
Don't forget to follow the party's original intention and keep in mind the mission of youth Rural teenagers in Lishi District visited the "Magic Light" Science and Technology Museum

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel

In order to actively respond to the national policy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, enrich the after-school cultural life of rural students in Lishi District. On September 17th, the Communist Youth League Lishi District Committee and the District Association for Science and Technology combined with the current theme education of not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind, and joined hands with Weike Youth Home and "Magic Light" Youth Home to organize Zaolin, Xinyi two central schools and Yongning Primary School, a total of about 200 students to visit and study at the "Youth Home" of the Magic Light Science and Technology Museum.

Don't forget to follow the party's original intention and keep in mind the mission of youth Rural teenagers in Lishi District visited the "Magic Light" Science and Technology Museum

Students listen to the narrator explain the knowledge of "China's first ship" photo by Gao Shufang

In the process of the activity, the teachers of the Science and Technology Museum are conscientious and responsible, the teachers and students actively cooperate, and the activities are orderly. Walking into the Science and Technology Museum, everyone seems to be in the ocean of knowledge, they read the text description, operate the machinery, and personally feel the infinite mysteries of science and technology. Many of the things that I have seen and heard from books, on TELEVISION, and in stories have been presented to everyone in real life, opening their eyes. The vivid and interesting exhibits containing human wisdom make everyone dazzled and unforgettable.

"Coming to the science and technology museum, let me understand the rocket knowledge, feel the mystery of science and technology and the vagaries of the universe, after going back I will definitely study well and explore scientific and technological knowledge." In the future, I will definitely come when I have such an opportunity. Cheng Yuxin, a sixth-grade student at Knot Rope Yan Primary School, said excitedly.

The short half-day activities benefited the students a lot, through personal experience, learned about many scientific mysteries, felt the rapid development of science and technology and the great changes brought by science and technology to human social life, and presented a feast of science and technology for extracurricular life. "In the future, the Youth League District Committee, the District Committee for Young Workers, and the District Association for Science and Technology will pay more attention to rural schools, provide more opportunities and more resources, and let students feel the care and love of the party and the state for children." Liu Wenhai, a relevant responsible comrade of the Lishi District Committee of the Communist Youth League, said. (Gao Shufang)

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