
A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

author:News Night Flight

A man in his 50s had a bulging belly and looked like a pregnant woman. Recently, the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University received such a patient.

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: Like a pregnant woman, such a large tumor is in the abdomen, and it is still a gay man, I am very shocked, and few people can come to the doctor until the tumor grows so big.

When the man lay flat, his abdomen was more prominent, as if a large basin was fastened to his stomach.

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: If in terms of diameter, the tumor is about 30 centimeters, the veins in the abdominal wall are distended, and when he comes, both lower limbs are edema, and the tumor has compressed his bilateral iliac veins, and the reflux is not good, compressing the ureters on both sides, and the symptoms of hydronephrosis have also appeared, and the tension of the abdominal wall is very large, in fact, it has limited his breathing a little.

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

The man had a huge retroperitoneal tumor hidden in his stomach and did not come to the doctor until it seriously affected his life.

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: Retroperitoneum, in fact, is in a gap in the abdominal cavity, the tumor grows, and the plasticity is very large, that is, it can grow very huge, and it may not be felt in the abdomen in the early stage, and there are no typical symptoms.

People can't help but wonder, why don't patients come to see a doctor when the tumors are so big?

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: The patient also has a hard time, at that time, he told me that he has been taking care of his bedridden father, and he can't leave it every day, so he is careless, half a year or a year ago, the tumor was found, about the size of a fist, half a year later, the tumor grew to about 30 centimeters, almost occupying the entire abdominal cavity.

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

Solving such a large tumor also makes doctors scratch their heads.

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: Even if it cannot be completely cured, it is very important for this patient to do tumor reduction, the tumor has invaded the abdominal wall, bladder and peritoneum, and finally, pathology confirms that it is still a malignant tumor, and the source is still difficult to determine.

Malignant tumors have risen to the number one cause of death among mainland residents. Recently, doctors have treated a number of cases of huge tumors, all of which warn people to pay attention to early cancer screening and not to raise tigers.

A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!
A man's belly is like "pregnant", it is actually a malignant tumor!

Professor Tai Sheng, Director of the Sixth Ward of General Surgery of the Second Hospital of Harbin Medical University: It is necessary to do regular physical examinations, such as liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, pelvis, or female comrades to do these gynecological ultrasounds, how to prevent tumors, is to control some predisposing factors, high-risk factors, and bad habits that cause tumors, and at this time, the incidence of tumors will be reduced.

News Night Flight Reporter: Zhuang Xi

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Image source: Heilongjiang Radio and Television Station

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