
He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!

author:Chen Guanren

Liao Chengzhi is the son of revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen's comrades-in-arms Liao Zhongkai and He Xiangning, and his life is legendary.

Although he came from a famous family, he joined the CCP at the age of 20 and has since dedicated his life to the cause of seeking national liberation. For this reason, he was arrested several times for participating in revolutionary activities.

In March 1933, Liao Chengzhi was arrested for the fifth time in the British Concession in Shanghai. As a result, he was detained in the semi-basement detention center of the Laozha Detention Room together with Chen Geng, Luo Dengxian and others.

He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!

Liao Chengzhi and Chen Geng knew each other when they were at the Whampoa Military Academy. As soon as they met, they agreed to insist that they would assist the Northeast Volunteers. Besides, nothing is said.

The next day, after the enemy finished questioning, Liao Chengzhi returned to the detention cell, and it happened that another person in the same cell was not there, so Chen Geng gave Liao Chengzhi an idea:

"The more you try to inform your mother and make a big deal out of it, the more likely you are to get out. ”


Luo Dengxian also agreed: "Lao Chen's idea is good! If it gets big, you can go out!"

That night, Liao Chengzhi put Chen Geng's idea into practice and said to the guards: "Aren't you going to arrest my accomplices?" ”

He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!

Immediately, a group of British spies came. They smile as if they have found a treasure. An older agent asked, "Where are you going?"

Liao Chengzhi said: "Believe me, just follow me." If you don't believe me, then I'll go back. ”

Another agent immediately said: "Listen to him, go, he seems to be fine." ”

So, seven or eight spies surrounded Liao Chengzhi and got into two cars. After Liao Chengzhi got into the car, he pointed the direction with his handcuffed fingers, left, right, forward, and turned. He is most familiar with the road in Shanghai. As a result, the car drove into the French Concession, and the spy asked, "'Here?'"

Liao Chengzhi deliberately kept silent, still pointing to the left and right. When he arrived at the place where Kang Nao's road and his mother He Xiangning lived, he said, "'Stop. The spies were beaming and swarmed down.

At this time, Liao Chengzhi learned that the British Concession and the French Concession were incompatible with each other, so that the British spy did not even know where his mother lived. As soon as Liao Chengzhi entered the door, He Xiangning immediately got up, and when he saw his son handcuffed, he understood everything, and immediately shouted: "What are you doing! Why are you arresting my son!"

He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!

As a result, Mr. Jing Hengyi, a celebrity who lived next door to He Xiangning, also came over. When she shouted like this, she alarmed the arresters in the French Concession, and the head of the French hunting houses also hurried to come. When the French translator was Chinese, he was startled when he saw that it was He Xiangning, the elder of the Republic of China, and quickly muttered with the head of the house for a while, and the head of the house changed color at once, and immediately ordered: "All out." ”

Liao Chengzhi told his mother that he had been arrested, and his goal was achieved.

Back in the car, the head of the British spy who caught the house was so angry that his face turned green, he punched Liao Chengzhi a few times, and was about to slap him, but was stopped by another spy, and the spies just stared at Liao Chengzhi fiercely, knowing that they had been fooled.

Back at the detention center, Liao Chengzhi was no longer afraid, and told Chen Geng and Luo Dengxian loudly, and they laughed. Chen Geng was still cheering for Liao Chengzhi: "You have to resist, don't be afraid, and Mrs. Sun." ”

He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!

Later, Liao Chengzhi was rescued from prison by his mother He Xiangning and Song Qingling.

In New China, Liao Chengzhi was an important assistant to Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou in diplomatic work, and later became a deputy national leader.

Chen Guanren's "The Great River Goes East: Why They Follow Mao Zedong" and "The Great River Goes East: Why They Rallied Under Mao Zedong's Banner" (a set) by Chen Guanren and published by the Communist Party of China History Publishing House account about this incident. This series of books is the society's annual bestseller, which is an oral account of the true history of a group of advanced elements in the 20th century following the CCP and its leader Mao Zedong. The series is also a popular red history bestseller for readers.

He was arrested for the fifth time, and the enemy wanted to arrest his accomplices, Chen Geng came up with a plan: take the spy to your mother!