
It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

author:Dr. Puwai Huang

On a calm weekend morning, Aunt Li suddenly felt pain in her right upper abdomen, and at first she thought it was just eating too greasy, but when the pain became more and more intense, she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. After an ultrasound, the doctor told her, "You have several gallstones. Aunt Li was shocked, but the doctor continued, "Don't worry too much, let's discuss your treatment options in detail." ”

Aunt Li's case is not an isolated case, in fact, gallstones are very common among middle-aged and elderly people. Many people inadvertently find out that they have gallstones through a physical examination without knowing anything about it. Although gallstones may sound scary, knowing the right information and how to deal with it, we can effectively manage and treat it and avoid unnecessary panic and mishandling.

It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

Four major cognitive misunderstandings

1. Myth 1: Gallstones must be surgical

Not every stone needs to be stabbed

Many people with gallstones have a first instinct after being diagnosed wanting to have the stone surgically removed. In fact, if the stone does not cause symptoms, the so-called "sleeping stone", surgery is usually not needed immediately. According to statistics, about 70% of patients can manage their condition without surgery after being diagnosed with gallstones, but through regular monitoring and dietary adjustments. Surgery is only necessary if complications such as cholecystitis, cholangitis, or gallstone pain occur.

2. Myth 2: All abdominal pain is caused by gallstones

Abdominal pain can occur for a variety of reasons

When you have abdominal discomfort, blaming it on gallstones is a common misconception. Abdominal pain can be caused by a variety of reasons such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, enteritis, etc. An easy way to distinguish these symptoms is to pay attention to the specific location and nature of the pain. The pain caused by gallstones is usually concentrated in the upper right quadrant and may radiate to the back of the right shoulder. Understanding these details can help you diagnose the root cause of the problem more accurately.

It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

3. Myth 3: Diet doesn't matter

A low-fat diet can help prevent stones

Although genetic factors play a role in the formation of gallstones, dietary habits are also extremely important. A diet high in fat and cholesterol is a major contributor to the formation of gallstones. Maintaining a low-fat diet, such as reducing animal fats and fried foods, and increasing fiber intake such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help reduce the risk of gallstones. These dietary changes not only help prevent the formation of stones, but also improve overall health.

4. Myth 4: Traditional home remedies can dissolve gallstones

Science is king, and home remedies should be used with caution

There are many folk remedies circulating on how to naturally dissolve gallstones, such as certain herbal or juice remedies. However, the effectiveness of these methods has not been scientifically proven, and some practices may have negative health effects. For those seeking non-surgical treatments, it is best to consult a medical professional to evaluate modern medical techniques such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which have been shown to be safe and effective in specific situations.

By understanding and correcting these misconceptions, we can deal with gallstones more scientifically and safely. For gallstone patients and their families, the right knowledge is the best weapon.

It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

Prevention and non-surgical intervention of gallstones: lifestyle remodeling

Gallstones, while common, can still be a challenge for many people to understand how they are managed. For gallstones, prevention is more important than cure. Proper lifestyle modifications can not only reduce the risk of stone formation, but also control the development of existing stones, thus avoiding the need for surgical intervention.

1. Adjust your diet: low-fat and high-fiber

The formation of stones is closely related to dietary habits. A diet high in fat and cholesterol is a major cause of gallstones. To prevent stones or control the worsening of existing stones, a low-fat and high-fiber diet is recommended. For example, increasing the intake of dietary fiber, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, can help reduce cholesterol absorption. At the same time, reduce your intake of animal fats, such as red meat, and increase your intake of plant-based proteins and healthy fats, such as fish oil and olive oil.

It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

2. Maintain proper physical activity

Regular physical activity can promote healthy weight management and avoid obesity – another risk factor for gallstones. Moderate exercise can improve bowel movement and lower cholesterol levels, which can help prevent the formation of gallstones. Doing at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling, can significantly reduce the risk of stones.

3. Weight management: Avoid rapid weight loss

Although obesity is a risk factor for gallstones, rapid weight loss also increases the risk of gallstones. When weight is rapidly lost, the liver increases the secretion of cholesterol while the gallbladder is unable to empty effectively, which increases the likelihood of stone formation. Therefore, a gradual healthy weight loss program is recommended, with the goal of losing about 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

It's not terrible to have gallstones! What is terrible is that you fall into these four major cognitive misunderstandings! Learn about it

4. Regular health check-ups: Monitor the health of your gallbladder

For people with a family history of gallstones, or for those who have been diagnosed with gallstones, regular health check-ups are essential. An ultrasound can help monitor the size and number of stones, as well as whether there are signs of complications. Prompt diagnosis and monitoring can help doctors assess the need for further treatment.

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