
"Scene-stealing bridesmaids" became popular, and her figure and appearance became highlights, netizens: You're here to be funny

author:Fenfa Hayden 9B5u
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“抢镜伴娘”走红,身材和长相成为亮点,网友:你是来搞笑的吧","en":"\"Scene-stealing bridesmaids\" became popular, and her figure and appearance became highlights, netizens: You're here to be funny"},"description":{"content":"这娃是不是得揍你们干嘛跑呀?不是特意来看我的吗?最传统的手艺,据说比别处的香油要香兄弟你上我帮你撑着2实拍街头孕妇碰瓷,...","en":"Isn't this baby going to beat you, why are you running? Didn't you come to see me? The most traditional craft, it is said that it is more fragrant than sesame oil elsewhere, brother, you go on, I will help you support 2 real shots, pregnant women on the street, touch porcelain,..."}},"items":[]}