
For many years, the menstrual flow is small, the color is light, and the menstruation is always delayed, and one side will return to normal in less than two months!

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

I have treated a woman under the age of 30 who complained of a long period of light menstrual bleeding and a long period of delayed menstruation.

She has also done B ultrasound, and has found gynecological experts in major hospitals, and there is no major problem, just let her take Ejiao and other blood-tonifying Chinese patent medicines.

For many years, the menstrual flow is small, the color is light, and the menstruation is always delayed, and one side will return to normal in less than two months!

The day after tomorrow, I was recommended by her best friend to find me, and when she stuck her tongue out, I saw that her tongue was very light and light, and she had a proper blood deficiency physique!

If the yin blood in the body is insufficient, of course the body will be very critical of the "big aunt", and there is no deposit and accounting, where does the "heavy bleeding" come from?

I asked her to insist on taking Siwu Tang, and in less than two months, the patient was overjoyed, all symptoms were eliminated, and her hair was shiny, her face was beautiful, and her skin was beautiful.

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says, "The owner of man, blood and gas ears".

Qi and blood are inseparable, and for women, blood replenishment is particularly important, and blood is the foundation of women, which is related to the physiological structure of women themselves.

A woman can't live without blood all her life, big aunt, give birth to children...... Blood is the key to keeping a woman young forever and beautiful forever, so remember that a woman's life needs to be replenished and nourished.

And the first way to nourish blood is none other than the "soup of four things"! The ancient sages said: All the prescriptions for nourishing blood will be transformed into four things from now on. Siwu Tang is a traditional Chinese medicine tonic that is loved by women because of its unique efficacy.

Siwu Tang was first published in the Song Dynasty's "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula", which was derived from the Jiaoai Tang in the chapter "Jin Kui Yaolu: Women's Pregnancy Disease Pulse Syndrome and Treatment".

It is composed of Angelica sinensis, Rehmannia, White Peony and Chuanxiong, which is a classic prescription that we commonly use to nourish and nourish blood, also known as the gynecological holy formula, which has the effect of nourishing blood, carrying blood and invigorating blood.

Regarding the origin of the name of "Four Things Soup", it is explained in "Cheng Yi Reading": "Things, classes are also similar to each other, each has a merit, the spring angelica deficiency is supplemented, the summer is born Sichuan Xiongyu is reached, the autumn harvest peony is real, and the winter rehmannia is urgent."

That is to say, angelica is like the germination of spring, Chuanxiong is like the long-term cultivation of summer, white peony is like the convergence of autumn, and the cooked land is like the solid storage of winter, and the four flavors of medicine just correspond to the four seasons of the year, transforming all things, so it is called "four things soup".

For many years, the menstrual flow is small, the color is light, and the menstruation is always delayed, and one side will return to normal in less than two months!

After the menstrual cycle, women will always have a yellow complexion, so blood replenishment, menstrual regulation, and beauty have become the three major events for women.

For example, even if a woman takes "Siwu Soup" after every menstruation, it can nourish qi and blood, ruddy complexion, and moisturized skin.

In addition, if Siwu Tang is used flexibly, Siwu Tang can play a wider range of functions with different proportions of the four flavors of medicine. For example, reusing rehmanthus and angelica sinensis and lightly using Chuanxiong is a good remedy for blood tonic; when angelica and Chuanxiong are used lightly or not, it can help pregnant women to protect the fetus; reusing angelica sinensis and Chuanxiong and using white peony lightly can treat low menstrual flow, blood stasis amenorrhea and so on.

In addition, the countless "Zi Fang" and "Sun Fang" derived from Siwu Tang have also contributed to the treatment of gynecological diseases.

The more famous is Peach Red Siwu Soup, which is made of Siwu soup with peach kernels and safflower, which specializes in treating menorrhagia caused by blood deficiency and blood stasis, and can also deal with threatened miscarriage and habitual miscarriage.

Siwu soup is named Ai Siwu soup after adding mugwort leaves, ejiao and licorice, which is used to treat menorrhagia and is a good medicine for fetal nourishment and blood leakage.

In the pharmacy, the Chinese patent medicine Bazhen Yimu Pill and the Ten Perfect Tonic Pills are all prepared on the basis of Siwu Soup!

For many years, the menstrual flow is small, the color is light, and the menstruation is always delayed, and one side will return to normal in less than two months!

Siwu soup nourishes blood without stagnation of blood, blood without breaking blood, scatters in supplements, and collects in scattered, which can be used all year round.

There are many wonderful things about taking Siwu Tang, which can help the human body to invigorate blood and eliminate blood stasis, eliminate blood clots, reduce the pain during menstruation, improve anemia, and make hands and feet not easy to be cold; it is also a beauty product, because it helps the flow of qi and blood, so often drinking Siwu Tang can make your face ruddy, your skin is smoother, and you look several years younger; Siwu Tang can not only nourish blood and nourish blood, but also invigorate blood and regulate menstruation. Dizziness and menstrual bleeding. In addition, Siwu soup can also moisturize the skin and prevent aging.

For many years, the menstrual flow is small, the color is light, and the menstruation is always delayed, and one side will return to normal in less than two months!

Nowadays, most women's qi and blood are not very good, and they are labeled as "yellow-faced women" at a young age, or for sub-healthy people who often sit in the office, exercise less, are stressed, have poor complexion, and are easily tired.

If Siwu Tang is taken regularly under the guidance of experienced Chinese medicine practitioners, it will help smooth the flow of qi and blood, reduce the symptoms of cold hands and feet, and make the face rosy and smooth skin, slow down the aging of physiological functions, and make people look younger.

If the symptoms of blood deficiency are more serious, dizziness, palpitations and tinnitus, insomnia and dreams, memory loss, and yellowish complexion, pale lips and nails, astringent and dry skin, and even premature skin wrinkles, hair loss, pigmentation, etc., at this time, it is necessary to use Siwu Tang to add or subtract due to the symptoms, and these states can be quickly corrected, so as to make the qi and blood full, the face is gorgeous, the body and mind are healthy, and the pace of aging is slowed down.

Of course, Siwu soup has a not very strong Chinese herbal flavor.

If you really can't get used to the taste of Chinese medicine, you can add red dates, goji berries and brown sugar, or add chicken, pork ribs or crucian carp to stew!

Note, not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers!