
The physiological process of a woman's life can be divided into 7 stages, see which one you are in?

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

"The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon" has clouds:

The woman was seven years old, with vigorous kidneys and longer teeth

Twenty-seven and the day is to, Ren pulse is through, Taichong pulse is prosperous, and the moon is in the present, so there is a son

Sanqi kidney qi is average, so the true teeth are born and grow poles

The muscles and bones are strong, the hair is extremely long, and the body is full

Wuqi Yang Ming's veins are declining, the face is scorched, and the hair is falling

The six, seven, and three yang veins are declining on the top, the face is scorched, and the hair is white

Qiqi Ren has a weak pulse, Taichong has a weak pulse, the sky is exhausted, and the tunnel is impassable, so the shape is bad and childless!

The physiological process of a woman's life can be divided into 7 stages, see which one you are in?

This whole paragraph is to tell us the physiological process of a woman's life, and talk about what kind of transformation process a woman has from childhood to adulthood, from young to old, that is, how women age.

Dear female friends, please read this article quietly, I hope you will sit down, calculate which "seven" you have reached, what you should do, sometimes you should not do it, sometimes you do what you should not do, calm down and think about how you want to care, how to regulate your body and mind, and do not let yourself regret it in the future.

Let yourself live a healthy and happy life!

●17: The woman is seven years old, her kidneys are vigorous, and her teeth are longer.

When a normal woman reaches the age of seven, it is the kidney qi that is vigorous, and the kidney qi begins to promote the growth and development of the body, and the first significant change that manifests itself is the hair and changing teeth (boys and girls of the same age, girls start to change their teeth at this time, first realize that there is a difference between men and women, and be sensible first, boys are a little later, and generally speaking, girls are taller than boys at this time. )

The physiological process of a woman's life can be divided into 7 stages, see which one you are in?

● Twenty-seven: Twenty-seven and the sky is to, Ren pulse is passing, Taichong pulse is prosperous, and the moon is in the present, so there is a son.

At the age of twenty or seventy-four, women begin to have menstruation, and it is regular according to a fixed time (28 days), and at the age of 14, they have the ability to have children, but the prerequisites: the first must have Tianqi Zhizhi, Tianqi is a hormone-like thing for kidney qi metaplasia, which is equivalent to the modern so-called female hormone;

● Panax notoginseng: Panax notoginseng has average kidney qi, so the true teeth are born and grow poles.

Twenty-one years old is the most beautiful and sexy time for a woman, and it is also the most suitable age for marriage. So what aspects of maintenance should women pay attention to at this stage?

At this age, there will be real teeth (a person grows three teeth, the first baby teeth, the second time at the age of 7 to replace permanent teeth, the third time at the age of 21 wisdom teeth) long pole is the meaning of development to the extreme, so 14 to 21 years old is a person to fill himself, in the long child, long wisdom teeth, in the development of their own secondary sexual characteristics, in the long pelvis, the development of breasts, so at this time the girl 21 years old is the most beautiful, the skin is "blown and broken" (there is air full, in order to bulge, there is fluid moisturizing, in order to have that moisturizing feeling.

The physiological process of a woman's life can be divided into 7 stages, see which one you are in?

Traditional Chinese medicine advocates that the best age for women to marry and have children should be after the age of growth.

Traditional Chinese culture also pays attention to the "marriage of a woman at twenty", and it is recommended to complete the birth of the first child in the eight years from the age of 21 to the age of 28. Nowadays, with the development of society, many women with superior conditions are still working alone. These well-off women are known as "leftover women" or "housegirls".

Perhaps, it is precisely because of the influence of society that he has very high requirements for himself, whether it is in his own external conditions or in his career, he has achieved great achievements.

Because of this, when they choose the other half of their lives, they will also choose with high requirements, and the result is always wrong and they can't go together.

As you get older, it becomes harder to find yourself. Therefore, when life and career are successful, love has become a defect in a perfect life. Haha, it's a bit off-topic!

● Forty-seven: Four-seven muscles and bones are strong, the hair is extremely long, and the body is full.

The woman is 4728 years old, which is the golden age of "late marriage and late childbearing, eugenics".

As women, being a mother is a "painful and happy" time in their lives, and this time period should consider being a good mother, a good wife, and a good daughter-in-law.

This time period for women, the physiology has reached the highest peak, the muscles and bones are strong and powerful, the hair is extremely long, traditional Chinese medicine says that the hair is blood, the blood is enough, and the surplus will grow hair, when women reach the age of 28, the hair can be kept very long, and it does not split and does not fall off, which is that the body has enough blood to nourish it.

The physiological process of a woman's life can be divided into 7 stages, see which one you are in?

On the other hand, if there is a lot of shedding, it means that you have consumed too much of your own blood, and it is not enough for itself, so there is no surplus qi and blood to nourish the long hair.

In addition, when the body is filled with enough qi and blood, it will flow to the limbs, so it is best to have a child between the ages of 21~28.

After that, it is not easy to give birth, there is no milk or little milk, and it is not easy to carry, so we say that we must follow the law of change in our own life to do things. At this stage, women must pay attention to protecting the liver and kidneys, do not do behaviors that damage kidney qi, such as multiple miscarriages, etc., and maintain a comfortable mood in life to ensure the regulation of liver qi!

After the age of twenty-eight, a woman's body begins to decline and begins to age.

● Wuqi: Wuqi Yang Ming pulse declines, the face begins to burn (coke is black, dry meaning), and the hair begins to fall.

After the peak period of physiology, when a woman is 5735 years old, Yang Ming pulse (refers to the stomach and large intestine meridians), indicating that the function of the stomach and large intestine is weakened, what is the external performance?

That is, the whole face of a person with a bad face (yellow-faced woman) is covered by the meridians of the six intestines, and the meridians that mainly cover most of the face are the Zuyang Ming stomach meridians, which rise from the lower eyelids of the two eyes, go down, pass through the corners of the mouth, and then go up again with the cheeks, scattered on the forehead.

If this vein is insufficient, people will have the following problems: 1. Bags under the eyes, like a "lying worm" in the morning (this is a cold stomach). 2. The face is prone to wrinkles and spots.

At this age, many women have melasma, butterfly spots, and black spots on their faces, which are all manifestations of "burning", which are caused by the cold of the stomach meridian.

● Six-seven: Six-seven-three yang veins are weakened on the top, the face is scorched, and the hair is white.

In modern society, due to the pressure of work and life, many women will have premature aging, how to change this situation, how should women spend this important stage of their lives? At the age of 42, all the faces have become dark and dry, and in addition to hair loss, gray hair has appeared.

The reason is that at this time, all the qi and blood of the six meridians are weakened, that is, the functions of the six organs (bladder, gall bladder, three jiao, small intestine, large intestine, and stomach) in the five internal organs and six internal organs have declined.

When these functions are weakened, the face will be scorched and white.

● Qiqi: Qiqi Ren pulse is weak, Taichong pulse is weak, the sky is exhausted, the tunnel is not passable, so the shape is bad and childless.

When he was seventy-seven forty-nine years old, it was Ren who had a deficiency in his pulse, and the manifestation of Ren Pulse deficiency was that the color of his lips had turned white and his lips had become very dry.

The vein that comes up along both sides of the Ren vein - the Taichong vein, is also insufficient in qi and blood, and the sky is exhausted, that is, our innate synthesis and secretion of hormones is gone, and women will have vaginal dryness, menstrual disorder, menstruation does not come in 2~3 months, does not come for half a year, and in the end there is no natural one.

During menopause, due to the deficiency of kidney qi, the kidney water cannot irrigate the liver wood, and the liver blood gradually loses, so it will be easy to have symptoms of depression, the gods will lose their owners, and they will also have the manifestation of restlessness.

Therefore, when you read through this article, you should understand: what should happen to a woman at what age, and we will give her appropriate adjustments, so that she can naturally complete the historical mission.

Women are weak, but mothers are strong! From ancient times to the present, women have borne the responsibility of the family, and they are becoming stronger and stronger.

From marrying with her husband to her husband and teaching children, to equality between men and women, women hold up a piece of the sky.

As a man, you must learn to care for your wife. As a woman, don't forget to be kind to yourself when you work hard!