
What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!


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Little brother here, I wish you all a happy day and a hard time!



The nose is the olfactory organ of our human body, and through the nose we can know whether this thing is fragrant, smelly or sour...... Wait a minute.

Among the smells we smell, if we smell the fragrance, everyone will be very happy, if we smell some bad smells, it will make people feel bored and collapsed, and even the smell will come up~

So what do you think is the smelliest thing you've ever smelled in your life?


It's distressing and annoying, damnable!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Well, don't say it anymore, I also encountered it when I was in high school....

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Next time, put toilet paper in your nose and bring two layers of masks!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Hahaha, forgive the editor for laughing unkindly, it seems that you did your best.

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

A yawn from your cat's nose can be used as your alarm clock for an instant pick-me-up.

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

That thing stinks, I just know that I have a long knowledge.

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

It's hard to imagine how smelly a dog's mouth can be!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

I really can't let him use some hand cream!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

I thought I was going out so that I could memorize the book in a quiet environment, but who knew that it was your stinky feet that smoked it out for everyone!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Hahaha, this kick is really a bit excessive.

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

A question mark with a capital letter, every time you and don't wipe it, it's washed with water?

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Hahaha, a bunch of crazy humans, going crazy together!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Don't buy these cheap plastic slippers next time.

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

It's hard to imagine how smelly socks are soaked with blisters!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Won't she have diarrhea after picking her belly button?

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

Hahaha, it seems that beautiful women can also stink their feet!

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

This is your parent's responsibility, you don't know that your child stuffs a tissue in it when he plays?

What is the most smelly smell you have ever smelled? Netizen: My eyes are spicy across the screen, and I burst into tears!

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