
What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

author:39 HealthNet

Aunt Wang is a diligent person, the first thing she does when she gets up every morning is to clean, and she has to wipe the floor again before going to bed at night. But lately, I've always felt back pain, and it hurts even more when I'm working, but I don't take it seriously.

Aunt Wang, a neighbor, saw Grandma Tang's appearance and said distressedly: "Your back hurts so badly, let's go to the hospital to have a look." Aunt Wang waved her hand and said, "My back pain is an old problem, just take a rest, and you don't need to go to the hospital." ”

But that night, Aunt Wang was so painful that she couldn't even sleep, and the next morning, she hurried to the hospital. After a detailed consultation, the reason appeared in the married life of Aunt Wang and her wife. Aunt Wang was so ashamed that she scolded her husband when she went home. I complained, I feel that posture is very uncomfortable! Next time I pay attention to the horn, I will not stop when I am old.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

1. Please be aware that these mistakes during sex may be fatal

Sex is a pervasive issue in today's society, and it plays an important role in our lives.

Sex education is becoming more common in many places, and people are becoming more aware of sexuality. However, the wrong idea of sex can lead to some unintended consequences. These injuries about sex life are more reflected in women.

According to the research of modern American experts, sexually active 12~16-year-old girls may be involved in many dangerous behaviors, and the risk comparison between virginity girls and pure virginity girls involved in dangerous behaviors is: suicide attempt 6 times, running away from home 13 times, being arrested by the police 9 times, suspending school 5 times, and taking drugs 10 times.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

First of all, wrong sexual behavior can lead to the spread of related diseases, the most representative of which are syphilis and AIDS. It is the misconceptions about sex that increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, which are mainly transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids. The symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases also vary depending on the specific disease, such as genital sores, warts, itching, or abnormal discharge. Certain sexually transmitted diseases can also lead to long-term health problems, such as cervical cancer.

Moreover, improper sexual life can also lead to infertility, and after inappropriate sexual life, it can lead to problems such as disturbed ovulation cycle and endometritis, which in turn affects the ability to conceive. Infertility usually manifests itself as a prolonged and unsuccessful attempt to conceive.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

At the same time, both men and women can also experience serious psychological stress, because the wrong concept of sex life can lead to anxiety about the individual's sexual ability and the satisfaction of the partner's needs, increasing psychological stress. This stress can manifest as frequent worry, low self-esteem, and even depressive symptoms. Later stages may manifest as quarrels, cold wars, or other forms of communication disorders that affect trust and harmony between couples.

Xiao Jiu reminds you that the wrong concept of sex life can even lead to erectile dysfunction in men, and the symptoms of this condition are varied, including difficulty getting an erection, premature ejaculation, lack of libido, etc. In conclusion, proper sex education is the key to preventing these risks. It is advisable to have regular sexual health check-ups and ensure that you communicate openly with your partner to avoid misunderstandings.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

2. 5 small ways to enjoy sex ~

Sex is the glue that binds many couples' relationships, and a harmonious sex life not only contributes to the relationship between couples, but also improves the quality of life. However, there are also some potential risks and problems associated with sex, such as sexually transmitted diseases, premature ejaculation, frigidity, etc. So, what are some small ways to help enhance the relationship between couples during sex?

Method 1: Use security measures

Failure to take safety measures may result in pregnancy or infectious diseases, which may require additional financial burdens or physical harm. Use tools such as condoms, intrauterine devices, etc., correctly and ensure their effectiveness and safety.

Method 2: Communicate with both parties

When engaging in sexual activity, the wishes of each other should always be respected and should be stopped if one of the partners does not want to. Ignoring the other person's wishes can lead to tension or even harm in the relationship. Be clear about your thoughts and feelings in your communication, and also listen to the other person's opinions.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

Method 3: Pay attention to each other's privacy

When engaging in sexual acts, care should be taken to protect personal privacy so as not to leak personal information and affect one's image and reputation. Choose private places for sexual activity and do not photograph or record sensitive images or sounds.

Method 4: Keep your mind light

Excessive fatigue can affect the quality of sexual life and may even trigger health problems. Take a break, keep your body healthy, and avoid having sex when you're exhausted.

Method 5: Practice good hygiene

Good hygiene practices can reduce the risk of contracting diseases and ensure a healthy and safe sex life. Clean your vulva and anus before and after sex to reduce the possibility of germs spreading. The above are some precautions about sex life, I hope it will help you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

2. Please note that there are 4 conditions or physical warnings!

With the popularization of sex education, more and more people are beginning to take sexual health problems seriously. However, if you have the following symptoms during sex, it may indicate an abnormality in your body. Keep in mind that sexual health is a serious topic, and if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to consult with a medical professional. So, what symptoms may indicate a physical abnormality during sexual activity?

1. Sudden pain

Inflammation or damage to the genital area during sex can cause local nerve irritation and pain. This pain may affect the quality of sexual life and even lead to sexual dysfunction.

2. Organ hemorrhage

During sexual intercourse, the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall is fragile and easy to break during friction, resulting in bleeding. This can be due to conditions like cervicitis, endometriosis, etc. Bleeding may lead to an increased risk of infection and may require additional medical intervention to treat the underlying disease.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them

3. Abnormal discharge

Abnormal discharge is often associated with genital tract infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis vaginitis, etc. These infections can cause changes in the color, texture, or odor of vaginal discharge. If left untreated, abnormal discharge can affect fertility and increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.

4. Fatigue and dizziness

When engaging in sexual activity, levels of adrenaline and other stress hormones in the body increase in response to physiological responses. Prolonged exposure to a state of high stress can lead to feelings of fatigue. Persistent feelings of fatigue can interfere with daily activities, reduce productivity, and negatively impact mental health.

In severe cases, there will even be dizzy officials, Xiao Jiu reminds you that perhaps this is caused by the change in blood pressure during sexual life. It is advisable to pay attention to your health and consult a doctor if necessary in order to obtain appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

What should I do when I am old and have no sexual energy? Doctor: 5 small suggestions, just follow them


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