
Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

author:Railway soldier culture
Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Ten poems

Li Wubing

To the Mountain Eagle

A storm roars in life

A torturous force that eats the heart and bones

The soul was young, and the impact was sharp and violent

I like to welcome the baptism of wind and rain

There were a few wisps of eyes lost in longing

Adversity forces the will of the bones to replenish calcium

Look for the light in the night

Even on a lonely rock

The iron claws pierced into the cracks in the stone and oozed blood

The cold rain beat the dark shadows of the thorns

The feathers on the wings are heavier than in the night

The mountain wind penetrates the ribs

But it can't shake your determination

After the rain, the eagle's soul stood still

The wind and rain in the mountains will also be taken away

Fallen leaves and water stains left on the cliff

The soul stands on high ground

See the light of early awakening earlier

When the sun dwells in your heart

The cliff that was once entangled in rain and mist

A dazzling landscape has been born

The feathers that were drenched last night are dry

You can summon the sunshine of the empty heart

No one can steal you

The colorful glow spread in the heart

Night slips off the fluttering wing feathers

The dawn before me is extraordinarily magnificent

When you fly, you aim to be in the clouds

The sun in my heart will not be lost

Last night, you digested the confusion on the cliff

Let it become nourishment in the blood

into a lifetime of wealth

The eagle soars in the sky and looks back at the cliffs

Scratching the stone to leave marks, the faith engraved by the iron claws

Already burned into a torch in life

Illuminate the mountains and rivers in your view

Let the soul of the soldier who lives in his heart sow the sunshine

- Never say never

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Smoke on the raft

The flood came, and the waves roared

Lift our rafts up the stacks

How high are the waves, how high is the raft -

A cloud tuck under his arm

Wait for the angry waves to put the raft -

Bury our rafts in the ravines

Seeing an opportunity, I struck a match

Hurriedly lit firewood on the raft

The firewood burns up, beep and beep

Set up a pot and boil a river of boiling life

The wind is still so wild, and the waves are still so bad

But the firewood burned leisurely......

Amazing waterfowl frolicking in the waves

The angry Jiang Tao was helpless

- Another storm in the midst of the struggle

In the dangerous gorge, it is crowded with waves and mountains

Steady the long oar, I pry the waves

The bouncing raft shot through the whirlpool

Splashing spray into the pot

The aroma of the rice melted into a piece of joy again......

It's just that in the laughter, the cloud didn't stop

Smoke in a wisp - leisurely and swaying

The raft is out of the gorge, pulling a river log

There is smoke in the gorge, and heroic hymns are still being sung......

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

I miss the snow of my hometown

In the hometown, this snow

One after another

Ignorance Fatigue

Very patiently fluttering

Cleansing one by one

The Heavenly Maiden sprinkled the sky with jade butterflies

A garment adorned with dreams

Make a white delivery bed

Welcome the birth of spring

Really, this snow

It makes me feel a deep sense of artistic conception

Spring is indeed not too far away

She was already walking on the plum branches

Flower bones quietly

Open shy red lips

The bitterness of the heart, painfully

Sitting fetus, as a result

Wait for the delivery

I am persistent, with life

Trek with your own chest

Yoshihisa, Yoshihisa

I can finally smile

Listen to spring

Foottones from my hometown

At the moment, the snow is cold and the weather is cold

Heartwarming is hometown

- I hear

Outside the faint sound of snow

Spring is like a lamb

Baating calls


Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Border pass expression

Stand outside of the mother's field of vision

My innocence still cries and laughs

The age of a dewdrop

At the border pass, the first night sentry

There was a gun against my waist

Life ripens straight

Youthful, majestic and agitated

Responsibility comes into feeling with the weight of a mountain

I know how to think about those who fall asleep in the night

The value of a flower and a grass

Catch a glimpse of the flowing bath, the gunshots, and the moonlight of the mountains

These things were not woven in the past

Wisps of silvery white

At the moment, it is like writing the name of China

I know that a baby's cry is important

A girl's ballad is important

The national border is the history, glory and dignity of the nation

A handful of loess is also the gold and life in my heart

I always feel that there is an unforgettable love

Approaching the morning sun

Red in my blood

Breed, grow, be strong

Dawn, in the dawn of my mother's gaze

There will be a son's army green

Write about the scenery of the border pass

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)


A rain of shells forcibly occupied the transparent hollow

The tranquil wilderness was stirred up with gunsmoke

Shrapnel is like a plow, arching and encroaching recklessly

The blockade is like scorched soil

Had to crawl

Had to crawl into the shape of a lizard

(There are a lot of snake-like ghosts in the South.)

Girls often scream and be scared when they see it)

The war forced me not to stand upright here

Rub the earth with your back to the sky and your belly

Use only the push on the side of your feet

Faith and will become powerful

The limbs are surprisingly agile

The palms of the hands grinded out blood and dust stuck together

It's a little moist

Psychology is not afraid of death

And the witty eye is always choosing the way to survive

to ensure proximity to the desired goal

The constant wriggling seems to be more like a Chinese silkworm

I want the cocoon of the victory to mature and slip round

There is only one passage and no longer planning tactical shifts

Identified crawl-climb-climb-

Even if you have a broken arm or a broken leg, you will crawl into a blood groove

Nor will it stop the hard work of the soldiers

For the sake of victory, for the early arrival of peace

I had to crawl

Had to crawl into the shape of a lizard

In the smoke of war, soldiers, soldiers

It's amazing

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Alert, unable to sleep

The day followed the sun

Darkness covered the side mountains

The night was heavy

The gun was heavy

When the field of vision becomes blurred

Alertness adds weight

A bird flew up in the grass

The heart contracted into tension

The eye is quick to share the responsibility

Search for movement smartly

Nothing happened

But the strings of the nerves no longer relaxed

There's always some kind of hunch lurking

Psychology makes the night very deep

Actually, I don't want to have anything to do tonight

Let the grass fall asleep and let the mountains dream

And alertness can't sleep at all

The night on the sentry post does not grow illusions

The sun went and the night covered the side mountains

Alertness turns the eyes into the sun

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Bloody, youth is mighty on the battlefield

The battle was full of energy

Timid to come near me

Always so competitive

The grenade wanted to be thrown far, and it was thrown accurately

Throw over the thatched hills

Throw through the woods where there are flying birds

It is better to throw it into an enemy fort

Blow it up

Didn't read Conroe's "Aggression and Humanity"

He was not well versed in modern behavior

Nature and instinct have not been studied

Always so competitive

The machine gun should be shouted louder than the opponent

Shoot a tiger and shoot a fire dragon in anger

Blinds the enemy's eyes

Panicked in the thunder and lightning

Always so competitive

The war came alive

inadvertently picked up a lot of aesthetic opportunities for writers

Plug the hole of the gun with your chest and roll the mine with your body without hesitation

The psychology of war is very full

When the sense of competition is strong

The power of a nation

They all roared in their veins

Strangle your opponent and then hurry

The name of the warrior became sublime

On the battlefield, it's always so competitive

I always felt that I was fierce, and I was too timid to get close to me

A soldier who is not victorious is not a good soldier

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Qingming, there is always rain in the heart

It's another year of Qingming


Even if the wind is beautiful

There's always rain on my heart

Fluttering sprinkles

Drop stop stop


Not the verses of the Tang people

It's the hometown that lays it out in my heart

The one that leads to the cemetery


When tears ripple

The back of the parents

Walk around in memory

My thoughts trembled

Call on Father and Mother

I want them to turn around

Let me take another look

A smile that has been separated for many years

The kind warmth of the past

Illuminated like the sun

My dreams

Across the boundary river, in a dream

It is difficult to get close to a loved one who has passed away

There is only a heavy light of thought

It is possible to travel through time and space

It's called a long-awaited wait

Rejuvenate through spring

At this time, I felt even more guilty about my children

It is impossible to complete a piece of filial piety

Father's love, mother's love

Always like a mountain

As deep as the sea

I'd like to write a page of poetry

It becomes a cloud sent to my hometown

Fall on the graves of parents

Turn into an umbrella

Shelter them from the rain and the wind

Tell the family affection that never goes away......

I know that staring at death is a pain

But you can understand from it

How to behave

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Hometown, always walking around in dreams

At that time, my hometown was in a dream

A gentle wind passed over the hillside

The leaves of the thatch shake the color of the praying mantis

Drunk and sleeping in tranquility

A few white clouds wiped the sky blue

Buffalo take a leisurely walk down the slope

It barks a few times into the distance when it is happy

The quality of moo's sound is close to the heart

A muntjac stands on the edge of the grass and pokes its brain

It makes the children in the countryside particularly curious

The mutual surprise startled the muntjac

Escaping makes it more anxious than eating grass

The fragrance of water chestnut wafts into the village from the shores of the lake

The sound of carp spawning alarms the waterfowl

The water chestnut-covered lake is like a dream

Even the slightest sound of water splashes and moves

At that time, the hometown was hidden in the poem

Let the wind be light

Keep dreams awake

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

The color of first love

This pavilion on the water

Already living in the heart does not leave

On the first date, I chose the scenery decorated with the water pavilion

Let the first love be as romantic and tender as water

Quaint traditions

so that love can settle in Medri

Snow has come, rain has come

The wind walked around the unwalled building

First love doesn't have to hide shyly

Or be imprisoned in each other's gaze and be happy

Chunyan whispered in her ear

is also building a nest for love

Reminiscing about the days of first love

The water pavilion is still shining brightly in my heart

There is so much sweet happiness

Like a red glow wrapped around the new green willow silk fluttering leisurely

The joy of nature is smiling in the spring breeze

The sound of flowers blooming is always heart-pounding

So the eyes are extraordinarily bright

Discover a lot of beautiful things

Those little birds flying under the blue sky and white clouds

It's like swimming into the soul and singing

First love may have tears

I am afraid of the gentle friction and collision of the heart wall

I am afraid that this kind of run-in will hurt the tender and weak shoots of love

I'm afraid that a gust of wind will blow the red scarf into the lake

Or float to the horizon, beautiful from afar

But it's hard to reach

I am afraid that the blue bird resting in the palm of my hand will suddenly fly away

I am afraid that sudden changes will tear people's hearts

It's so green and painful

But it was also willing

Whether it's tears or joy

Whether it's happiness or pain

It doesn't matter if it's flowering or fruitless

Whether naïve or impulsive

I will always jump into the river of love and swim desperately

Make your first love unforgettable

Really, first love is a festival of youth

The water pavilion in the sunset is still beautiful

I'm old, and I still remember this place vividly

- This is first love

Chinese Poetry Elite] Ten Poems by Li Wubing (No. 168)

Summary of the comments of many poets and critics on Li Wubing's poetry across the country:

1. The military soldiers have always been good at writing military poems, the tents that have been corroded by the wind and rain on the side, the guns that are deeply quiet on the sentry posts, and the souls of the soldiers in the Qingming rain...... In his writings, they have all gained fresh life. Unexpectedly, a bad luck struck, and his physical disability made him disappear from the poetry scene for 10 years. However, tribulation becomes a special weapon in life. He pondered and trekked for a long time with pain, so that he stepped into the philosophical layer of life more deeply than ordinary people, and experienced the meaning of life and survival with unforgettable bones. When he stood up and returned to the poetry scene, the pain was transformed into a very strong motivation, into a call for "life to life and love". The voice from the bottom of my heart is as hot as magma, accompanied by the roar of the quality of life, and as clear as a pool of water, accompanied by an inner sincere aesthetics.

(Former editor-in-chief of "People's Literature" Han Zuorong)

2. When you set up a biography for entrepreneurs, you pay great attention to putting them in the most difficult and heart-wrenching environment, in the joy and pain, struggle and sacrifice, closely linking their fate with the fate of the motherland, and revealing the noble sentiments that shine with communist ideology from the entrepreneurs. In this way, the characters in the pen shimmer with brilliance, and the poems also strengthen their ideological and artistic appeal.

(Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Society, Wang Yansheng)

3. The ideology and psychology of contemporary military personnel have a special trajectory, which cannot be understood by conventional logical thinking, which is revealed by Li Wubing in "Psychological Activities Have a Special Trajectory". As a soldier, on the front line, sometimes I feel pity for accidentally injuring a muntjac or a bird, but the pleasure of seeing the enemy's corpse under the mountain is intense. They will be angry because of the same lead print on the condolence letter, or when the condolence item has been withheld, but they will only silently bite their lip when they lose their hand, leg or eye in the heat of battle. This is the psychology of today's soldiers, so the author can only make such an exclamation at the end of the poem......

(Editor of Poetry Magazine, Poetry Critic Zhu Xianshu)

4. "Selected Lyrical Poems of Li Wubing" was published, with two thick volumes and a spectacular scale. This is the life sustenance and brainchild of the military soldiers, and it is also the achievement of the military soldiers and their contribution to the Chinese poetry circle.

(Professor Ran Huaizhou, Department of Literature, People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts)

Author's Profile

Li Wubing, formerly known as Li Wubin, pen name Chunhui, ancestral home in Ezhou, Hubei, born in 1947 in the suburbs of Wuhan, conscripted into the army in 1968, successively served in the Ministry of Culture of the Railway Corps, the Ministry of General Political Affairs, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association, has published more than 1,000 poems in newspapers and periodicals such as "People's Daily", "People's Liberation Army Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Xinhua Digest", "People's Literature", "Poetry Magazine", "People's Liberation Army Literature and Art", "Yangtze River Literature and Art", and is the author of a poetry collection "March Pear Blossom Flying", "Hometown Love", "Treasure Collection" Blue Love", "Kiss of Love", "Selected Lyrical Poems of Li Wubing" (upper and lower volumes), essay collection "Sunbird", long-form documentary literature "Son of Nature", etc.

Edit: Have fun

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