
The following 38 units, you have been exposed!

author:FM104 Sound of Xiangyang

In order to fully promote the fire safety inspection work, enhance the fire safety awareness of social units, implement the main responsibility of fire safety, actively rectify fire hazards and illegal behaviors, and promote the continuous and stable fire safety situation in the city, the following units are now exposed to fire hazards, and the masses are invited to supervise.

#01襄阳汇金源纺织有限公司 (Xiangcheng District)

Fire hazards: the laying of electrical wiring in the plant does not meet the regulations.

#02湖北贵海泉食品饮料有限公司 (Xiangcheng District)

Fire hazards present:

1. Some electrical wiring does not meet the technical standards for fire protection;

2. There is no indoor fire hydrant in the plant;

3. The water pressure of the outdoor fire hydrant is insufficient;

4. There is no fire separation between workshop production and storage in the workshop;

5. The plant is connected to the civil building in front of it, occupying the fire spacing.

#03鸿福养老院 (Xiangcheng District)

1. Some smoke alarm detectors are damaged;

2. Some evacuation indication signs are damaged;

3. The random inspection staff is not proficient in operating the fire protection facilities.

#04亮福养老中心 (High-tech Zone)

1. The fire safety management responsibilities are not in place, and the fire management file is not established;

2. The number of evacuation indication signs and emergency lighting is insufficient;

3. The number of fire extinguishers is insufficient.

#05襄阳汇博机械设备有限公司 (High-tech Zone)

1. Part of the indoor fire hydrant is blocked;

2. Failure to set up evacuation indication signs as required;

3. Some emergency lights are out of use and are not kept intact and effective.

#06襄阳新烽火数控机床有限公司 (High-tech Zone)

1. The valve of the inlet of the indoor fire hydrant in the hot robot workshop is closed;

2. The safety exit of the workshop is locked;

3. The evacuation indication light of part of the workshop is not lit.

#07枣阳市鑫义炜网吧 (Zaoyang)

1. The second safety exit is locked;

2. There is startup information in the regional fire alarm controller, which is not processed in time;

3. Automatic fire-fighting facilities are not regularly maintained.

#08枣阳市鹿头中心卫生院 (Zaoyang)

1. The interface of the indoor fire hydrant does not meet the specifications.

#09枣阳市刘升镇中心福利院 (Zaoyang)

1. The fire safety responsibilities of the unit are not in place, and the fire safety system, fire extinguishing and emergency evacuation plans, and fire prevention inspections are mere formalities;

2. The unit only sets up one SN50 indoor fire hydrant outdoors, and the pressure of the indoor fire hydrant is insufficient.

#10张湾还建小区 (Zaoyang)

1. Violating the requirements of safe electricity use and pulling wires privately.

#11南漳县城关福利院 (Nanzhang County)

1. The personnel on duty in the fire control room are not certified to work;

2. Failure to establish a file for key fire safety units.

#12南漳县肖堰福利院 (Nanzhang County)

1. Spot check the damage of some emergency lights.

#13湖北仁宇盛世木业有限公司 (Nanzhang County)

1. Set up staff dormitories, kitchens and other living rooms in the production workshop.

#14湖北威利邦木业有限公司 (Nanzhang County)

1. Some fire extinguishers are not kept intact and effective.

#15襄阳市襄州区朱集镇中心福利院 (Xiangzhou District)

Fire hazards: 1. The evacuation indication signs are not kept intact and effective;

2. The independent smoke detectors in the room on the first floor are not kept intact and effective.

#16襄阳市襄州三合养老院 (Xiangzhou District)

1. Some lines are not protected by pipes;

2. Some independent smoke detectors are damaged.

#17玮爱珈智能科技 (Xiangyang) Co., Ltd. (Xiangzhou District)

1. There is battery charging in the employee rest area;

2. Some indoor fire hydrants are blocked.

#18襄阳晟皓纺织有限公司 (Xiangzhou District)

1. Partial indoor fire hydrant shielding;

2. Some lines are laid without meeting the requirements.

#19樊城区仁爱老年活动中心 (Fancheng District)

1. The automatic sprinkler system is not installed;

2. Except for the living room, the smoke detectors installed in the three rooms are intact, and the smoke detectors in the other rooms fall and the batteries are not electric;

3. Install anti-theft windows on windows.

#20襄阳晟龙嘉商贸 (Fancheng District)

1. The safety exit is blocked and the fire extinguisher is blocked.

#21襄阳华颖纺织 (Fancheng District)

1. The evacuation indication sign is damaged.

#22樊城区爱之屋养老中心 (Fancheng District)

1. Evacuation signs and emergency lights are damaged.

#23保康庄园肥业有限责任公司 (Baokang County)

1. There is no outdoor fire hydrant in the factory area;

2. A large number of combustibles are piled up in the factory area;

3. Vehicles are parked and occupy fire escapes.

#24兴达彩钢厂 (Baokang County)

1. No indoor and outdoor fire hydrants are installed;

2. Combustible debris is piled up at the entrance of the factory.

#25黄堡镇农村福利院大湾分院 (Baokang County)

1. Some evacuation indication signs are damaged;

2. Some fire extinguishers do not take protective measures.

#26黄堡镇农村福利院 (Baokang County)

1. The hose interface in the indoor fire hydrant box is damaged;

2. The evacuation indication sign does not meet the requirements.

#27谷城天古假日酒店有限公司 (Gucheng County)

1. The fire-fighting filtering self-rescue breathing apparatus in the unit guest room and miniature fire station expires;

2. There is a fault in the fire alarm controller of the fire control room of the unit and it has not been handled;

3. The duty record of the fire control room of the unit is incomplete;

4. There is no personnel on duty in the fire control room of the unit.

#28谷城县城关镇建敏美食王府店 (Gucheng County)

1. The unit did not organize fire safety training;

2. There are sundries stacked in the stairwell of some units.

#29谷城县绘美包装有限公司 (Gucheng County)

1. Spot check that some employees are not proficient in the use of indoor fire hydrants;

2. Part of the fire lane in the factory area is occupied by goods;

3. Part of the evacuation channel in the production workshop is occupied by goods.

#30中国石化销售有限公司湖北襄阳谷城南河加油站 (Gucheng County)

1. Spot check that the stand-alone smoke detector in the convenience store is not working normally;

2. The emergency lighting in the convenience store is not working properly.

#31一粥壹蹄 (Yicheng)

1. Some electrical wiring does not meet the standards;

2. Use flammable and combustible materials for decoration.

#32宜城市瑞兴包装有限公司 (Yicheng)

1. There is only one safety exit in the workshop.

#33宜城市王集镇农村福利院 (Yicheng)

1. There is no automatic sprinkler system.

#34宜城市小河镇农村福利院 (Yicheng)

1. There is no automatic sprinkler system.

#35老河口市薛集镇农村福利院 (Laohekou)

1. The fire hydrant is not equipped with a hose water gun.

#36老河口市竹林桥镇半店福利院 (Laohekou)

1. The pressure of the fire extinguisher is insufficient.

#36老河口市竹林桥镇半店福利院 (Laohekou)

1. The pressure of the fire extinguisher is insufficient.

#37老河口市双吉服饰 (Laohekou City)

1. The wire is not laid through the pipe;

2. The fire extinguisher is incorrectly matched;

3. The pressure of the fire extinguisher is insufficient;

4. Pile up debris in the evacuation channel.

#38老河口市佰宜制衣厂 (Laohekou City)

1. The wire is not laid through the pipe;

2. The position of the evacuation indication sign is incorrect;

3. The number of fire extinguishers is insufficient;

4. The accumulation of debris in the evacuation channel affects the evacuation.

Life first, safety first, keep in mind the knowledge of fire safety, develop fire prevention habits and awareness, if you find that there are units and places around you that violate the relevant fire safety regulations or there are fire safety hazards, please call the complaint and report number 12345.

Content source: Xiangyang Fire Department

Editor: Wang Xiao │ Proofreader: Yang Xia

Review: Cai Yanyan