
4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Jingdong Hall

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With the accelerated pace of life, snacks have become an indispensable part of many people's daily lives. However, for sugar lovers, choosing the right snack is an important challenge. This article will reveal four kinds of snacks for large glycemic households, and teach you three ways to choose the right snacks to help sugar friends keep their blood sugar stable while enjoying food.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

1. The secret of snacks for large glycemic households

1. High-sugar snacks such as candy and chocolate

High-sugar snacks such as candy and chocolate are well-known to be big glycemic gainers. These snacks contain a lot of monosaccharides and disaccharides, such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels. Long-term consumption of these snacks not only causes blood sugar fluctuations, but may also aggravate the condition of diabetics.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

2. Puffed food

Puffed foods such as potato chips, shrimp crackers, etc., are also snacks that sugar lovers need to be wary of. These foods are made with a lot of fat and salt, and they are also high in starch. After consumption, it will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, and may also cause fluctuations in blood lipids and blood pressure.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

3. Candied fruits, preserved fruits and other high-sugar fruit products

A large amount of sugar is added to fruit products such as candied fruits and preserved fruits during the production process, making the originally healthy fruits high in sugar and salt. Long-term consumption of these products not only easily leads to an increase in blood sugar, but also may increase the burden on the kidneys, which is not conducive to the recovery of diabetic patients.

4. Baked goods such as cakes

Baked goods such as cakes are also snacks that sugar lovers need to choose carefully. These foods contain a lot of starch and oil, and at the same time have a high sugar content. After consumption, it will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which is not conducive to blood sugar control in diabetic patients.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

So what snacks are suitable for diabetics?

First of all, let's be clear, the diet of a diabetic is not about avoiding sugar and carbohydrates altogether, but about controlling intake, as well as making healthy food choices. Therefore, the following snacks are suitable for diabetics, but they also need to be eaten in moderation.

1. Nuts: Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc., are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, and are also good sources of energy. They can help control blood sugar fluctuations, but because of the high fat content, the daily intake should be kept within a certain range.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

2. Yogurt: Sugar-free or low-sugar yogurt is a good choice for diabetics. Yogurt is rich in calcium, protein, and probiotics, which can help maintain blood sugar stability while also benefiting gut health.

3. Fruits: Fruits are a natural source of sugar, but not all fruits are suitable for diabetics. Low-sugar fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, lemons, etc., are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and can be eaten in moderation. High-sugar fruits such as bananas and pineapples should be avoided as much as possible.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

4. Vegetable sticks: Vegetable strips like carrots, cucumbers, celery, and more can serve as a healthy snack option. They are rich in fiber and water, which can help stabilize blood sugar while providing a wealth of nutrients.

5. Graham crackers: Graham crackers are high in fiber and protein, which can help control blood sugar fluctuations. However, it is necessary to pay attention to choose graham crackers that are sugar-free or low-sugar and avoid excessive sugar intake.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

In general, snacks suitable for diabetics should be low in sugar, high in fiber, and high in protein. When choosing snacks, diabetics should pay attention to the nutrition facts list of foods, control their intake, and consult their doctor for advice if necessary. At the same time, snacks are only part of the diet, and diabetics also need to pay attention to the nutritional balance and variety of three meals a day

2. Three tips for choosing the right snacks

1. Check the food label

When buying snacks, sugar lovers should carefully check the nutrition facts list on the food label. Focus on the sugar, starch and fat content of foods, and choose snacks that are low in sugar, starch and fat. At the same time, be careful to avoid foods that contain a lot of additives and preservatives, which may cause adverse health effects in people with diabetes.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

2. Choose natural ingredients

Natural ingredients are the best choice for sugar lovers to choose snacks. For example, fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc., which are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals that help stabilize blood sugar. In addition, dairy products such as yogurt and sugar-free soy milk are also good choices, as they are rich in high-quality protein and calcium, which helps to supplement the nutrition of diabetics.

3. Control the amount you eat

Even if it is a snack that is low in sugar, starch and fat, sugar friends still need to control the amount when eating. It is recommended to take a small portion of each snack and avoid excessive calories and sugar. At the same time, snacks should be used as a supplement between meals, and avoid eating a large amount before and after meals, so as not to affect the digestion and absorption of the main meal.

4 kinds of snacks are "big glycemic consumers", sugar friends don't eat them! Teach you 3 tricks to choose the right snacks

In short, sugar friends should follow the principles of low sugar, low starch and low fat when choosing snacks, choose natural ingredients, and control the amount of consumption. Through a reasonable diet and moderate snack intake, sugar friends can maintain blood sugar stability and improve their quality of life while enjoying delicious food.

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