking for help"!". Family Doctor Newspaper 2024-03-12

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