
"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

author:Recipes to relieve worries

Spring has quietly stepped into our lives, bringing with them a lot of greenery and vitality. In this season of rejuvenation, our bodies also need a deep "spring cleaning", especially the liver, our body's detoxification general. There is an old saying, "If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots", which is not only a warning, but also a kind of wisdom of life for girls who pursue beautiful skin. If you want to have a flawless porcelain white skin, it is not only as simple as applying all kinds of expensive cosmetics, but also internal maintenance, and liver protection and detoxification are the key.

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Nourishing the liver is not a task that requires a lot of money or complicated procedures. In fact, with a few simple dietary modifications, we can achieve amazing liver-protecting effects. Today, I would like to share with you four home-cooked dishes that are simple and delicious, and can also effectively help protect the liver, detoxify, and anti-aging. These dishes are made with ingredients that can be seen every day, but they can bring spring-like freshness to our livers.

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

We will use ordinary ingredients to make extraordinary deliciousness and help the body glow from the inside out. Through these delicacies, you will see your skin gradually brighten, blemishes fade, and experience true "beauty from the inside out".

Recommended recipe 1: baby cabbage steamed pork

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Baby cabbage is a low-calorie, high-fiber green vegetable rich in vitamin C and calcium, which can enhance the body's immunity and promote liver health. Paired with the high protein and B vitamins found in pork, this dish is effective in promoting liver detoxification, strengthening muscles, and maintaining blood health.

Main ingredients: baby cabbage, pork, ginger

Here's how:

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Slice the pork and marinate with ginger, a little soy sauce and starch for half an hour.

Remove the roots of baby cabbage and wash it and place it on the bottom of a plate.

Spread the marinated meat slices on top of the baby cabbage.

After the water is boiled, steam in the steamer for about 20 minutes, and the meat is cooked and the baby cabbage is soft.

Recommended Recipe 2: Chilled soybean sprouts

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Soybean sprouts are a source of high-quality plant protein and vitamin C, and the high content of antioxidants helps protect the liver and scavenge free radicals in the body. This dish is simple and easy to make, and it is a good product for detoxification and liver protection in spring.

Main ingredients: soybean sprouts, red pepper, minced garlic

Here's how:

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Wash the soybean sprouts and shred the red pepper.

Blanch the soybean sprouts in hot water for 3 minutes, remove and drain.

Stir in shredded red pepper and minced garlic, add appropriate amount of soy sauce and vinegar to taste.

Once all are well mixed, refrigerate for an hour before serving.

Recommended recipe 3: Shiitake mushroom and spinach soup

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Shiitake mushrooms and spinach are both treasure troves of iron and vitamins, especially spinach, which is rich in folic acid and iron, which can support blood health, while shiitake mushrooms' high selenium content helps with antioxidants and protects liver cells.

Main ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, spinach, garlic

Here's how:

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Slice the mushrooms, wash and cut off the spinach.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add the shiitake mushrooms and cook for 10 minutes.

Add the spinach and minced garlic and continue to cook for 5 minutes until the spinach is cooked through.

Finally, add salt to taste, and the hot spinach and mushroom soup is complete.

Recommended recipe 4: Stir-fry water spinach

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Water spinach is a vegetable rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and β-carotene, and regular consumption can help the body fight free radicals, protect the liver, reduce toxin accumulation, and support vision health.

Main ingredients: water spinach, garlic, chili

Here's how:

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

Wash the water spinach and cut it into pieces, crush the garlic and cut the pepper into rings.

Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the garlic and chilli until fragrant.


Stir-fry until the water spinach is tender.

"If you don't nourish your liver in spring, your face will be full of spots"! Girls often eat these four dishes to protect the liver, detoxify and anti-aging

These four easy-to-make dishes will not only help you glow with a healthy glow from the inside out, but also effectively promote liver function, protect your liver health, and make your spring beautiful. Let's welcome spring with delicious food and enjoy healthy every day!

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