
The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

author:Eyes full of hello to you

Desperate Red Rope

My name is Li Ergou, and I am an authentic farmer. Two years ago, my parents passed away due to illness, leaving me and my brother Li Daniu to rely on each other. My brother married Zhang Xiaohua from the next village soon after, and she became my sister-in-law. After the sister-in-law passed the door, although the family was poor, it was also harmonious and warm.

However, the good times did not last long, and my brother fell off a cliff while going into the mountains to cut firewood, and he couldn't even find his body. My sister-in-law and I were devastated, but life had to go on. According to the village rules, after the death of a parent, the brothers should divide the family property equally. But my brother has passed away, and my sister-in-law has asked me to move out, and she wants to inherit my brother's share of the family property.

"Ergou, you also know that your brother is gone, and it is not easy for me to live as a woman. Keep the house and the land to me. The sister-in-law said, her eyes red.

Although I was a little reluctant in my heart, I thought that my sister-in-law was a lonely woman, so I agreed. So I started looking for a place to build a new house in the village, and I planned to move out.

After the new house was built, I picked an auspicious day to move. But the night before the move, something unthinkable happened.

That night, the moonlight was dim and the wind was particularly strong. I lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, always feeling like something was going to happen. Suddenly, I heard a noise outside, as if someone was shouting.

I hurriedly got dressed and went out to check, only to see my sister-in-law standing in front of my newly built house, her eyes blank, her face pale, and muttering to herself. I went up to ask what was going on, but my sister-in-law continued to talk to herself as if she hadn't heard.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?" I asked anxiously.

Suddenly, the sister-in-law raised her head, her eyes revealed deep despair, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Ergou, I'm sorry for your brother, and I'm sorry for you." I should have told you earlier, but I didn't have the courage to ......."

The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

I was shocked and didn't know what my sister-in-law was going to say. I saw her slowly take out a red rope from her pocket, and handed it to me with trembling hands: "This is what your brother asked me to hand over to you when he was alive, and he said that if he is gone one day, he will give this to you." ”

I took the red rope in confusion, only to feel that it was cold and biting. There seems to be a remnant of my brother's breath on the red string, which reminds me of what he looked like before his death.

"This red rope...... Is there anything special?" I asked.

The sister-in-law took a deep breath and slowly told a terrifying past.

It turns out that this red rope is an ancestral talisman of our Li family, which is said to be able to ward off evil spirits and drive away ghosts. My brother had encountered a strange supernatural event before his death, and it was this red rope that saved his life. However, the red string also carries a curse, and whoever wears it suffers misfortune. My brother knew this very well, so before he died, he specially told his sister-in-law that if he was gone, he would hand over the red rope to me, hoping that I could use it to protect myself.

After listening to my sister-in-law's narration, I was so frightened that I felt chills. This red rope seems to have become a hot potato, which makes me both frightened and curious. I held the red rope tightly, and I only felt a mysterious power coming from my fingertips, which made me feel uneasy.

"Sister-in-law, why are you giving it to me now?" I asked, confused.

The sister-in-law was silent for a moment, and suddenly burst into tears: "Ergou, I'm sorry for you." In fact, not long after my brother and I got married, we were haunted by evil spirits. I thought this red rope would save me, but I didn't expect it to bring such a terrible curse. I...... I don't want to be stuck with it anymore, so I want you to take over. ”

After saying this, my sister-in-law suddenly turned and left, leaving me alone in the wind.

Early the next morning, the village heard the bad news that the sister-in-law had hanged herself. When I arrived, I saw my sister-in-law's body hanging from the beams of the house, with a peaceful face, as if she had just fallen asleep. The mysterious red rope was now tightly wrapped around her wrist.

The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

The villagers talked a lot, and they all said that the sister-in-law was going to a dead end because she missed her brother too much. But I know that the red rope is the culprit. I quietly removed the red string from my sister-in-law's wrist and hid it in my pocket.

Since then, I've kept the red rope with me to remind myself to be vigilant. I didn't know what kind of curse and misfortune this red string would bring, but I decided to face it bravely and find a way to lift it.

As the days passed, I visited all the great people, but I never found a way to lift the curse of the red rope. Whenever I feel hopeless, I think of my brother and sister-in-law's entrustment, as if they are still protecting me in another world.

Finally, one day, I met a wandering Taoist. He looked at the red rope in my hand and frowned: "This red rope has a powerful evil spirit attached to it, and it is always looking for a new host. Your brother and sister-in-law both died because of this, and you have to be careful. ”

When I heard this, my heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked the chief if there was a way to lift the curse. The Taoist pondered for a moment and handed me a piece of talisman paper: "Attaching it to the red rope can temporarily suppress the power of the evil spirits. But in order to completely lift the curse, it is necessary to find a true master to help. ”

I graciously took the rune paper and carefully attached it to the red string. Sure enough, the evil qi on the red rope instantly weakened a lot.

Since then, I have embarked on a journey to find a master. I walked through mountains and rivers, went through a lot of hardships, and finally met a reclusive old fairy in a deep mountain.

The old fairy looked at the red rope in my hand and smiled slightly: "This red rope was originally a magic weapon I used to seal evil spirits, but I didn't expect it to fall into the world, causing so many tragedies. Now that you have found me, I will take it back. ”

After speaking, the old fairy flicked his hand, and the red rope disappeared from his hand. I suddenly felt lighter, as if I had lifted a thousand pounds of weight.

"Thank you to the old fairy for saving my life!" I knelt on the ground and kowtowed gratefully.

The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

The old fairy helped me up and said earnestly: "Everything in the world has a fixed number, and the same is true of this red rope. What happened to your brother and sister-in-law is heartbreaking, but their sacrifice has also brought you back into life. You have to cherish this life and live a wonderful life for them. ”

I remembered the teachings of the old gods and began a new journey in life. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I will think of the mysterious red rope and the entrustment of my brother and sister-in-law, which makes me move forward bravely and fearlessly.

Years later, I returned to my hometown and laid a bouquet of flowers at the grave of my brother and sister-in-law. I stroked the words on the tombstones, as if I could feel their warmth and encouragement.

"Brother and sister-in-law, don't worry. I have found my own happiness and home, and I will live well and live a wonderful life for you. I muttered to myself, a determined glint in my eyes.

Although the mysterious red rope is gone, the memory and courage it left behind will always accompany me through every stage of my life. I believe that my brother and sister-in-law in another world will also be proud and happy for me.

Just when I thought it was all over and life could start again, an unexpected visitor shattered my peaceful life.

That day, as the sun set, I was sitting on a wooden chair in front of the house, enjoying the rare tranquility. A figure approached slowly, an old man in a black robe, holding a cane, with a haggard face but deep eyes.

"Are you Li Ergou?" the old man's voice was low, but it revealed an irresistible majesty.

"Yes, old man, is there anything wrong?" I asked, confused.

The old man did not answer directly, but sat down on his own and began to tell a story that made my jaw drop.

The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

"That red rope is actually a sacred relic in my clan. Years ago, it was stolen and left unto the people, causing countless tragedies. I've been looking for it, hoping to get it back and avoid more disasters. The old man said slowly.

I was stunned, I didn't expect the origin of that red rope to be so complicated. The old man continued: "I know that the red rope has caused you a lot of trouble, and even taken the lives of your relatives. But now, I need your help to retrieve the last part of the red rope. ”

"Isn't the last part of the red rope already being taken back by the old fairy?" I asked, confused.

The old man shook his head: "The old fairy only took back the main part of the red rope, but the knot of the red rope is still in your sister-in-law's grave. Only by retrieving the knot can the power of the red rope be completely sealed. ”

After listening to the old man's words, I felt a chill hit me. My sister-in-law's grave, that is a resting place, how can I bear to disturb her?

The old man seemed to see my concern, and he whispered, "I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is the last thing you can do for your brother and sister-in-law. Only by recovering the knot of the red rope can their souls find true rest. ”

I took a deep breath and nodded. For the sake of my brother and sister-in-law, and for the sake of those who suffered because of the red rope, I decided to dig up my sister-in-law's grave and find the knot.

As night fell, I took my tools to my sister-in-law's grave. Although my heart was full of guilt and insecurity, I knew that this was what I had to do. I cautiously began to dig, for fear of disturbing my sister-in-law's rest.

The excavation was going very hard, and my hands were grinding to the ground with dirt, but I didn't stop. Finally, while digging deeper into the tomb, I saw something shining. I carefully picked it up, and it was the knot of the red string.

I took the knot back to the old man, and he looked at the knot in my hand and smiled with satisfaction. He took the knot and recited the incantation, and the knot disappeared into the night sky in a ray of light.

The parents died, the brothers separated, but the sister-in-law hanged herself in front of the brother-in-law's door

"Alright, the power of the red rope has been completely sealed. The souls of your brother and sister-in-law can rest in peace. The old man said.

I looked at the old man gratefully: "Thank you, old man. You saved me and saved my family. ”

The old man smiled slightly: "No, it was you who saved yourself and your family." You bravely faced your fears and difficulties and made the right choice. ”

After saying this, the old man turned into a gust of wind and disappeared. I stood still for a long time, unable to calm my heart, gratitude and respect. I know that this experience will forever be etched in my heart and become the most precious treasure of my life.

Since then, nothing strange has happened in the village, and the curse of the red rope has been completely lifted. I started my life anew, and although I didn't have my brother and sister-in-law by my side, I knew that their souls must be watching over me somewhere.

Whenever I encounter difficulties or confusion, I think of the old man in the black robe and the guidance he gave me. He made me understand that facing fears and difficulties bravely is the key to growth and progress, and it also made me cherish my current life and the people around me more.

Years later, I became a respected elder and the children in the village loved to hear me tell stories of the past. And every time I mention the mysterious red rope and that thrilling experience, I remind them to face the challenges and difficulties of life bravely.

That red rope once caused me endless fear and pain, but in retrospect, it was also one of the most important turning points in my life. It has taught me how to face my fears, how to overcome difficulties, and it has also made me appreciate what I have now.