
Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


In the 24 solar terms, the name of the valley rain is more special, it directly reflects the impact of the climate of this solar term on crops, the valley rain, which means that the rain increases, moisturizes all kinds of grains, so that they grow rapidly, it can be said that this solar term has an important impact on the harvest of grains. In fact, not only cereals, but also various crops, vegetables, fruits, etc. are also entering the stage of rapid growth during this season.

However, for us human beings, it is not so easy in the valley rain solar term, after which the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the rain is frequent, and the air is humid, so it is easy to breed dampness in such a climate, the liver qi is vigorous, and it is easy to get on fire, so we should pay special attention to the adjustment of the body during this time. First of all, you should adjust your mood and maintain a comfortable mood, and at the same time, you should avoid going to bed late and waking up late. In addition, under the premise of avoiding food, we should choose more foods that help strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, soothe the liver and protect the liver, clear heat and reduce fire, so as to adapt to this complex and changeable environment.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

Tomorrow Gu Yu, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, strengthen the spleen and liver, reduce fire, and welcome summer easily, let's take a look at the specific content, don't be careless about sending spring and summer.

Eat less toon and spinach

Although it is the time to taste toon in the rainy season, you should pay special attention when eating toon, you must blanch it, and at the same time control the amount, which contains a large amount of nitrate and nitrite, and it is easy to nausea, vomiting, dizziness and so on when you eat too much. Try to limit each meal to one or two, and don't eat every day.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

Spinach is available in all seasons, and in spring it is important to eat this long-stemmed spinach, which is an overwintering vegetable that is sown in late autumn and turns green in spring. Until now, long-stemmed spinach has often been tasseled and flowered, its stems and leaves have gradually aged, and the oxalic acid in it has also accumulated, so there is no need to eat more.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

Eat 3 more items

Sample 1: Corn

In late spring, spring corn is already on the market. Fresh corn is also a grain and a vegetable, and it has strong edibility. It is rich in yellow pigment, niacin, crude fiber, B vitamins, as well as potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper and other ingredients, which help to promote metabolism, strengthen the spleen and dehumidify, protect the liver, laxative, improve eyesight, etc.

Recommended way to eat: corn seasonal vegetable pork rib soup

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

1. Peel off a whole fresh corn, wash off the impurities, and chop into small pieces. Peel the other carrot and rinse off the dirt and cut it into small pieces.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

2. Some pork chops are soaked in cold water to remove impurities, add starch and rub again, and then rinse with cold water.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

3. Before boiling the soup, blanch the pork ribs first, so that the dirt in them can be cleaned out more thoroughly, and the fishy smell can be removed at the same time.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

4. Put the pork ribs in a stew pot, add corn, carrots, and then match some winter melon pieces, add more water, boil first, turn to low heat and simmer for one and a half to two hours, boil the essence of the ingredients, and add some salt to taste.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

Type 2: crucian carp

As the weather warms, all kinds of freshwater fish grow rapidly and enter the fattest moment, and among the many fish, crucian carp is especially suitable for this season. It is delicious and delicate, rich in vitamin A, vitamin B complex, niacin, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, etc., which helps to clear the liver and eyes, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, strengthen muscles and bones, and promote development.

Recommended way to eat: braised crucian carp

1. Clean up two fresh small crucian carp, put some ginger slices in it, and use ginger slices to smear it inside and out, and marinate for a while.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

2. Dry the crucian carp with absorbent paper and pour a little cornstarch to absorb water. Then pour cooking oil into the pan and cook until it smokes, then put the crucian carp in it and fry it until it is set on both sides.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

3. Put ginger and shallots in the bottom oil, add some bean paste and stir-fry well, then add light soy sauce, vinegar and sugar to adjust the taste of the soup to your liking.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

4. Put the crucian carp in it, simmer in the soup for 10 minutes, then turn to high heat to dry the soup, and finally sprinkle some chives and serve.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

Sample 3: broad beans

In late spring and early summer, people who know how to eat know that green broad beans should be eaten quickly, their fragrance is sweet and soft, and they are full of fresh and fragrant when chewed. Broad beans are nutrition experts in this season, which are rich in vegetable protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, riboflavin, phospholipids, as well as calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and other ions, which help to dehumidify, strengthen the spleen and appetize, nourish the liver, replenish brain power, etc. In addition to eating more often, you can also buy more frozen ones and eat them slowly.

Recommended way to eat: vegetarian fried green broad beans

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

1. Prepare some green broad beans and peel them out one by one, remove the white crescent moon shape on the top, rinse twice and drain.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

2. Pour some oil into the pot, put some minced garlic and chopped green onions at the same time, and slowly simmer over low heat to bring out the fragrance.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer

3. Pour the broad beans into it, cook a little light soy sauce, add some water, simmer for about five minutes, simmer them thoroughly, then add a little salt, sprinkle a little sugar, stir-fry a few times, and put the broad beans on a plate immediately after they are flavored.

Tomorrow Gu rain, eat less toon and spinach, eat more 3 kinds, delicious and nutritious in season, easy to welcome summer
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